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3101 Wilson Boulevard | Suite 700 | Arlington | Virginia 22201 | Telephone: (703) 684-1125 w w w. s t a n l e y a s s o c i a t e s. c o m Automatic Identification.

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Presentation on theme: "3101 Wilson Boulevard | Suite 700 | Arlington | Virginia 22201 | Telephone: (703) 684-1125 w w w. s t a n l e y a s s o c i a t e s. c o m Automatic Identification."— Presentation transcript:

1 3101 Wilson Boulevard | Suite 700 | Arlington | Virginia 22201 | Telephone: (703) 684-1125 w w w. s t a n l e y a s s o c i a t e s. c o m Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) Solution Center 19 March 2008 Kickoff

2 Company Confidential and Proprietary 2 Agenda  Stanley Proposal Team  Procurement Overview  Statement of Work  Evaluation Criteria  Stanley Team  Competitive Assessment  Win Themes  Schedule  Submission Requirements  Writing Assignments  Discussion  Questions, Comments, Action Items

3 Company Confidential and Proprietary 3 Proposal Team  Account Manager/Technical Volume Lead – Amy Ygbuhay – –703-441-4903  Proposal Manager – Tim Draughon – –703-310-3166 (w), 703-483-0957 (c)  Proposal Coordinator – Eric Aspland – –703-310-3305  Technical Volume Lead – Rhonda Copeland –Rhonda –843-218-6404 (desk), 843-261-3754 (cell)  Pricing Volume Lead – Charles (Chuck) Ragland – –703-310-3310  Graphics Lead – Yathrib Elhillali – –703-310-3283  Contracts Administrator – Barbara Crump – –703-310-3308

4 Company Confidential and Proprietary 4 Procurement Overview Name of ProgramAutomatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) Solution Center Name of CustomerMarine Corps Logistics Command (MARCORLOGCOM) Distribution Management Center Charge NumberBP800.1127 Solicitation NumberM67854-08-Q-4710 RFP Release Date08 August 2008 RFCs Due20 August 2008 Proposal Due Date01 October 2008, 10 A.M. Award DateTBD Period of PerformanceTwelve (12) months from Task Order Award Date + four (4) one-year options Place of PerformanceContractor facility, Albany, GA, and Barstow, CA with majority of the work in Albany Contract Type and ValueFirm Fixed Price task order against LOGCOM AIDC contract vehicle resulting from this RFQ; $TBD

5 Company Confidential and Proprietary 5 Statement of Work - Tasks PWSTaskSub-tasks 7.1Project Management  Work Breakdown Structure and Schedule  Risk Management Plan  Bi-Weekly Status Reports (BSR) and Project Status Maps (PSM) 7.2Solution Design  Analysis and Assessments - Facility Infrastructure Analysis - Frequency Assessment - Baseline Process and Systems Assessment  Requirements and Solution Planning - Final Solution Design  Evaluation, HW and SW Selection and Final Solution Design - Hardware Selection and Design - Network and Middleware Selection and Design 7.3Build & Deploy: Configuration, Deployment, Certification and Training  Configuration - Middleware Configuration - Reader/Portal Configuration  Certification  Training 7.4Post-Installation Technical Support/Maintenance  Help Desk Support  On-Site Personnel

6 Company Confidential and Proprietary 6 Statement of Work – Skill Sets Required  Project Management  Risk Management  Facility Infrastructure Analysis (LAN, electrical, environmental, shielding, etc.)  RFID Installation  Baseline Process and System Assessment  Requirements Analysis  Solution Design  Hardware Infrastructure Design  Middleware  Network  IA/Certification (ATO/ATC for MCEN/NMCI)  Reader/Portal Configuration  Scientific Optimization and Certification Documentation for RFID  Training (Users, Administrators)  Electronic User Manuals  Help Desk Support  On-Site Assistance

7 Company Confidential and Proprietary 7 Evaluation Criteria  The Government intends to evaluate quotations and award a task order without discussions. Each Offeror’s quotation should contain the Offeror’s best price, and technical position. The Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if it is later deemed necessary. Any Offeror that is rated below “Acceptable” in any evaluation criteria will not be considered for contract award.  Award will be to the responsive and responsible Offeror whose quotation (conforming to the solicitation) represents the best value to the Government considering the areas of Understanding and Approach, Personnel, Past Performance, and Price. In order to be considered responsive to this RFQ, the offeror’s quotation MUST meet all RFQ and Statement of Work requirements. Unsupported promises to comply with the contractual requirements will not be sufficient.  The Government may award to other than the lowest-priced Offeror or to other than the Offeror with the highest technical rating if the Contracting Officer determines that to do so would result in the best value to the Government.  The Government intends to award a labor hour task order to the Offeror: –Whose quotation is technically acceptable; –Whose offer is deemed responsive to the solicitation requirements; –Whose overall offer represents “Best Value” to the Government.  In making its “Best Value” determination, the government will consider overall technical merit to be of significantly greater importance than evaluated price. However, the importance of price as a factor in the final determination will increase with the degree of equality in the overall technical merit of the quotations.

8 Company Confidential and Proprietary 8 Evaluation Criteria (continued)  While the evaluated price to the government is a substantial area of consideration in the integrated assessment of offers, the overall technical merit is significantly greater than evaluated price. Therefore, the government may select other than the lowest price, acceptable offer if it is determined that the superior capability is worth the additional price. However, the government will not make an award at a significantly higher price to achieve only slightly superior performance capability.  The relative order of importance of the non-price factors is listed below: –Understanding and Approach –Personnel –Past Performance  Factor 1 is of most importance, followed by factors 2 and 3 being equal in importance..  Price: –The total price including all optional tasks quoted by the offeror’s will be evaluated, but not rated. The price evaluation will determine whether each offeror’s proposed price to the government is reasonable, realistic, and complete. The proposed price to the government must be compatible with the technical portion of the offer.

9 Company Confidential and Proprietary 9 Stanley Team  Stanley Associates –Prime  Subs –Gould & Associates Global Services, Inc.

10 Company Confidential and Proprietary 10 Competitive Assessment  Strengths –In-depth knowledge of MOWASP warehouse operations –RFID/UID migrations in SPAWAR –Competitive FFP vendor well known in Albany  Weaknesses –Parts of SOW are ambiguous, may be a lock for someone that weren't not aware of –Personnel –Price  Competitors –Smartronix –Intermec –Savi –Battelle –BAH

11 Company Confidential and Proprietary 11 Win Themes  Proven logistics-based company  Operating RFID/UID functionality operations similar to DMC's requirement  Extensive understanding of MOWASP (and family of systems) with reach back in Albany

12 Company Confidential and Proprietary 12 Schedule (Tentative) Kickoff2 PM EDT, Monday, 15 September Pink Team Drafts DueN/A Pink Team ReviewN/A Red Team Drafts Due5 PM EDT, Thursday, 18 September 2008 Red Team1 PM EDT, Friday, 19 September 2008 Gold Team Drafts Due5 PM Wednesday, 24 September 2008 Gold Team11 AM Friday, 26 September 2008 Editing and Production29/30 September 2008 Delivery01 October 2008, before 10 A.M.

13 Company Confidential and Proprietary 13 Submission Requirements  Price Volume (no page limit) – two (2) hard copies –One signed and completed copy of the attached Standard Form 1449 (SF 1449) signed by a person authorized to enter into the proposed task order on behalf of the Offeror; as part of Price Volume. –Part I: Model Task Order Information –Part II: Offeror’s Price Quotation Backup  Technical Volume – five (5) hard copies –Table of Contents (no page limit) –Executive Summary/Letter of Transmittal (3 pages) –Part III: Understanding and Approach (30 pages) –Part IV: Personnel (8 pages) –Part V: Past Performance (5 pages) –Appendix A: WBS (8 pages) –Appendix B: Resumes (2 pages each; no overall page limit) –Appendix C: Deliverables Table (2 pages) –Appendix D: Acronym List (no page limit)  One electronic copy of the full quotation (Executive Summary/Letter of Transmittal and Parts I through V) using a Microsoft Office for Windows suite of applications, submitted on CD-ROM, formatted for a personal computer. –Price breakdown will include MS Excel spreadsheets with formulae intact. –Schedules will be in MS Project or compatible format. –Delivery of process flows may be in hard copy if not compatible with the above software.

14 Company Confidential and Proprietary 14 Submission Requirements  Font for text: Arial or Times New Roman 11 point  Font for tables and graphics: Not less than 8 point  Foldouts: Not allowed except for WBS  Margin: 1 inch on all sides  Line Spacing: May be single-spaced  Header/footer: Each pages provides identification of the submitting Offeror in the header or footer

15 Company Confidential and Proprietary 15 Writing Assignments SectionPagesWriter Table of Contentsn/a Executive Summary/Letter of Transmittal3 Part III: Understanding and Approach30 3.1 Management Approach(5) 3.2 Understanding of Requirements(2) 3.3 Technical Approachn/a 3.3.1 Solution Design Experience with RFID Technology Technical Engineering Analysis (Facility Infrastructure Analysis, Frequency Assessment, Baseline Process and Systems Assessment) Evaluation, HW/SW Selection Design 3.3.2 Build & Deploy: Configuration, Deployment, Certification and Training Build Deploy Configuration Test Support

16 Company Confidential and Proprietary 16 Writing Assignments (continued) SectionPagesWriter Certification/Information Assurance Training 3.3.3 Post-Installation Technical Support/Maintenance Help Desk On-Site Support Systems Maintenance Part IV: Personnel8 Part V: Past Performance5 Appendix A: Draft WBS/Schedule8 Appendix B: Resumes2 each Appendix C: Deliverables Table2 Appendix D: Acronym Listn/a

17 Company Confidential and Proprietary 17 Discussion  Past Performances –Must be within last 3 years –Identify current contacts—government will send out questionnaires  Resumes  RFCs  Other Discussion Items –Identify Reviewers

18 Company Confidential and Proprietary 18 Questions, Comments, Action Items  Questions and Comments –?  Action Items –?

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