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Flora of North America North of Mexico Jay A. Raveill University of Central Missouri Jay A. Raveill University of Central Missouri.

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Presentation on theme: "Flora of North America North of Mexico Jay A. Raveill University of Central Missouri Jay A. Raveill University of Central Missouri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flora of North America North of Mexico Jay A. Raveill University of Central Missouri Jay A. Raveill University of Central Missouri

2 ‘Single Author’ period John Torrey and Asa Gray –A Flora of North America –1838-1845 –Vascular plants –2 volumes –Not completed John Torrey and Asa Gray –A Flora of North America –1838-1845 –Vascular plants –2 volumes –Not completed

3 ‘Single Author’ period Asa Gray (1810- 1888) –Synoptical Flora of North America –Vascular plants –2 volumes –1878-1897 (Watson, Robinson) –Not completed Asa Gray (1810- 1888) –Synoptical Flora of North America –Vascular plants –2 volumes –1878-1897 (Watson, Robinson) –Not completed

4 Collaborative projects Nathaniel Lord Britton (NY) –North American Flora –Initiated 1905 –Vascular plants, bryophytes, fungi, algae –Planned 34 volumes –Sections published as available Nathaniel Lord Britton (NY) –North American Flora –Initiated 1905 –Vascular plants, bryophytes, fungi, algae –Planned 34 volumes –Sections published as available 1859-1934


6 North American Flora Ended in 1949 Published 94 sections Parts of 24 volumes 3 volumes completed Ended in 1949 Published 94 sections Parts of 24 volumes 3 volumes completed

7 North American Flora Series 2 Started 1954 Treatments published as available Numbered as received Geographical area more flexible 13 parts Last in 1990 Series 2 Started 1954 Treatments published as available Numbered as received Geographical area more flexible 13 parts Last in 1990

8 Flora North America 1965- American Society of Plant Taxonomists established committee Stanwyn Shetler (US) Computer use for data Project ended in 1973 due to lack of funding 1965- American Society of Plant Taxonomists established committee Stanwyn Shetler (US) Computer use for data Project ended in 1973 due to lack of funding

9 Flora of North America North of Mexico Initial meeting 1982 22 botanists from Canada and USA Missouri Botanical Garden –Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation –Carnegie Museum Initial meeting 1982 22 botanists from Canada and USA Missouri Botanical Garden –Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation –Carnegie Museum

10 Vascular plantsVascular plants USA, Canada, Greenland, St. Pierre and MiquelonUSA, Canada, Greenland, St. Pierre and Miquelon

11 Run by FNA Editorial Committee Original FNA Editorial Committee

12 1982-1987 Housed at Missouri Botanical Garden Funded by participating institutions, American Society of Plant Taxonomist, Canadian Botanical Association ‘Contributors Guide’ Applied for grants 1982-1987 Housed at Missouri Botanical Garden Funded by participating institutions, American Society of Plant Taxonomist, Canadian Botanical Association ‘Contributors Guide’ Applied for grants

13 1987 external funding Pew Charitable Trusts National Science Foundation 1987 external funding Pew Charitable Trusts National Science Foundation

14 1990 bryophytes added to project

15 Publication! –1993 Volume 1 – Vegetation, classifications, etc. Volume 2 – Ferns and gymnosperms Publication! –1993 Volume 1 – Vegetation, classifications, etc. Volume 2 – Ferns and gymnosperms

16 Important Features Descriptions Limited synonymy Keys for all recognized taxa Parallel descriptions Extensive bibliography Descriptions Limited synonymy Keys for all recognized taxa Parallel descriptions Extensive bibliography


18 Distributional information

19 Volumes Originally planned for 12 volumes Now 30 volumes –1 general essays,1 combined bibliography –3 bryophytes –5 monocots –20 dicots Cronquist system Originally planned for 12 volumes Now 30 volumes –1 general essays,1 combined bibliography –3 bryophytes –5 monocots –20 dicots Cronquist system

20 Databases –Additional morphology –Type specimens –Habitats –Precise location of collection sites –Populations –Communities Consumed most original funding Databases –Additional morphology –Type specimens –Habitats –Precise location of collection sites –Populations –Communities Consumed most original funding

21 1997 – Volume 3 - Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae NSF funding ran out 1997 – Volume 3 - Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae NSF funding ran out

22 Missouri Botanical Garden continued housing Reorganization of structure (2003) Some evolution ongoing More efficient Many working in parallel Missouri Botanical Garden continued housing Reorganization of structure (2003) Some evolution ongoing More efficient Many working in parallel

23 New funding Some from NSF Chanticleer Foundation Other private groups New funding Some from NSF Chanticleer Foundation Other private groups

24 Funding National Science Foundation, Chanticleer Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts, The Caleb C. and Julia W. Dula Foundation, The Surdna Foundation, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, ARCO Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Union Pacific, Chevron, The Edward Chase Garvey Memorial Foundation, Waste Management, Inc., The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation

25 FNA organization Board of Directors – governing body Executive Committee – operations VP for Business and Development – fundraising Board of Directors – governing body Executive Committee – operations VP for Business and Development – fundraising

26 Volume Production Taxon Editor Tech Editor Lead Editor Editorial Director Managin g Editor Artist Manuscript Flow OUP Lead Editorial Center MBG Bib. & Tax. Editors

27 Volume Production Author Taxon Editor Tech Editor Lead Editor Editorial Director Managing Editor Artist Manuscript Flow OUP Regional Coordinator Regional Reviewer Lead Editorial Center MBG Taxon Reviewer Bib. & Tax. Editors

28 Authors Experts when possible Many assigned in 1990s; taxon/lead editors reconfirm assignments and find replacements if needed for orphan genera –retirements –deaths Priorities often not the same as those of FNA; deadlines sometimes meaningless Uniformity necessary Experts when possible Many assigned in 1990s; taxon/lead editors reconfirm assignments and find replacements if needed for orphan genera –retirements –deaths Priorities often not the same as those of FNA; deadlines sometimes meaningless Uniformity necessary

29 Microgrant Program Formally established in 2004 Grants facilitate writing of treatments – not research grants $100s-$1000s May be used for travel, supplies, etc. Formally established in 2004 Grants facilitate writing of treatments – not research grants $100s-$1000s May be used for travel, supplies, etc.

30 Volume Production Author Taxon Editor Tech Editor Lead Editor Editorial Director Managing Editor Artist Manuscript Flow OUP Regional Coordinator Regional Reviewer Lead Editorial Center MBG Taxon Reviewer Bib. Editor

31 Taxon Editors Locate authors Facilitate submissions Receive manuscripts Preliminary checks Forwards to Technical Editor Receives regional/taxonomic reviews Locate authors Facilitate submissions Receive manuscripts Preliminary checks Forwards to Technical Editor Receives regional/taxonomic reviews

32 Volume Production Author Taxon Editor Tech Editor Lead Editor Editorial Director Managing Editor Artist Manuscript Flow OUP Regional Coordinator Regional Reviewer Lead Editorial Center MBG Taxon Reviewer Bib. Editor

33 Technical Editor Formatting Enforces rules –Parallelism Paid Sends manuscript to regional Regional Coordinators and Nomenclatural Editor Formatting Enforces rules –Parallelism Paid Sends manuscript to regional Regional Coordinators and Nomenclatural Editor

34 Volume Production Author Taxon Editor Tech Editor Lead Editor Editorial Director Managing Editor Artist Manuscript Flow OUP Regional Coordinator Regional Reviewer Lead Editorial Center MBG Taxon Reviewer Bib. Editor

35 Regional Review 12 regions for regional reviews Regional Coordinators distribute manuscripts; compile review comments 80+ regional reviewers have opportunity to comment on draft treatments 12 regions for regional reviews Regional Coordinators distribute manuscripts; compile review comments 80+ regional reviewers have opportunity to comment on draft treatments

36 Volume Production Author Taxon Editor Tech Editor Lead Editor Editorial Director Managing Editor Artist Manuscript Flow OUP Regional Coordinator Regional Reviewer Lead Editorial Center MBG Taxon Reviewer Bib. Editor

37 Artists Ca. 10 artists employed by project; all artwork original 1 in 6 species illustrated; 1 representative of each genus 35 – 40% of project funding for art Art extremely popular; many reuse requests from organizations Artist/author communication improving Ca. 10 artists employed by project; all artwork original 1 in 6 species illustrated; 1 representative of each genus 35 – 40% of project funding for art Art extremely popular; many reuse requests from organizations Artist/author communication improving

38 Volume Production Author Taxon Editor Tech Editor Lead Editor Editorial Director Managing Editor Artist Manuscript Flow OUP Regional Coordinator Regional Reviewer Lead Editorial Center MBG Taxon Reviewer Bib. Editor

39 Editorial Centers Centers coordinate production of 1 volume at a time (except MBG) Core personnel: 1 lead editor, 1 technical editor, and support staff Volume production ca. 2.5 years Lead editors orchestrate production with input from MBG Number of taxon editors assigned to each volume varies according to families in volume Centers coordinate production of 1 volume at a time (except MBG) Core personnel: 1 lead editor, 1 technical editor, and support staff Volume production ca. 2.5 years Lead editors orchestrate production with input from MBG Number of taxon editors assigned to each volume varies according to families in volume

40 FNAA Editorial Centers Mulitple editorial centers –Hunt Institute of Botanical Documentation (CM) –University of Kansas (KANU) –Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) –Missouri Botanical Garden Bryophyte Center –Université de Montréal (MT) –California Academy of Sciences (CAS) –Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS) Mulitple editorial centers –Hunt Institute of Botanical Documentation (CM) –University of Kansas (KANU) –Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) –Missouri Botanical Garden Bryophyte Center –Université de Montréal (MT) –California Academy of Sciences (CAS) –Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS)

41 Volume Production Author Taxon Editor Tech Editor Lead Editor Editorial Director Managing Editor Artist Manuscript Flow OUP Regional Coordinator Regional Reviewer Lead Editorial Center MBG Taxon Reviewer Bib. Editor

42 Final Production Missouri Botanical Garden –Paid people –Maps –Incorporate art plates –Indexing –Formatting –Send to Oxford University Press for printing Missouri Botanical Garden –Paid people –Maps –Incorporate art plates –Indexing –Formatting –Send to Oxford University Press for printing

43 Production Schedule Volume 8 Volume 82005 2006 2006 2007 20 families / 129 genera / 765 species J-MA-JJ-SO-DJ-MA-JJ-SO-DJ-MA-JJ-S Status Check Meetings * * * * * Manuscript Preparation Submission Benchmarks (%) Submission Benchmarks (%) 2020305080100 Taxon & Tech Edits/Reviews Art Indexing and Styles Map Production Author & Final Reviews Composition (23 start points)

44 Published Volumes YearTopic/Taxa1993 1 – Introduction; 2 – Pteridophytes & Gymnosperms 1997 3 – Magnoliidae & Hamamelidae 2000 22 – Alismatidae, Arecidae, Commelinidae (in part) & Zingiberidae 2002 23 – Commelinidae (in part), Cyperaceae; 26 – Liliidae 2003 4 – Caryophyllidae I; 25 – Commelinidae, Poaceae II 2005 5 – Caryophyllidae II 2006 19, 20, 21 – Asteraceae I, II & III 2007 24 – Commelinidae, Poaceae I; 27 – Bryophytes I

45 2006 some Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II changes incorporated

46 Published VolumesYearTopic/Taxa2009 8 – 19 families, e.g. Ericaceae, Saxifragaceae, Crassulaceae 2009 7 – 11 families, e.g. Brassicaceae and Salicaceae Ca. 850 people have contributed to first 16 volumes

47 Statistics Vol.Spp. numberPagesYear 1na3721993 25574751993 37415901997 46525592003 57396552005 76827972009 89236082009 19-20-21241318612006 224233522000 238436082002 24-25137316942003, 2007 269087232002 277047132007 Total FNA1095810007

48 Available on-line – –

49 Next Volumes

50 In production YearVol.TaxonCenterGen% 20109RosaceaeCan.75100 20106Malvales/Cu curbitales Hunt9791+ 201010-11Fabales/Myr tales MO20767 201028Bryophytes 2 MO- Bryo 20884+

51 Centers Vol.CenterYearGen.% 12Illinois201211571 13Canada20111526 14Hunt20129813 15MO2010+734 16MO?20119931 17Kansas20119313 18Calif. Acad.20121282 29B-MO201112117 30Hunt & MO2012NA

52 After 2013 Live approach to eFNA IT committee considering mechanisms for updating and maintaining Flora into the future –revisions –recircumscriptions –atlas component –better access to content –interactive tools Live approach to eFNA IT committee considering mechanisms for updating and maintaining Flora into the future –revisions –recircumscriptions –atlas component –better access to content –interactive tools

53 Volumes 10 & 11 13 families Fabaceae Onagraceae Lythraceae Polygalaceae 13 families Fabaceae Onagraceae Lythraceae Polygalaceae

54 Fabaceae Taxon editors –Michael Vincent, Miami (Ohio) University –Jay Raveill, University of Central Missouri Taxon editors –Michael Vincent, Miami (Ohio) University –Jay Raveill, University of Central Missouri

55 Fabaceae Received (end of May) –64% of genera –78% of species Extensive editing and reviews still to do Large genera a challenge to keep descriptions parallel Received (end of May) –64% of genera –78% of species Extensive editing and reviews still to do Large genera a challenge to keep descriptions parallel

56 Fabaceae Order and circumscription of genera following Legumes of the World (mostly) –28 tribes –149 genera –1443 species –60+ author Order and circumscription of genera following Legumes of the World (mostly) –28 tribes –149 genera –1443 species –60+ author

57 Fabaceae Caesalpinoides 18 genera 96 species Caesalpinoides 18 genera 96 species Cercis canadense

58 Fabaceae MimosoidesMimosoides 22 genera22 genera 108 species108 species Desmanthus illinoensis bioimages

59 Fabaceae Papilionoids 109 genera 1249 species Papilionoids 109 genera 1249 species

60 Astragalus 354 species354 species Loco weeds, milkvetchLoco weeds, milkvetch


62 Lupinus 154 species154 species

63 Trifolium CloverClover 95 species95 species

64 Dalea 58 species58 species

65 Desmodium 46 species46 species

66 Lathyrus 41 species

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