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Lovejoy Preschool PTA Association January 20, 2011 Terri Harkey Puster Elementary Library Media Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Lovejoy Preschool PTA Association January 20, 2011 Terri Harkey Puster Elementary Library Media Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lovejoy Preschool PTA Association January 20, 2011 Terri Harkey Puster Elementary Library Media Specialist

2 Poll Everywhere Getting to know you Getting to know me

3 Communication Start early Talk with your children about potential dangers – initiate conversations Encourage your children to tell you what happens on the computer- create an open environment Be proactive but patient Communicate your values Have an understand up front that you WILL have access to accounts and passwords and that you will be checking

4 Statistics 95% of parents don’t know the lingo kids use to let friends know that their parents are watching 89% of sexual solicitations are made in Chat Rooms or Instant Messages 1 out of 5 kids has been solicited sexually online 76% of parents don’t have rules about what their kids can do on the computer 4,000,000 children are posting content to the Web everyday 15,000,000 youth use Instant Messaging 61% of 13-17 year olds have a personal profile on social networking sites 71% of students have reported receiving messages from someone they do not know 64% of teens say they do things online that they wouldn’t want their parents to know about From 2007-2009 MySpace has deleted 90,000 accounts because they were created by registered sex offenders

5 Control Access Keep the computer in a common area Monitor the kids when they are online Install filtering, tracking and blocking software Adjust parental controls on your Internet Service Provider Check the history

6 Filters Features Ease of Use Ease of Installation Filtering Effectiveness

7 Features Control Content (in and out) Block Sites (URL’s or real-time websites) Passwords Email filtering Pop-Up blocking Social Networks Chat Room monitoring Real Time alerts

8 Ease of Use Limited Knowledge Cost $25 - $100 per year Ease of Installation Multiple machines Remote access

9 Filtering Effectiveness Blocks unacceptable Allows access Provides Reports Blocks database of URL or realtime websites (slower) Prevents proxies

10 Proxies

11 Check History Phones

12 Safe Sites Kids Click! Kent State University ALA Great Websites for Kids reatwebsites&template=/cfapps/gws/default.c fm Puster Library Sites

13 Do Something

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