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National Computational Science Alliance From NCSA to the Alliance - Computer Science interacting with Computational Science Invited Talk to UIUC Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "National Computational Science Alliance From NCSA to the Alliance - Computer Science interacting with Computational Science Invited Talk to UIUC Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Computational Science Alliance From NCSA to the Alliance - Computer Science interacting with Computational Science Invited Talk to UIUC Computer Science Grad Students January 29, 1998

2 National Computational Science Alliance The Alliance Emerges From the NSF Supercomputing Center National Center for Supercomputing Applications –Unit of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign –Founded 1985 –Becomes the Alliance Leading Edge Center Information and Computational Infrastructure Arises –NSFnet Develops from Center’s Backbone –Macs and PCs Hook in Using NCSA Telnet –Web Browsing Grows out of NCSA Mosaic Partnerships in Advanced Computational Infrastructure –New NSF Program –Two Winners: Alliance and NPACI

3 National Computational Science Alliance Leading Edge Centers –Supernodes of the Grid Enabling Technology Teams –Architects of the Grid Applications Technologies Teams –Specifications for the Grid Education, Outreach, and Training Teams –Content for the Grid Partners for Advanced Computational Services –Support for the Grid Industrial Partners and Strategic Vendors –Technology Transfer for the Grid The Alliance is Prototyping the National Technology Grid

4 National Computational Science Alliance The Alliance National Technology Grid - Prototyping the 21st Century Infrastructure

5 National Computational Science Alliance NCSA Industrial Partners Allstate Insurance Co. Boeing Company Caterpillar Inc. Eastman Kodak Co. Eli Lilly and Company FMC Corporation Ford Motor Company J. P. Morgan Motorola, Inc. Phillips Petroleum Co. SABRE Group, Inc. Schlumberger Sears, Roebuck & Co. Shell Oil Company Tribune Company

6 National Computational Science Alliance NCSA Strategic Vendor Partners Ameritech Compaq Computer Cisco Dell EMC Hewlett-Packard MCI Silicon Graphics/Cray Computer Associates IBM Microsoft Oracle Platform Computing Sun Microsystems Sybase HardwareSoftware

7 National Computational Science Alliance DCS Faculty Working With the Alliance Reed - I/O, Performance Analysis, VR Chien - NT Clusters Torrellas - Architecture and Apps. Analysis Nahrstedt - Networks, QoS, Multimedia Alliance Funds DCS for These Areas

8 National Computational Science Alliance Alliance Enabling Technologies Teams - Faculty Leads Parallel Computing (16) –Ken Kennedy, Rice U –Greg McRae, MIT Distributed Computing (15) –Rick Stevens, Argonne –Paul Woodward, U Minnesota Data and Collaboration (14) –Dan Reed, UIUC –Roscoe Giles, Boston U

9 National Computational Science Alliance FY 98 Parallel Computing ET Team Goals Current Deployment: –Enabling Libraries: –Dense linear algebra –Parallel MPI –SQP –Portable Extensible Toolkits for Sci.Computing –Distributed Adaptive Grid Hierarchy –HPF application and compiler studies –HPF, C, and I/O performance tools Development –Basic FFT Routines –Adaptive Grid Tutorials –ADIC –CAVE Library on DSM –HPC++ Library –Experimental HPF Compiler –F77 & F90 Perfomance Tools –Version 1 NT Cluster Software Distribution –Treadmarks on NT Clusters

10 National Computational Science Alliance FY 98 Distributed Computing ET Team Goals Current Activity –Initial Team in Place –ANL/NCSA staff –Support from PACS – Strategy Evolving –Leverage of existing effort –Model after Internet Engineering Task Force –Formed Working Groups –Security –Networking –Distributed Queuing –Several others Development –Tele-immersion Driver –Multi-flow Network QoS Requirements Outlined – ANL Testbed to Connect EVL, NCSA –Globus Testbed In Place –ANL, ISI, NCSA, Indiana –Visual Supercomputing Testbeds –Utah, EVL, ANL, NCSA, UMinn. –Object Technology –Alliance-wide Strategy

11 National Computational Science Alliance FY 98 Data and Collaboration ET Team Goals Collaborative Tool Deployments: –Decision Support for Teams –Univ of Michigan –Synchronous, web- integrated –Tango (Syracuse) –Synch/Async framework –Habanero / Isaac (NCSA) –Team Plans to use tools itself, with Various AT teams Scalable I/O & Storage: –Hierarchical Storage –Multiple Platform Evaluation (HPSS, DMF, Unitree) –NCSA/PSC User Data Migration –Large-scale RAID Testbeds –NCSA 4TB EMC RAID –Minnesota Fibre-channel Ciprico RAID –Scalable I/O Initiative –Performance Tools –Parallel I/O

12 National Computational Science Alliance How to Find out More About the Alliance See also

13 National Computational Science Alliance NSF vBNS and PACI - Mutually Interdependent NPACI NCSA Alliance Both NCSA Alliance and NPACI Other High Performance Connection sites Current vBNS “Backbone” sites

14 National Computational Science Alliance NSF Funds New Grant to Support National Distributed Applications Support Team NCSA Award for FY98-2000 for $2M –Start Date November 1, 1997 Follow-on to National Laboratory for Applied Network Research (NLANR) Establish vBNS Support Center at NCSA –Distributed Applications Help Desk –Training and Workshops for Distributed Application Developers and Users –Repository for Application User and Developer Resources, Analyses, and Lessons Learned

15 National Computational Science Alliance The Illinois Century Network: Illinois Board of Higher Ed. Technology Task Force Proposal calls for the creation of a high-speed state backbone 155-622 Mbps. (Internet 2 Type speeds) Higher education institutions would connect at 45-155Mbps

16 National Computational Science Alliance International Connections Through STAR TAP

17 National Computational Science Alliance NCSA’s Three Major Technology Foci Scalable Computing –Clustered Computing Architectures –Evolution to NT/Intel Knowledge Management –Intranet Use and Development –Automated Discovery & Learning Virtual Environments –Desktop to CAVE –Tele-immersion

18 National Computational Science Alliance TOP500 Systems by Vendor TOP500 Reports:

19 National Computational Science Alliance Three Architectures for High End Computing Clusters of DSM –SGI Origin2000 UNIX DSMs –HP Exemplar UNIX DSM Clusters of SMPs –SGI Power Challenge UNIX SMPs –HP and Compaq NT/Intel SMPs Networks of Computers –UWisc. Condor for UNIX Workstations –NCSA Symbio for NT Desktops NCSA FY98

20 National Computational Science Alliance Future Upgrade Under Negotiation with NSF NCSA Combines Shared Memory Programming with Massive Parallelism CM-5 CM-2

21 National Computational Science Alliance World’s Largest Unclassified SGI/Cray Origin - NCSA’s Cluster of DSMs Power Challenge Array Origin Array 128 4x64 4x32 10x16 Processors 128 Processors Equals a 512 Processor CM-5

22 National Computational Science Alliance The Road to Merced

23 National Computational Science Alliance Alliance NT Cluster Approaches Fast Messaging –Andrew Chien, UIUC DCS –High Performance Network Backplane on SMPs –Support for MPI-FM, MPI-2 put/get, global arrays NCSA Symbio –Briand Sanderson, UIUC NCSA –Parallel Distributed Computing Environment –DCOM / COM based over Desktops and Servers Treadmarks –Willy Zwaenepol, Rice CRPC –Software DSM over NT Cluster

24 National Computational Science Alliance NCSA Knowledge Management Workspaces Agents ORBs (CORBA / ActiveX ) Scripting JavaBeans / Enterprise Objects Java / Smalltalk Distributed Object Technology Simulation Engine Optimization Tools Object and Relational Databases Data Warehouses SGI Mineset AVS, VDI Automated Discovery Collections Analysis Optimization Knowledge Discovery and Visualization Collaborations (Habanero, Tango) VRML Browser CAVE Devices Application Specific Browser

25 National Computational Science Alliance Unicenter TNG on NCSA LAN - Drilling Down to Agent View Source: CA and Cameron Ninham, NCSA

26 National Computational Science Alliance Java Agents For Knowledge Integration Over Distributed Databases WWW User Interface Application Facilitator User RequestResult OLAP Data Query & Reporting Knowledge Discovery Distributed Space Agent Subspace Munich Champaign Tokyo Sidney

27 National Computational Science Alliance How Application Teams Drive the Grid Cosmology –Metacomputing Environmental Hydrology –Immersive Collaboration Chemical Engineering –Virtual Prototyping Bioinformatics –Distributed Data Nanomaterials –Remote Microengineering Scientific Instruments –Virtual Observatories

28 National Computational Science Alliance How Application Teams Drive the Grid Cosmology –Metacomputing Environmental Hydrology –Immersive Collaboration Chemical Engineering –Virtual Prototyping Bioinformatics –Distributed Data Nanomaterials –Remote Microengineering Scientific Instruments –Virtual Observatories

29 National Computational Science Alliance Collaborative Virtual Environment - Environmental Modeling ImmersaDesks vBNS DREN SGI Onyx (NCSA) Integrated M-Bone Videoteleconferencing John Shalf,Polly Baker NCSA; Mike Stephens and Carl Cerco, CEWES SGI Onyx (Old Dominion) SGI Onyx (U. Wisc) Coupling Chesapeake Bay Simulations and Databases SGI Onyx (CEWES) Vicksburg, MS

30 National Computational Science Alliance Using NCSA’s Virtual Director in CAVE5D to Create a Digital Video Output Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stuart Levy, NCSAVirtual Director Team

31 National Computational Science Alliance Using CAVE5D with NCSA’s Virtual Director to Analyze Chesapeake Bay Simulations Alliance Environmental Hydrology Applications Team Glen Wheless and Cathy Lascara, Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Old Dominion University Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Stuart Levy, NCSAVirtual Director Team Fish Larvae at Mouth of the Bay 15 Day Period Salinity (Red-High, Yellow-Low)

32 National Computational Science Alliance Alliance Researchers Using a Digital Video Computational Infrastructure = Digital Video Streams Digital Video Server Internet, vBNS Habanero Teams Create Digital Video Animation Concurrently with Supercomputing CAVE Virtual Director Individual Desktops Desktop Video Teleconferencing

33 National Computational Science Alliance Putting a Window in the Supercomputer Oven- Coupling the vBNS to Scalable Computing Porter, Anderson, Habermann, Ruwart, & Woodward, LCSE,Nov. 1997 Data Moved From NCSA over vBNS to U Minnesota- Visualization at SC97 While Week Long Simulation Runs at NCSA vBNS Gives 100-Fold Thruput Increase Over Commercial Internet! Surface ViewInterior View Evolution of a Red Giant with White Dwarf Core

34 National Computational Science Alliance Proposed National Analysis and Visualization Facility Fibre Channel Disk Arrays 1.12 TeraBytes total space 1.2 GB/sec Sustained Bandwidth Silicon Graphics Reality Monster™ 64 R10000 Processors 32 GigaBytes Main Memory 8 Infinite Reality™ Graphics Engines 16 Fibre Channel Ports 8 HiPPI and ATM Channels 6400x4800 Pixel Display IMAX Film Resolution Interactive VR Joint Project of NCSA / LCSE / EVL Design by Laboratory for Computational Science & Engineering, Univ of Minnesota

35 National Computational Science Alliance Alliance National Technology Grid Workshop, Collaboration, and Training Facilities Powered by Silicon Graphics Linked by the NSF vBNS

36 National Computational Science Alliance Caterpillar’s Distributed Virtual Reality Data courtesy of Valerie Lehner, NCSA, 1996

37 National Computational Science Alliance Tele-Immersion Networking Requirements Source: Tom DeFanti (UIC), Rick Stevens (ANL)

38 National Computational Science Alliance Bringing Scientific / Information Visualization & Virtual Environments to the NT Desktop Early Partner with SGI NT Supergraphics –Port CAVE to NT –Work with Alias/Wavefront on NT VRML and Java3D –Compatible with CAVE Libraries –Develop Specific Applets –Integration with Collaborative Environments Work with AVS, VDI, and other Third Party Partner with Graphics Team at Microsoft

39 National Computational Science Alliance Alliance Visualization Development and Deployment Partners

40 National Computational Science Alliance Graduate Research Assistants at NCSA 23Computer Science 7Engineering (other departments) 9LAS 2Commerce MBA 2Education 1MBA/CS combined 1Labor and Industrial Relations 1Ill. State Geological Survey

41 National Computational Science Alliance Undergraduate Internship Program Pilot program, spring 1998 Sophomores and Juniors eligible Faculty nominations of students to NCSA –by February 16 Students work with NCSA in areas of interest –Up to 20 hours per week for 20 weeks Email

42 National Computational Science Alliance Undergraduates Employed at NCSA Computer Science - 16 Engineering (other departments) - 16 Liberal Arts & Sciences - 9 Fine and Applied Arts - 4 Commerce and Business Admin - 3 College of Communications - 1 ACES (Agriculture-Coop Extension) - 1 Applied Life Studies - 1

43 National Computational Science Alliance Key Areas Where NCSA has Openings vBNS Distributed Applications Support Team Multimedia - Audio and Video Serving Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining NT Clusters and Symbio Java and Application Teams Visualization, VR and Tele-Immersion Collaboration and Distance Learning Modalities Contact Janet Payne, NCSA Recruiter –, 217-265-0619

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