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Presentation on theme: " Annual General Meeting 2012 Year In Review Hilton London, London Ontario Jennifer Green, Executive Coordinator, APAO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual General Meeting 2012 Year In Review Hilton London, London Ontario Jennifer Green, Executive Coordinator, APAO

2 Overview 2011 Highlights Communications Membership New Market Opportunities Changes Forecasted Looking Ahead to 2012

3 APAO Strategic Plan Mission: “APAO is the collective voice of Ontario’s growing biogas industry in the new sustainable energy economy.” Vision: “APAO will develop biogas to its full potential as a clean, green energy source for Ontario.” Membership and Fundraising Communication and Advocacy Sustainability and Innovation

4 Government Relations Top priority in 2011 12 month commitment Pre/post election efforts Your dedicated funds were put to work Collaborative efforts Policy Concepts, Board, members Targeted approach Key stakeholders Fostered relationships Funded by membership direct ask

5 Policy and Regulatory 2011 Hot Topics for Biogas OPA Two-Year FIT Review MOE Renewable Energy Approval Ontario Energy Board RNG Application TSSA/CSA Biogas Safety

6 Education and Outreach CEPP – “Growing Ontario’s Biogas Industry” Biogas tours, events, workshops, webinars Outcomes: ~600 participants on 5 tours Greater collaboration with other organizations PDO, DFO, DFC, SWITCH, OSEA 6 events and 2 webinars COFS, WEAO, CPC, German Chamber, SWAC, GTM Recognition of resource value Expanded monthly newsletter Engaged municipalities Funded by OPA through CEPP

7 Grid Connections Focused research to address technical grid connection issues for biogas Partners include Hydro One, OMAFRA Initiatives Member surveys Monitoring of projects with utility feeders Grid connection guide Link to resources at Funding provided by OMAFRA

8 Developer’s Guide to Biomethane Guide to help farmers evaluate the biomethane opportunity Summer 2012 online Interviews Biogas developers, technology suppliers, utilities, provincial policy makers and regulators, feedstock providers Funded by Agricultural Adaptation Council of Canada, with support from the Canadian Gas Association, PlanET Biogas Solutions, European Power Systems, FortisBC, and APAO members

9 Communications Website Newsletter Biogas links to you!

10 Membership Total 89 members in 2011 Diversification makes us strong Recruit through your networks APAO depends on membership to sustain core operations Join today!

11 New Market Opportunities Renewable Natural Gas OEB application to establish a framework Innovation Forum Biomethane injection into the grid Stationary heat source Transportation fuel Funding provided by Growing Forward, a federal-provincial- territorial initiative Municipalities Utilize waste streams Generate revenues and cost savings

12 A New Name!

13 Looking Ahead to 2012 Challenges Lower activity level Tight fiscal environments = limited resources Perseverance Opportunities Trends Operational projects New interest

14 Mobilizing a Biogas Industry Farmers More individuals or groups investing in AD Government Supportive, prudent policy Reasonable regulatory process Accessibility to programs FIT Review A reasonable price for biogas to include innovation and community adders Financiers Banks understand AD value and willing to invest Technology More Ontario expertise to grow sector Associations Strong active partnerships BIOGAS in ONTARIO

15 Thank You APAO Supporters! Members

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