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 Develop PC-based FPS (first-person- shooter)  Model weapons and aliens  Animate weapons and aliens  Use simple game and character models  Object.

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Presentation on theme: " Develop PC-based FPS (first-person- shooter)  Model weapons and aliens  Animate weapons and aliens  Use simple game and character models  Object."— Presentation transcript:


2  Develop PC-based FPS (first-person- shooter)  Model weapons and aliens  Animate weapons and aliens  Use simple game and character models  Object collision  Model bullets and weapon particle effects  Simple HUD (heads- up-display)  Short, engaging back-story

3 Pre-Production Production Testing  Pre-production – initial planning, pick team, assign roles, preliminary design, identify milestones  Production – final design, meet milestones  Testing – alpha and beta  Completion – deploy product  Maintenance – provide customer support Pre- production ProductionMilestonesTestingCompletion

4  Development team roles assigned based on National Occupational Standards for Interactive Media (2005)

5  Ben: Lead Programmer, Project Manager  Danny: 3D Modeler, Sound Engineer, Programmer  Dmitry: 3D Modeler, Sound Engineer, Programmer  Daniel: Level Designer, Programmer

6  Irrlicht graphics engine  DirectX SDK  IrrKlang sound engine  IrrEdit scene editor  3ds MAX modeling software  Google Sketchup  Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition (IDE)

7  Ogre3D Graphics Engine  Java binding for Ogre3D  Python binding for Ogre3D  Game Engines – Dark GDK, StemCell, Cube 2: Saurbraten  Ogre3D has a steep learning curve  Team inexperience  Incomplete wrapper or binding  Little or no programming involved

8  Irrlicht: cross-platform graphics engine written in C++ (MS Windows Vista, Mac OS)  Supports Direct X and OpenGL  Abstracts details of Direct3D and OpenGL  Open source  GNU Lesser Public License (free)  Stable  Productive  Extensive documentation  Broad support community

9  Basic physics, collision detection, rigid body  Per-pixel lighting  Bump-mapping  Parallax-mapping  Mesh loading and skinning  Bill-boarding  Skybox  Simple water and fog effects  Particle System  2D GUI System

10  Pixel and vertex shaders support  Fast shaders written in assembly  Other shaders written in Cg or DirectX9 HLSL  Scene Management  Scene querying features  Fixed-function pipeline (use prefabricated DirectX algorithm for modifying graphical output)  Supports Pixel and Vertex Shaders 1.1 to 3.0  Programmable pipeline (write your own algorithm, aka “shaders”)

11  Export from Milkshape3D, 3ds Max, Maya, Blender and Wings3D  Irrlicht supports over 18 file formats including Maya (.obj), DirectX (.x), and 3ds MAX (.3ds)  3ds Max for character modeling  IrrEdit for level modeling  3ds MAX includes Character Studio for modeling and animating characters  Used by FX experts in Hollywood  IrrEdit can build scenes or meshes in native format compatible with Irrlicht

12 This is a blender model rendered using Irrlicht.

13  Link in Irrlicht graphics engine  Setup 3 rd party libraries and plug-ins  Setup Irrlicht device object  Setup selected renderer (DirectX or OpenGL)  Create scene manager  Create a camera scene object  Create a mesh scene object  Choose render modes  Create event receiver (listener)  Start the render loop

14 Everything starts with the device object, which creates your render window and is the root object for any scene. A scene is programmed using a scene “node”. There are camera nodes, light nodes, and billboards nodes.

15 Irrlicht can represent 3D space using Binary Space Partitioning (BSP). In BSP, space is subdivided recursively into “convex sets” (solid, no dents) using hyper-planes. It’s faster, but less intuitive, so we will use Octrees, which are tree data structures whose children can hold 8 nodes. The 8 nodes represent the 8 octants surrounding a point in space.


17  Presents a minor challenge with major benefits  Allows the player to control the game more naturally  Expands marketability

18  Blue Soleil allows PC to wirelessly connect with wiimote  Requires a Bluetooth dongle  Requires GlovePie Input Emulator  Simple script maps mouse actions to wiimote  Wiimote can be used to interface with game menu  Navigation  Strafing  Aiming  Volume control  Event feedback in the form of vibration


20 MilestoneWork AllocationDateStatus Purchase wiimoteDaniel Juel9-12-08Completed Verify if Blue Soleil works with wiimote Daniel Juel9-19-08Completed Get Ogre3D graphics engine to work and program basic scene Ben Mossman9-20-08Completed Map wiimote and mouse actions together using Input Emulator GlovePie script Daniel Juel, Ben Mossman, Dmitry Kallestinov, Danny Lee 10-8-08Completed Integrate wiimote with Ogre3D scene Daniel completes this verification 10-8-08Completed

21 MilestoneWork AllocationDateStatus Make transition to Irrlicht graphics engine Ben Mossman12-28-09Completed Complete game framework with level loader and graphical configuration menu Ben Mossman12-28-09Completed Complete gameplay concept (Sci-Fi first-person shooter) Ben Mossman12-28-08Completed Complete targeting system for player (laser sights, modeling bullets) Ben Mossman12-28-08Completed Complete terrain and object collision Ben Mossman1-7-09Completed Complete parallax mapping and flashlight Ben Mossman1-7-09Completed

22 MilestoneWork AllocationDateStatus Complete targeting system for aliens Ben Mossman1-30-09Irrelevant if aliens don’t shoot. Build game Level (without props) Daniel Juel1-30-09Using GtkRadiant as level modeler. Build and animate alien models Danny Lee1-30-09 Build and animate weapon models Dmitry Kallestinov1-30-09 Create particle effects for alien models Danny Lee2-6-09 Heads Up Display (HUD)Ben Mossman2-6-09 Interim Report #1Danny Lee, Daniel Juel, Dmitry Kallestinov, Ben Mossman 2-23-09

23 MilestoneWork AllocationDateStatus Complete in-game computer screens and mirrors Ben Mossman2-27-09In Progress. (need to fix all reversed reflections) Complete AI for aliensDanny Lee, Dmitry Kallestinov 2-27-09 Populate level model with 3D sounds, dynamic lights, and props Daniel Juel2-27-09Identified IrrEdit as level editor we will use for this. Interim Report #2Danny Lee, Daniel Juel, Dmitry Kallestinov, Ben Mossman 3-30-09 Complete integration, alpha testing, and game installer Danny Lee, Daniel Juel, Dmitry Kallestinov, Ben Mossman 4-10-09Identified Install Creator as wizard we will use for this. Final Report with poster and documentation Danny Lee, Daniel Juel, Dmitry Kallestinov, Ben Mossman 4-17-09

24 Primary Customer Customer Profile Prof. Gary E. Christensen Affiliations:  Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Iowa  Radiation Oncology Computational Imaging Group Leader, Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging

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