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The Nervous System Chapter 31 (M).

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1 The Nervous System Chapter 31 (M)

2 Functions of the Nervous System
The nervous system collects information about the body’s internal and external environment, processes that information, and responds to it. Accomplished by The peripheral nervous system The central nervous system.

3 Functions of the Nervous System
The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves and supporting cells, collects information about the body’s external and internal environment

4 Functions of the Nervous System
The central nervous system, Consists of the brain and spinal cord, Processes information and creates a response that is delivered to the appropriate part of the body through the peripheral nervous system.

5 Neurons Nervous system impulses are transmitted by cells called neurons.

6 Types of Neurons Neurons can be classified into three types according to the direction in which an impulse travels. Sensory neurons carry impulses from the sense organs, such as the eyes and ears, to the spinal cord and brain. Motor neurons carry impulses from the brain and the spinal cord to muscles and glands. Interneurons process information from sensory neurons and then send commands to other interneurons or motor neurons.

7 Structure of Neurons Cell body  largest part contains the nucleus and much of the cytoplasm Dendrites  branched extensions that spread out from the cell body receive impulses from other neurons and carry impulses to the cell body Axon the long fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body ends in a series of small swellings called axon terminals As an impulse moves along the axon, it jumps from one node to the next.

8 Structure of Neurons

9 The Nerve Impulse An impulse begins when a neuron is stimulated by another neuron or by the environment Resting neuron have a charge, or electrical potential, across their cell membranes. The inside of a neuron has a voltage of –70 millivolts (mV) compared to the outside. This difference is known as the resting potential

10 The Moving Impulse A neuron remains in its resting state until it receives a stimulus large enough to start a nerve impulse Once it begins, the impulse travels quickly down the axon away from the cell body toward the axon terminals

11 The Moving Impulse The neuron cell membrane contains thousands of “gated” ion channels A nerve impulse is self-propagating The flow of an impulse can be compared to the fall of a row of dominoes

12 The Moving Impulse At the leading edge of an impulse, gated sodium channels open charged Na+ ions flow into the cell inside temporarily becomes more positive than the outside, reversing the resting potential (action potential)

13 The Moving Impulse Once the impulse passes, sodium gates close and gated potassium channels open, allowing K+ ions to flow out. This restores the resting potential so that the neuron is once again negatively charged on the inside.

14 Threshold A minimum level of a stimulus that is required to cause an impulse in a neuron A stimulus that is weaker than the threshold will not produce an impulse The brain determines if a stimulus, like touch or pain, is strong or weak from the frequency of action potentials

15 The Synapse The point at which a neuron transfers an impulse to another neuron The axon terminal at a synapse contains tiny vesicles filled with neurotransmitters that transmit an impulse across a synapse to another cell

16 The Synapse Neurotransmitters released diffuse across the synaptic cleft, and bind to receptors on the membrane of the receiving cell This binding opens ion channels in the membrane of the receiving cell. If the stimulation exceeds the cell’s threshold, a new impulse begins the neurotransmitters are then released from the receptors on the cell surface and are broken down by enzymes in the synaptic cleft or taken up and recycled by the axon terminal.

17 The Central Nervous System
The Brain The major areas of the brain—the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem—is responsible for processing and relaying information The spinal Cord The main communication link between the brain and the rest of the body

18 The Central Nervous System
Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves branch out from the spinal cord, connecting the brain to different parts of the body

19 Cerebrum The largest region of the human brain is the cerebrum.
The cerebrum is responsible for the voluntary, or conscious, activities of the body. It is also the site of intelligence, learning, and judgment.

20 Hemispheres A deep groove divides the cerebrum into left and right hemispheres. The hemispheres are connected by a band of tissue called the corpus callosum. Each hemisphere deals mainly with the opposite side of the body. Sensations from the left side of the body go to the right hemisphere of the cerebrum, and those from the right side go to the left hemisphere. Commands to move muscles are generated in the same way.

21 Each hemisphere is divided into regions called lobes
Each hemisphere is divided into regions called lobes. The four lobes are named for the skull bones that cover them. The frontal lobe is associated with evaluating consequences, making judgments, and forming plans

22 The temporal lobe is associated with hearing and smell
The occipital lobe is associated with vision The parietal lobe is associated with reading and speech

23 Cerebral Cortex The cerebrum consists of two layers.
The outer layer of the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex and consists of densely packed nerve cell bodies known as gray matter The cerebral cortex processes information from the sense organs and controls body movements Folds and grooves on the outer surface of the cerebral cortex greatly increase its surface area

24 White Matter The inner layer of the cerebrum is known as white matter
Its whitish color comes from bundles of axons with myelin sheaths

25 Limbic System Emotion, behavior, and memory have all been linked to the many structures that make up the limbic system. Amygdala associated with emotional learning,fear and anxiety, the formation of long-term memories. The limbic system is also associated with the brain’s pleasure center, a region that produces feelings of satisfaction and well-being

26 Thalamus and Hypothalamus
Between the brain stem and the cerebrum The thalamus receives messages from sensory receptors throughout the body and then relays the information to the proper region of the cerebrum for further processing.

27 Thalamus and Hypothalamus
hypothalamus is the control center for recognition and analysis of hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger helps to coordinate the nervous and endocrine systems

28 Cerebellum The second largest region of the brain
Coordinates the actions of individual muscles when the movement is repeated

29 Cerebellum Sensory information allows the cerebellum to coordinate and balance the actions of muscles

30 Brain Stem Connects the brain and spinal cord
The brain stem includes three regions the midbrain, the pons the medulla oblongata Each of these regions regulates the flow of information between the brain and the rest of the body The brain stem controls Regulation of blood pressure, Heart rate Breathing Swallowing The brain stem keeps the body functioning even when you have lost consciousness due to sleep or injury.

31 Addiction and the Brain
Addictive drugs act on dopamine synapses in a number of ways Nearly every addictive substance—affects brain synapses An activity that brings pleasureneurons in the hypothalamus and the limbic system release dopamine. Dopamine molecules stimulate other neurons across these synapses, producing the sensation of pleasure and a feeling of well-being

32 The Senses Touch Smell and Taste Hearing and Balance Sight

33 Touch and Related Senses
Human skin contains at least seven types of sensory receptors, including several that respond to different levels of pressure Stimulation of these receptors creates the sensation of touch Thermoreceptors are sensory cells that respond to heat and cold Pain receptors are found throughout the body

34 Smell and Taste The sense of taste and smell involves the ability to detect chemicals Chemical-sensing cells known as chemoreceptors in the nose and mouth are responsible for both of these senses The sense of smell is capable of producing thousands of different sensations. Much of what we commonly call the “taste” of food and drink is actually smell

35 Exploring the structure of the human ear

36 Vertebrate Eye Hollow spherical structure diameter 2.5 cm Three layers

37 Outer Tunic-Fibrous Conjunctiva-thin mucus membrane
Sclera-tough white connective tissue Cornea-transparent covering in front, part of sclera

38 Middle Tunic-Vascular
Choroid-thin pigment layer Iris-muscular tissue that adjusts amount of light Aqueous Humor -chamber behind cornea filled with fluid similar to blood plasma Pupil-circular opening that expands and contracts Lens-flattened sphere held in place by ligaments

39 Inner Tunic-Nervous Retina-a multilayer nervous tissue where light is converted into electrical impulses that are transmitted to the brain, inside the choroid Fovea-retina’s focus center

40 Photoreceptor Cells-Rods and Cones
Human retina-130 million photoreceptor cells Rods 20x more than cones, able to see in dim light, present in outer edges of retina, absent in fovea Cones stimulated by bright light, densest in fovea, therefore gets sharpest vision when looking straight

41 Focusing in the Eye Focus lens change position or shape
Near vision muscles contract, lens become thicker and rounder Distant vision muscles relax, lens flatten Focus on distant objects

42 Eye Problems Diplopia-double vision
Exercise, eyeglasses, surgery Corneal Disease-most common cause of blindness Corneal transplant, no rejection because no blood flow Cataract-lens become cloudy and opaque Surgery removal of lens and new lens implanted Glaucoma-pressure build up in aqueous humor Early detection Drugs, surgery, laser therapy Vitamin A deficiency-night blindness Presbyopia-old eye, develops with age, lens become less elastic, cannot focus on nearby object

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