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Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Presentation and Interaction Components VIE.js Copyright IKS Consortium 1 Tilman Becker DFKI GmbH.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Presentation and Interaction Components VIE.js Copyright IKS Consortium 1 Tilman Becker DFKI GmbH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Presentation and Interaction Components VIE.js Copyright IKS Consortium 1 Tilman Becker DFKI GmbH March 14/15, 2013

2 Page: VIE - Workshops  IKS Community WS  “Showcasing Event”, June 2012, Salzburg, Austria  “CIO Workshop”, Nov 2011, Aarhus, Denmark  “my CMS and the web of data”, June 2011, Paris, France  IKS Developer WS  “VIE Hackathon”, July 2012, Berlin, Germany  “Dev Hackathon”, March 2012, Saarbrücken, Germany  “VIE Hackathon”, January 2012, Zurich, Switzerland  “Frontend/Schema”, August 2011, Salzburg, Austria  “Content Repo”, May 2011, Zurich, Switzerland  “Frontend”, May 2011, Salzburg, Austria Copyright IKS Consortium 2

3 Page: Final IKS-Version of VIE  Vienna IKS Editables (v2.0)  Features:  clean API that offers a DSL for web developers  VIE service API (to integrate semantic backend services)  subject-oriented semantics (based on Backbone.js)  support for ontological hierarchies  includes fully-types, multiple inheritances  full support of ontology  well-documented source code  continuous integration Copyright IKS Consortium 3

4 Page: Final IKS-Version of VIE  Vienna IKS Editables (v2.0)  Finalized documentation  Finalized test-coverage (~500 unit tests)  continuing releases, that:  fully integrate Apache Stanbol functionalities on VIE service level  provide possibility of queries and filters of entities Copyright IKS Consortium 4

5 Page: VIE – Stanbol API Copyright IKS Consortium 5

6 Page: VIE – Stanbol API  StanbolService  VIE's Javascript interface to the services of Apache Stanbol  allows a VIE developer to directly query the Stanbol entityhub for entities and their properties  gives access to the enhance facilities of Stanbol to analyze content and semantically enrich it  StanbolConnector  connection between the VIE Stanbol service and the actual ajax call Copyright IKS Consortium 6

7 Page: VIE – Stanbol API: Stanbol Service  access to functionality of  contenthub  ontonet  cmsadapter  rules  (factstore)  extended access to functionality of entityhub, enhancer  comprehensive testing (unit tests for all implemented methods)  functionality provided analogously to Stanbol's RESTful interface  CORS support granted for almost all methods Copyright IKS Consortium 7

8 Page: Copyright IKS Consortium 8

9 Page: VIE – Stanbol API  simple, easy-to-understand interface methods  intuitive naming & usage  compact code realizes complex functionality  no need to take care of ajax calls, media types, CORS, …  no need to bother with the RESTful interface Copyright IKS Consortium 9

10 Page: VIE Booking Meta-Widget  Interactive booking of a flight:  Loading semantic content of (e.g., conference) page (VIE RDFa service)  Creating new entity for travel event  Persisting entities (VIE browser storage service)  Employs overlay algorithm to fill missing information  Uses SCION: JavaScript implementation of SCXML for encoding dialogue behavior  User input through Google Voice  Handover trip information to travel services Copyright IKS Consortium 10

11 Page: Booking Meta-Widget  Demo Copyright IKS Consortium 11

12 Co-funded by the European Union Semantic CMS Community Presentation and Interaction Components VIE.js Copyright IKS Consortium 12 Tilman Becker DFKI GmbH March 14/15, 2013

13 Page: Copyright IKS Consortium 13

14 Page: Final IKS-Version of VIE  VIE Widgets  Autotagger “This widget displays a list of found entities in a tag-cloud to be processed further.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo | Screencast  Related content “Displaying related content of the entity-in-focus by transformation of the knowledge about the entity-type into entity-specific queries.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo | Screencast  Annotate.js “Semiautomatic annotation editor for rich html editors.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo  VIE.autocomplete “This widgets uses the VIE.find() service method to make autocomplete suggestions.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo Copyright IKS Consortium 14

15 Page: Final IKS-Version of VIE  Applications  terkait “terkait uses VIE and Stanbol to analyze the current webpage in order to present related content to you by re-using VIE widgets.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo | Screencast  createJS “Create is a comprehensive web editing interface for Content Management Systems.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo | Screencast  Blogsiple “blogsiple is a testbed for JugglingDB, express-resource and CreateJS interplay.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo | Screencast Copyright IKS Consortium 15

16 Page: Final IKS-Version of VIE  Applications  Proggis “Proggis - a project reporting system for IKS - aims to bring clarity into collaborative projects between many companies. It imports project information from multiple sources, merges it, and then provides clear interfaces for analysing the state of the project.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo | Screencast  Annotate.js bookmarklet “VIE-based, stanbol-connected enhancer bookmarklet based on annotate.js.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo | Screencast  hallo editor “Simple in-place HTML5 editor.” Sources | Tutorial/HowTo | Online Demo | Screencast  (Alcacon Acasia editor) Copyright IKS Consortium 16

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