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Nonverbal Communication. “ The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.” Confucius.

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Presentation on theme: "Nonverbal Communication. “ The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.” Confucius."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonverbal Communication

2 “ The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.” Confucius

3 Research Albert Mehrabian – –7% words – –38% tone and inflection – –55% facial expression, body position and gestures

4 Nonverbal Communication Unwritten and unspoken messages Eye contact Facial expression Body movements Space Time Distance Appearance

5 Functions Complement the message Reinforce and call attention to Replacement Controls and regulates Contradicts

6 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Appearance – –Dress code – –Watches

7 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Facial expressions – –Anger – –Sadness – –Fear – –Enjoyment – –Love – –Surprise – –Disgust – –Shame

8 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Eye contact – –Maintaining – –Deceiving – –Prolonged – –Cultural implications

9 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Posture – –Confidence – –Shyness – –Tension or relaxation – –Showing attentiveness to speaker

10 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Gestures – –Learned behaviors – –Mirroring others – –Cultural differences

11 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Time – –Scheduling of time – –Meetings – –Punctuality – –Time allotted for projects

12 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Space – –Location of office – –Size of furniture – –Arrangement of furniture Barrier Inviting – –Display of personal items – –Where you sit

13 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Distance (Proxemics) – –Intimate zone: 1 to 1 ½ feet – –Personal Zone: 1 ½ to 4 feet – –Social Zone: 4 to 12 feet – –Public Zone: 12 or more feet   Edward T. Hall, Anthropologist

14 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Territory – –View certain areas as our own – –Be aware of zones of privacy

15 Forms of Nonverbal Communication Appearance of Business Documents – –Looks can give a positive or negative effect – –Emails – –Format, organization, readability and accuracy

16 Seating Dynamics Cooperation Cooperation Communication Communication Competition Competition Noncommunication Noncommunication

17 Presentations Appearance Body language Move around Facial expressions

18 References Mary Ellen Guffey Business Communication, (Thomson Publishing Ohio) p. 79-81, 83-86, and 497. Richard Daft, The Leadership Experience, (Thomson Publishing Ohio) p.144-345. Debra L. Nelson and James Campbell Quick Organizational Behavior, (Thomson Ohio) p. 256-257/

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