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Emotion Emotion – basic components:
Physiological arousal (heart beating) Expressive behaviors (quickened pace) Consciously expressed thoughts (Is this a Kidnapping?) and feelings (a sense of fear and later joy)
4Theories of Emotion James-Lange Theory Cannon-Bard Theory
Two-Factor Theory Opponent-Process Theory
James-Lange Theory Body Changes then mind recognizes feeling
Emotions are experienced in the following sequence: an emotional stimulus is presented, causing one to experience physiological reactions, which are then consciously experienced as an emotion. Body Changes then mind recognizes feeling Presumes: Different emotions have different physiological responses Problem: some emotions have same physiological changes Examples: See Jason (1)heart pounds (2)feel afraid “When you feel your heart pound and you start to sweat, you get really scared”
Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion
Physiological experience and experiencing emotion occur at the same time Emotional stimulus is simultaneously routed to cerebral cortex (awareness of emotion)and sympathetic nervous system (body arousal) Example: See Jason Heart Pounding and Fear occur simultaneously
Two-Factor Theory of Emotion AKA Schachter-Singer Theory
Experience of emotion depends on two factors: physiological arousal and the cognitive interpretation/label of that arousal. The label people give an emotion depends on what they find in their environment. Arousal without a label is not an emotion; a label without arousal does not lead to emotional behavior. Experiments Example: See Jason Heart Pounds, “Im Afraid” Feel afraid Or is it because your in love with Jason??? Spillover Effect Cognitive Label “I’m Afraid”
Spill Over Effect Spill over effect- emotional arousal from one event spills over into our response of the next event Supports Schachter-Singer Theory -stirred up state can be experienced as one emotion or another very different one depending on how we interpret or label it Example: After working out, Mr. Gielink gets more irritated with his children’s bad behavior
Theories of emotions
Opponent Process Theory Richard Solomon
Every emotion triggers an opposing emotion Happiness/Sadness Fear/Relief Pleasure Pain Love/Hate Emotions disrupt homeostasis…opposing emotion enables a return to homeostasis Example: A skydiver experiences extreme fear in her initial jump, which turned into great relief when she lands
Theories of Emotion Practice
Paul encounters a growling wild animal, and feels a faster heartbeat, widening eyes, and a physical urge to flee. Monica is smiling and laughing and wants to hug Mrs. Joseph because she just received a 5 on her AP Psych Exam. Zak just received a 1 on his AP Psych Exam (because he has Mr. Jeter…just kidding Mr. Jeter) and feels a pounding in his chest, perspiration runs down his face and he has an urge to hit someone. Use each of the theories of emotion to explain Paul, Monica and Zak’s emotions
Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System
Autonomic nervous system – regulates physiological arousal of emotion Sympathetic nervous system Arousing Epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) energize and mobilize Parasympathetic nervous system Calming
Arousal and Performance
Moderate arousal is ideal Higher on well-learned/simple taskstasks
Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System
Brain Differences and Emotion
Brain activity is different depending on emotion - consistent with the ________________Theory Amygdala – fear Thalamus/ Right Hemisphere – anger Right prefrontal cortex/frontal lobe – disgust/anger/negative emotions Left prefrontal cortex/Frontal lobe - Joy Nucleus accumbens – pleasure (smiling, laughing) Anterior cingulate cortex - lying James-Lange
Physiological Differences
Polygraph – supports ________ Theory Used to detect lies measures physiological responses such as perspiration, heart rate, breathing Problems Anxiety, irritation, guilt have similar physiological activity Guilty Knowledge Test – assesses physiological responses to crime scene details only known by investigators Cannon-Bard
Cognition and Emotion Sometimes emotions precede cognition (Zajonc)
Develop emotional preference for stimuli to which have been unknowingly exposed . Some emotions occur without cognition, by-passing the cortex (LeDoux).Go directly from thalamus to amygdala = fast/ automatic emotional response Ex. Jump at rustling bushes in the forest (fear most likely precedes conscious thinking) Emotions arise when appraise event to be beneficial or harmful whether we know it or not(Lazarus)
Injecting a person with an excitatory chemical that activates the sympathetic nervous system is likely to increase his or her subjective experience of intense fear and anxiety. Use one of the major theories of emotion to account for the effects of this chemical on a person's emotional state. Which theory of emotion would have the greatest difficulty explaining these effects? Why?
Detecting Emotion Nonverbal cues Introverts better than extroverts
Facial muscles Eyes (fear/anger) and mouth (happiness) Duchenne smile Difficult to detect lying Introverts better than extroverts
Gender, Emotion, and Nonverbal Behavior
Women better than men Detecting emotions Empathy Emotional responsiveness Facial expressions of emotion Exception: anger
Gender, Emotion, and Nonverbal Behavior
Culture and Emotional Expression
Similarities: display and interpret facial expressions – universal (Eckman) Differences Individualistic countries – convey visible facial expressions of inner feelings Gestures vary
Levels of Analysis for the Study of Emotion
The Effects of Facial Expressions
Facial feedback – effect of facial expressions on emotion Example: Smiling makes you feel more cheerful Behavior Feedback Theory – effect of your behavior on emotions Example: Swing your arms and keep your head up, you will feel more upbeat
A newspaper advice columnist suggests that thinking can be controlled and changed but that emotions are gut-level, biological reactions that can't be controlled or modified. Use your knowledge of emotion research and theory to either support or refute the columnist's claim.
Basic Emotions 10 Basic Emotions at birth(Izard)
Joy, interest-excitement, surprise, sadness, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame, guilt Other’s are combo of the 10 basic
Fear Adaptive value of fear Learned The biology of fear Amygdala
Conditioning - fear things associated with naturally painful or traumatic experiences Observational Learning The biology of fear Amygdala Fear = Implicit memory Gene increases serotonin available to activate amygdala Twin studies Phobias – fear disrupts ability to cope
A motivational speaker claims “Fear is a learned response
A motivational speaker claims “Fear is a learned response! Babies are not born with fears; they learn fears, which means fear can be unlearned!” Use your knowledge of the relationships between conditioning and the biology of fear to critique the motivational speaker's claims.
Anger Anger Evoked by events – actions are on purpose, unjustified and avoidable + small hassles and annoyances Catharsis – emotional release Catharsis hypothesis – relieves aggressive urges/calms temporarily if Directed against provoker Justifiable Target not intimidating Example: Punching a pillow Expressing anger can increase anger Behavior Feedback Handling anger Wait until physiological arousal is down, don’t sulk Express grievance in ways that promote reconciliation rather than retaliation
Lisa is furious because her steady boyfriend (Thomas) spent half an hour talking with his former girlfriend at last night's school dance. A friend suggests that Lisa ought to get the anger out of her system by repeatedly pounding her pillow while she imagines that she is hitting her boyfriend. Explain why this might be an ineffective way for Lisa to reduce her anger. Suggest better ways.
Happiness Happiness Well-being – happiness/satisfaction with life
Example: High positive to negative feelings Feel-good, do-good phenomenon – people are more helpful when in a good mood. Example : After getting an A on your psych test you are persuaded to volunteer at a homeless shelter
Happiness The Short Life of Emotional Ups and Downs
Watson’s studies
Happiness Wealth and Well-Being
Diminishing Returns Phenomenon - Once you have enough money for comfort, having more money isn’t as meaningful A $1000 raise increases well-being more for a poor person from a developing nation than for someone from an affluent nation where median incomes are higher
Happiness Wealth and Well-Being
Happiness Happiness and Prior Experience
Adaptation-level phenomenon - tendency people have to quickly adapt to a new situation, until that situation becomes the norm. Example – Excited about a $1000 raise until it becomes allocated to new bills, then want more Happiness and others’ attainments Relative deprivation – tendency for our personal happiness to be heavily influenced by others’ attainment Example - You were happy with your grade of B on the psych midterm until you learned that almost everyone else in the class received an A
Happiness Predictors of Happiness
Jim, a 42-year-old engineer, is unhappy about his yearly salary, although it is the highest salary he has ever earned. His wife, Carla, suggests that he vividly recall how little he earned at the age of 32. She also recommends that he watch a TV program about famine victims in Africa. Use your understanding of psychological principles to explain why Carla's suggestions might help to increase Jim's feelings of economic satisfaction.
Stress and Health Health psychology - subfield of psychology that contributes to the prevention and treatment of illness Example: studies how our emotions and personality influence our risk of disease Behavioral medicine - interdisciplinary field that integrates and applies behavioral and medical knowledge to health and disease Example: Studies how stress and unhealthy behaviors influence health (combines Psych with M.D.)
Stress and Illness Stress - process by which we perceive and respond to environmental threats and challenges. Stressor – event or situation that causes stress Wheel chair attached to truck grille Stress reactions – physiological arousal, emotional responses Release of hormones, increased heart rate Stress appraisal - stress arises less from events than how we appraise them Creaking sounds in house-just sounds, or a burglar?
Stress and Illness Stress Reactions
Short-lived or perceived as challenges = positive effects Mobilizes immune system Motivates Prolonged = harms Activation of sympathetic nervous system Fight or flight (Cannon) - Adrenal glands secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine into blood steam Cortisol (outer part of adrenal glands) Tend and befriend (women) Oxytocin (stress moderating hormone Telomers – bits of DNA at the end at the end of chromosomes Get short and no longer divide…a part of the aging process…stress ages
Seyle’s General Adaptation Syndrome
Describes our response to a stressful event. Three stages Alarm Resistance Exhaustion
General Adaptation Syndrome
Stressful Life Events Significant Life Changes Catastrophes
Social readjustment rating scale (SRRS) Life Changing Units (LCUs)- marriage, change job, etc… The more LCUs you have the higher your score is on the SRRS. Those who score higher are more likely to have stress related disease. Catastrophes Natural disasters, 9/ll – rate of psych disorders increases Daily hassles Everyday annoyances, too many things to do**
Stress and the Heart Coronary heart disease – closing of vessels that nourish the heart Type A versus Type B (Friedman and Rosenman) Type A – hard-driving impatient, verbally aggressive, anger prone Type B – easygoing, relaxed
Stress and Susceptibility to Disease
Psychophysiological illnesses – stress related physical illness Examples – hypertension, headaches Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) – how psych, neural and endocrine system affect immune system Lymphocytes – 2 types of white blood cells B lymphocytes – In bone marrow, inhibit bacterial infections T lymphocytes – In thymus and other lymphatic tissue, attack cancer cells, and inhibit viruses Macrophage – Immune system agent that ingests worn-out red blood cells and tiny harmful bacteria Natural Killer (NK cells) - Immune system cells that pursue and destroy diseased body cells
Stress and Disease Arthritis – overactive immune system causes body to attack own tissue AIDS – stress can speed progression of HIV to AIDS by limiting production of lymphocytes Cancer – doesn’t create cancer cells, but may affect their growth by suppressing the activity of t-lymphocytes
What advice would a health psychologist give to a student about the stress of an AP exam? What are the potential benefits of this stressor, and what are the possible disadvantages of long-term stress?
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