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College Seminar April 29, 2014 *Healthy Choices Part VII.

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1 College Seminar April 29, 2014 *Healthy Choices Part VII

2 Bell Ringer 5 Minutes O How can identifying and communicating my emotions enhance my well-being?

3 AIM I will be able to analyze how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behavior, and evaluate how expressing one’s emotions in different situations affects others.

4 CHAMPS O C=conversation, you may speak during class share out and when directed to speak with your peers *REMINDER WE PRACTICE RESPECT! O H=help, please raise your hand O A=activity, you are sharing out and responding you peers, and working on understanding positive and negative influences in our lives. O M=movement we are not, all supplies will be given to you O P=participation, you are listening and responding to your peers, NO heads down, cell phones and/or eating

5 Positive and Negative 10 Minutes O Face and your feelings O Based on the scenarios what face best represents the narrative just read.

6 O I was all dressed up and waiting for my boyfriend to take me out. He never showed up so I went to his house to find him asleep on the couch

7 O After being told my whole life I wasn’t athletic, I made 15 out of the 30 points in the last quarter of our basketball game. We won with a final score of 65-57

8 O After I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying. Just before he died, he licked the tears off my face

9 Emotions Revealed 5 minutes O Watch video O revealed/ revealed/

10 Discussion Questions 5 Minutes O What was the purpose of the study that Paul Ekman conducted with the South Fore people of New Guinea? O What were Ekman’s findings; which facial expressions were recognized by the South Fore people? O Which of the 7 universal feelings (joy, anger, fear, sadness, surprise, disgust, and contempt) are the most comfortable feelings for you to express? O Which of these feelings are less comfortable for you to express, which might lead you to hide your feelings? O How might trying to hide emotions impact a person’s well-being?

11 Kimochi’s Detective 15 minutes O Each of you has one part of a set of Kimochi™ Cards, which you may remember from our first session of the unit. Your task is to walk around the room expressing the feeling on your Kimochi™ Card on your face,looking for the classmate whi os expressing the same emotion. O When you find your match, your task is to engage each other in conversation about how you’re feeling, opening up the space to be ‘real’. O If you’re not actually feeling the feeling on the card, don’t pretend you are! Have a real conversation about what you’re feeling in the moment. O Use the sentence starters on the board to help you and make sure you both have an opportunity to share.

12 Exit Ticket 5 minutes O When you were looking for your partners, what were some expressions that got confused with each other? O What information does that confusion give us about our ability to interpret more complex feelings beyond the 7 universal emotions? O Have you ever had an expression on your face that was misinterpreted? O Have you ever been unclear about how you felt inside, but were asked by someone if you were feeling a particular way? O When you found your partner and he/she asked you how you were feeling, was it comfortable for you to tell them what you were actually experiencing? How many of you were honest about your emotions? O As your partner asked you more questions, was that a good experience for you, or did you feel uncomfortably vulnerable?

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