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Conrad «Green Schools» Presentation Stefanie Schwemlein & Saumil Jariwala.

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Presentation on theme: "Conrad «Green Schools» Presentation Stefanie Schwemlein & Saumil Jariwala."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conrad «Green Schools» Presentation Stefanie Schwemlein & Saumil Jariwala

2 Project Basis Conrad Accept the Greener Challenge

3 Project Basis CONRAD “GREEN SCHOOLS” MISSION: “Assess the environmental impact of your school, and create or improve upon a system to generate a healthier, higher performance learning environment that improves the quality of life at your school.” SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Baseline School Assessment: “Environmental impact” review Sustainability Improvement Plan: School improvement proposal

4 Student Survey Before we display our findings, answer a few questions: – How is energy at NCSSM produced? – How do we compare to other institutions? – What are the major energy initiatives currently taken by the administration? – How does our vehicle fleet contribute to energy usage? What percentage? – What is the biggest energy waster on campus? – Approximate electricity usage per annum – Approximate CO 2 emission levels of the NCSSM campus per annum

5 Energy Usage ENERGY CONSERVATION:  Fluorescent lighting in classrooms, dormitories, and offices  Athletic fields lit by fluorescent floodlights (…community impact…)  SLI and staff instructed to turn off lights when they are clearly not in-use

6 Water Usage WATER SYSTEM:  Majority of campus heated by a natural gas two-boiler system.  10,000 pounds of heated steam per hour  Royall and Human Resources Cottage heated by electric heating system  Wastewater leaves through Ellerby Creek (a natural treatment reservoir)  2008-2009 FY Water Usage was approximately 15,230,000 gallons WATER CONSERVATION:  In 2007, the statewide drought encouraged NCSSM to conserve water  Implementation of low-flow showerheads and faucets  Student competition to decrease water usage (…boys’ halls…)

7 Energy Usage VEHICLE FLEET:  Seventeen “Campus-Dedicated” Vehicles  Four vans and nine short buses are gasoline-powered  Three buses are diesel-powered  One vehicle and the landscape vehicle fleet used by maintenance run on electricity  2008-2009 FY Fuel Consumption was in total:  1,328.54 gallons of diesel  5,048.29 gallons of E10 gasoline  UNC Board of Governors Mandatory Fuel Reduction Policy

8 Energy Usage

9 CO 2 Emission Analysis 9,754 pounds of CO 2 emitted per student per annum – Downward trend – 250 pounds of CO 2 less each year Calculated through analysis of data from vehicle fuel usage, natural gas therms, and electricity kilowatt- hours College Comparison (Per Student Per Annum): – NCSSM:9,754 lbs. (660 residential students) – Connecticut College:6,000 lbs. (1,600 residential students) – Carleton College:12,000 lbs. (2,005 residential students) – Middlebury College:14,000 lbs. (2,500 residential students)









18 Student Activity and Engagement Composting, gardening, and rain collection projects Ellerby Creek and Eno River clean-ups Inter-residence building competition for energy conservation – On-hall energy monitors (TED Energy Metering System) – Posters citing examples of how to reduce energy and water consumption

19 Indoor Environmental Quality Sound-proofing of library conferences intended for quiet or group study Testing of air quality Regular testing for Volatile Organic Compound levels Emphasis on the use of daylight over that of fluorescent light in classrooms and hallways More frequent testing for mold growth

20 Reduce Wasteful Energy Consumption Occupancy sensors on vending machines and other devices on our campus – VendingMiser TM – SnackMiser TM Turn off residence hall lights (leaving only emergency lights in use) during the daytime Replace school vehicles with hybrid or high-MPG alternatives

21 Environmental Lobbying Agenda for New Construction “LEED Silver” certification for new building Windmill on campus Better insulation PV solar cells on buildings “Green” roofs to promote heat conservation Rainwater collectors on the roof Outdoor classroom Gray water recycling system

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