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ECSITE annual meeting 2006 : invitation for the board CERN march 7-8 2007 : ECSITE board meeting ECSITE annual meeting 2007 : EPPOG presentation and different.

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Presentation on theme: "ECSITE annual meeting 2006 : invitation for the board CERN march 7-8 2007 : ECSITE board meeting ECSITE annual meeting 2007 : EPPOG presentation and different."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECSITE annual meeting 2006 : invitation for the board CERN march 7-8 2007 : ECSITE board meeting ECSITE annual meeting 2007 : EPPOG presentation and different contacts Summer 2007 discussions with Past president and Director

2 Estimated costs (€) Design concept (completed)50’000 € already paid Production + manufacture 500’000 € Cost per venue “Outsourced” - installation/dismantling/transport 50’000 €

3 “I am ready to start the dialogue with CERN (on behalf of ECSITE) to decide whether or not there is basis for a cooperation between CERN and ECSITE in developing and touring an exhibition about particle physics, CERN and the LHC. My strategy for the project is that money should come from CERN, the ECSITE members that decide to join the consortium and the EC(FP7). The development of the exhibition becomes a hands-on exhibition (as much as possible) and NOT a traditional exhibition (books on the walls). ECSITE should be paid some money to organize the project.” Asger Hoeg

4 Today …explorations in three directions: Through FP7… ask for 250 k€ With ECSITE Through a Geneva Foundation with the participation of UNIGE

5 The Globe of Science and Innovation


7 Project history: CERN’s first travelling exhibition 1997 - 2002 15 venues, 750’000 visitors - Technical Museum Vienna; 22 weeks, 117’000 visitors - Palais de la Découverte, Paris; 17 weeks, 100’000 visitors -Technopolis, Mechelen; 19 weeks, 98’000 visitors - Experimentarium, Copenhagen; 6 weeks, 66’000 visitors

8 New travelling exhibition Project history > 2003, phase 1 and 2: Market survey to select designer - 17 potential European design companies - 9 replies expressing interest; - 4 projects retained - Analysis of projects by a selection jury (8 + 2) - Experts x 2: - Gordon Rankmore NHM, London - Bernard Gérard, Palais de la découverte, Paris, Northern Lights selected


10 New travelling exhibition Design constraints, based on CERN’s previous travelling expo: - Surface max. 300 m2 - Max. height3.40 metres - LanguageMinimum 2 languages/venue - Installation 3 days max - Dismantling 2 days max - Installation/ dismantling team 3 technicians + 1 manager - Transport; 1 truck + 1 trailer ~ 80m3

11 New travelling exhibition Project history > 2003 - 2004 phase 3 Exhibition design concept - Main messages - Goals - Target audience - Age groups - Duration

12 Exhibition design concept cont’d. Main messages -What does CERN do - Why does CERN do this - How does CERN do this - Who does this Goals -Instill curiosity and wonder about the origins of our Universe -Show the importance of fundamental research - Underline the European and Worldwide collaboration

13 Exhibition design concept, cont’d Target audience -Families with Children - School groups - Scientifically curious Goals -Children > 8 enjoyable partial understanding - Children > 12 full understanding

14 Potential exhibition titles: The worlds largest and most powerful "Time machine" Recreating the Big Bang Understanding our origins Travelling back in time

15 Final design concept Entrance - The tunnel Main exhibition - Themed areas Exit - Souvenir of visit

16 The tunnel (5 spheres) Sphere 1 - the present, 13’700 million years after the Big bang Sphere 2 - 9’200 million years after the Big bang Sphere 3 - 200 million years after the Big bang Sphere 4 - 380 thousand years after the Big bang Sphere 5 - just after the Big bang



19 The tunnel concept Narrative pulls the visitor through the tunnel ( 10 - 15 mins) -Moving from sphere to sphere -Present to a micro second after the Big bang Exit from the Tunnel - Animation of the Big bang - The projection fades way, a large particle detector appears - Audio visual information about the detector its “raison d'être” - Animation particles colliding within the detector - Images from the LHC; the accelerator, the detectors

20 Themed areas (Islands “How and Who”) The challenges -Accelerator engineering -Detector engineering -Data analysis, (the web, the grid) -Applications of CERN technology Local contribution Conclusion/souvenir of visit


22 Islands Using different media Large spectacular graphic panels Models Screens (Pc or video) 1 - 2 interactive “Hands-on” per island





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