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Cephalus and Procris By: Heidi Morgans. The Javelin: Phocus asks Cephalus about his unique javelin The javelin is very beautiful But it also always hits.

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Presentation on theme: "Cephalus and Procris By: Heidi Morgans. The Javelin: Phocus asks Cephalus about his unique javelin The javelin is very beautiful But it also always hits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cephalus and Procris By: Heidi Morgans

2 The Javelin: Phocus asks Cephalus about his unique javelin The javelin is very beautiful But it also always hits its mark and then returns to the hand that threw it

3 Cephalus tells his Sad Story:  Married to Procris)  They were very happy

4  Two months after marriage, Cephalus was hunting when the Dawn (goddess of the morning) carried him away  However, he would only speak of Procris  the Dawn released him but warned he would regret his decision

5 Aurora (Dawn) and Cephalus

6  Cephalus took this warning to mean Procris was being unfaithful  with the help of the Dawn, he disguised himself and tempted her  at one point she hesitated, he revealed himself and she ran away to join Diana  regretted this action  Procris returned and brought one of Diana’s hunting dogs (Laelaps) and the javelin

7 Side Story about Laelaps Beast terrorizing Thebes Let loose Diana’s hound both turned to stone

8 The Downfall: Cephalus would hunt and take only his javelin would rest and call to the breeze, which he gave the name “Aura” someone overheard and believed he was being unfaithful with a nymph told Procris who decided to spy on him to be certain

9  Cephalus hunted then called to the breeze  Procris stirred in the bushes  thinking it was a beast, he throws the javelin  as she is dying, she asks him not to bring Aura into their bedroom  realized mistake  Procris dies

10 Procris dies

11 Shakespeare: In a Midsummer Night’s Dream Pyramis: “Not Shafalus to Procrus was so true.” Thisbe: “As Shafalus to Procrus, I to you.”

12 Modern Uses: Aurora (Northern Lights)

13 Moral Encourages faithfulness and trustworthiness

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