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Hormones in Menstruation & Contraception By Leon Chan Press F5 to start.

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Presentation on theme: "Hormones in Menstruation & Contraception By Leon Chan Press F5 to start."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hormones in Menstruation & Contraception By Leon Chan Press F5 to start

2 Keep a score of how many you get right to see what prize you get at the end. Have fun, even though you probably won’t.

3 1) Let’s start easy Which of these hormones causes an egg to mature in the ovaries? OestrogenFSH LHProgesterone

4 That’s right! FSH causes an egg to mature and is produced in the pituitary gland and also stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen. Oestrogen then stop the further release of FSH and causes the pituitary gland to produce LH. Finally, LH stimulates the release of an egg. Click to Continue

5 How did you get that wrong?! It was of course FSH! FSH causes an egg to mature and is produced in the pituitary gland and also stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen. Oestrogen then stops the further release of FSH and causes the pituitary gland to produce LH. Finally, LH stimulates the release of an egg. Click to Continue

6 2) What else do you know? At what day in the menstrual cycle is the egg released? Day 16Day 4 Day 14Thursday

7 Congratulations! Day 1 is when the uterus lining breaks down and the bleeding starts. This lasts for about 4 days. The lining builds up again from day 4 to 14 and then the egg is released at day 14 as you know. If no fertilised egg lands on the wall by day 28, the lining breaks down again and the cycle starts again. Click to Continue

8 Why did you even pick that?... The answer was day 14! Day 1 is when the uterus lining breaks down and the bleeding starts. This lasts for about 4 days. The lining builds up again from day 4 to 14 and then the egg is released at day 14 which you SHOULD have known. If no fertilised egg lands on the wall by day 28, the lining breaks down again and the cycle starts again. Click to Continue

9 3) But do you know this one? How do hormones during the menstrual cycle move around the body? They don’t They take the bus Along the nervous system Through the blood stream

10 Correctomundo! The hormones are secreted by glands in the body and travel through the bloodstream. They travel to certain organs to stimulate processes in the body. Other examples of this are the pancreas which controls sugar rate of metabolism. Click to Continue

11 WROOOOOOOOOONG! You should have got that one! The hormones are secreted by glands in the body and travel through the bloodstream. They travel to certain organs to stimulate processes in the body. Other examples of this are the pancreas which controls sugar rate of metabolism. Click to Continue

12 4) Now about contraception Oral contraceptives usually contain which hormones? FSH and LH Oestrogen and Progesterone LH and Oestrogen FSH and Progesterone

13 Good show! Oestrogen and Progesterone are used in the contraceptive pill because they stop the production of FSH, causing the egg to stop maturing. However, if the pill contains too much oestrogen, then side-effects may occur such as changes in weight, mood and blood pressure. Click to Continue

14 Oh dear... The answer was oestrogen and progesterone. They are used in the contraceptive pill because they stop the production of FSH, causing the egg to stop maturing. However, if the pill contains too much oestrogen, then side-effects may occur such as changes in weight, mood and blood pressure. Click to Continue

15 5) The end is in sight What is an advantage of having a hormonal implant rather than taking contraceptive pills? The implant lasts forever It is much more cheaper than the pill It is 100% effective You don’t need to remember to use the pill

16 You chose incorrectly Yeah, that one was wrong. If you have the implant, you don’t need to worry about taking the pill constantly. However, the implant is NOT 100% effective and still does cost quite a lot. The implant also lasts 3 years and you will have to get another one once that time is over. Click to pick a prize!

17 Excellent job! If you have the implant, you don’t need to worry about taking the pill constantly. However, the implant is NOT 100% effective and still does cost quite a lot. The implant also lasts 3 years and you will have to get another one once that time is over. Click to pick a prize!

18 How many did you get right? 01 23 45

19 You really got 0? You need to revise more. If you did better, you could have chose what prize you get! For now, have a piece of toast. END

20 1? Was that a lucky guess? Well for getting 1, you get a choice of 2! Prize 1Prize 2

21 Left half of a pair of scissors! Guess what the other prize is! END Choose a different prize

22 Right half of a pair of scissors! Guess what the other prize is! END Choose a different prize

23 You could have done better At least you didn’t get 0! Pick a prize! Prize 1Prize 2

24 A Digestive Biscuit! Sorry if you don’t like them. END Choose a different prize

25 Dog food! Hope you like it! END Choose a different prize

26 Not bad I suppose For that, a choice of 2. Prize 1Prize 2

27 Balloons! Blow them up yourself. END Choose a different prize

28 A new car! A toy one, that is. END Choose a different prize

29 Almost perfect! A special 3 to choose from. Prize 1Prize 2 Prize 3

30 Mouse Trap Have fun setting it up. END Choose a different prize

31 A pair of binoculars To help you revise and see those tiny words. END Choose a different prize

32 A pet bee! That picture isn’t the real one. END Choose a different prize

33 Great job! Some great prizes on offer for you! Prize 1Prize 2 Prize 3Prize 4

34 A tiny elephant! Tiny just so you can keep it. END Choose a different prize

35 A rainbow lemon! You decide whether to eat it or not. END Choose a different prize

36 This hat! Now you can look incredibly stupid. END Choose a different prize

37 A visit to the north pole! Stay warm. END Choose a different prize

38 Thanks for playing!

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