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The Cardio-Renal Syndrome Stephen L. Rennyson MD

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1 The Cardio-Renal Syndrome Stephen L. Rennyson MD

2 Clinical Presentation
68 y.o. man with iCMO admitted with volume overload consistent with CHF exacerbation Admitted 2 weeks prior -- similar presentation Discharged with appropriate CHF regimen, furosemide diuretic Laboratory Studies Sodium 132 Creatinine 1.8 Hemoglobin 9.8 Albumin 2.2

3 Placed on BiPap in the ED, given 120 mg of iv Lasix, transferred to CICU . . . Started NTG gtt
Initial success of 500 cc urine output Morning laboratory studies show creatinine rising Midnight dose of lasix produced little urine output Blood pressure falling . . .

4 Cardio-Renal Syndrome
Background Pathophysiology Management Options Case

5 Congestive Heart Failure
Epidemiology changing from acute management to managing the chronicity of cardiac dysfunction An indicence of 5 million persons Responsible for over 1 million yearly hospitalizations 280,000 deaths annually

6 Comorbid Conditions . . . Associated with a worse prognosis
Anemia (Hb < 10.0) Cirrhosis Peripheral Vascular Disease Hyponatremia (<135) Renal failure N Engl J Med 2006; 355: July 20, 2006

7 Cardiovascular Outcomes with renal dysfunction
Stratified by GFR Cumulative incidence Cardiovascular death Unplanned ADHF admission reduced LVEF (LVEF<=40%) Stratified by GFR LV systolic function (LVEF>40%) Hillege, H. L. et al. Circulation 2006;113:

8 Best predictors of outcome:
ADHERE Registry Registry of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) 105,000 patient registry QOC study evaluating variations in CHF treatment Best predictors of outcome: BUN Creatinine

9 Cardio-Renal Syndrome
Most Simplistic Description: Associated loss of renal function in the setting of advanced CHF CRS or RCS?

10 Subtypes Type I, acute CRS Type II, chronic CRS
Type III, acute renocardiac syndrome Type IV, chronic renocardiac syndrome Type V, secondary CRS -- sepsis, amyloidosis

11 Cardio-Renal Syndrome
CHF patients at increased risk for CRS: Hypertension Diabetes Severe Vascular Disease Elderly

12 Cardio-Renal Syndrome
Background Pathophysiology Management Conclusions

13 Pathophysiology Neurohormonal Factors: SNS, RAAS, AVP System
Hemodynamics: Loss of Cardiac Output Transrenal perfusion pressure Intrarenal hemodynamics

14 Neurohormonal Axis Adenosine

15 CHF Hemodynamics Systolic or Diastolic CHF
Exacerbations -- Symptomatology seen objectively Elevated PCWP Elevations of INR, Alkaline Phosphatase Elevations of Creatinine Shift in paradigm

16 Damman, K. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53:582-588
CVP and Renal Failure 2,557 patients underwent RHC Age 59 ± 15 years 57% were men Renal Function using estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) Damman, K. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53:

17 Damman, K. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53:582-588
Curvilinear Relationship Between CVP and eGFR According to Different Cardiac Index Values Solid line = cardiac index <2.5 dashed line = cardiac index 2.5 to 3.2 dotted line = cardiac index >3.2 p = Central Venous Pressure Damman, K. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53:

18 Damman, K. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53:582-588
CVP and Renal Failure Kaplan-Meier Analysis of Event-Free Survival According to Tertiles of CVP Damman, K. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53:

19 Renal Hemodynamics Transrenal perfusion pressure TRPP = MAP - CVP
CVP influenced: PAP -- Oxygenation, Valve Dysfunction, CO Volume Status MAP -- Perfusion Pressure Cardiac Output Systemic Vascular Resistance

20 Renal Hemodynamics Ultimately lack of adequate transrenal perfusion pressure: Renal Hypoxia Inflammation / Cytokine Release Progressive loss of nephron function and structural Activation of the Neurohormonal cascade

21 Cardio-Renal Syndrome
Background Pathophysiology Management Options Case

22 The Cardio-Renal Syndrome
Treatment Goals Same goals as ADHF Removal of Volume Optimizing Hemodynamics Complicated by chronic renal failure and acutely worsening renal function

23 Removal of Volume Loop Diuretics Brain Naturetic Peptide
Arginine Vasopressin Antatonism Adenosine Antagonism Ultrafiltration

24 Loop Diuretics Goal --> Deplete extracellular fluid volume
Balanced refilling interstitium to intravascular compartment Reality --> Contraction of circulating volume > Activation of neurohormonal response

25 Loop Diuretics Furosemide Blockage of the thick ascending loop Na/ K/ 2 Cl pump Acts intraluminally Travels Bound to albumin High Na delivered to distal tubules Chronic use -> cellular hypertrophy -> increased Na reabsorption -> Failure of diuresis

26 Diuretic Resistance Inadequate dosing Cellular Hypertrophy
Bolus vs Continuous Infusion Double Diuretic Therapy Nutritionally Deficient Patients

27 Loop Diuretic Dosing Dose response curve is not smooth
Thus, no diruresis until threshold dose reached If 20 mg IV once a day is insufficient; BID will be just as ineffective Torsemide and Bumetanide vs Furosemide Similar iv bioavailabiltiy Improved Oral Bioavailablity

28 Braking Phenomenon Continuous Infusion Limited Data Cochrane Review
Short term tolerance after the first dose Continuous Infusion Limited Data Cochrane Review Improved safety Improved diuresis Shorter Hospital Stay Lower Cardiac Mortality in a single study Cochrane Database Syst Rev p. CD

29 The DOSE Trial Diuretic Optimization Strategies Evaluation
308 patients with ADHF Low vs High Dose Furosemide Continuous vs a12 hour dosing Overall no significant difference among all groups Patients symptoms Creatinine High Dose group had a greater diuresis with transient increases in creatinine N Engl J Med Mar 3;364(9):

30 Double Diuretic Therapy or Sequential Nephron Blockade
Diuretic Resistance Double Diuretic Therapy or Sequential Nephron Blockade Loop + Thiazide Chlorothiazide 250 mg vs 500 mg IV / Metolazone 5-10 mg PO Very Effective -- Weight loss and edema resolution Double Sodium Excretion CAUTION: Hyponatremia, Hypotension, Worsening renal function Chronic use -> cellular hypertrophy -> increased Na reabsorption -> Failure of diuresis J Am Coll Cardiol, 2010; 56: , doi: /j.jacc

31 Diuretic Resistance **Addition of salt poor albumin**
Travels bound to albumin --> Delivered to Glomerulus --> Filtered --> Acts luminal side of thick ascending loop Advanced CHF / Chronically ill Elevated catecholamines (Catabolic) Low serum albumin Decreased delivery of diuretic to renal tubules **Addition of salt poor albumin** Furosemide-Albumin dimer allows better drug delivery Clin Pharmacokinet May;18(5):

32 Brain Natriuretic Peptide
LV volume overload --> Cardiac Myocytes secrete BNP precursor --> Converted to proBNP --> ProBNP cleaved into: C-terminal BNP (biologically active) Decrease in SVR and CVP Increase natriuresis N-terminal BNP or NT-proBNP (biologically inactive)

33 Nesiritide (Natrecor)
New to market in 2001 Actions in ADHF PCWP reduced within 15 minutes of administration Resultant decreases in PA and RA pressure Reduced SVRI Resultant increase in CO Enhances loop diuretic effects Modest intrinsic natriuretic and diuretic effects No tachyphylaxis Blocks loop diuretic effects of aldosterone up- regulation Cleve Clin J Med Mar;69(3): Review Clin Cardiol Jun;33(6):330-6

34 ASCEND-HF Over 7000 patients with ADHF -- standard therapy
Nesiritide infusion 24 hrs - 7 days vs placebo Primary End points: CHF mortality and readmission (30 days) Self reported Dyspnea at 6 and 24 hours

35 ASCEND-HF End points Placebo (%), n=3511 Nesiritide (%), n=3496 p
30-d death/HF hospitalization* 10.1 9.4 0.31 30-d death 4.0 3.6 30-d HF rehospitalization 6.1 6.0 Dyspnea at 6 h* 42.1 44.5 0.030 Moderately better 28.7 29.5 Markedly better 13.4 15.0 Dyspnea at 24 h* 66.1 68.2 0.007 38.6 37.8 27.5 30.4 >25% decrease eGFR 31.4 0.11

36 ASCEND-HF Role of Natrecor: Resolved Concerns: Worsening mortality
Worsening renal function No significant benefit compared to standard therapy Improved Dyspnea Score ($500.00/day)

37 Arginine Vasopressin Arginine vasopressin (AVP), secreted by posterior pituitary V1 Vascular receptor V2 Renal receptor Proportional to the severity of HF Contributes to fluid retention and hyponatremia

38 Hyponatremia

39 ACTIV Trial Initial trial for Tolvaptan -- AVP antagonist
319 patients with systolic dysfunction (<40%) admitted with exacerbation Tolvaptan vs Placebo/ Standard Treatment Greater loss of body weight Greater urine output at 24 hours Increase in serum sodium JAMA Apr 28;291(16):

40 EVEREST Trial Efficacy of Vasopressin Antagonism in HF Outcome Study With Tolvaptan Over 4000 patients in two separate study groups EF < 40% Tolvaptan (30mg) vs Placebo in combination with standard HF thearpy Treatment time up to 7 days JAMA Mar 28;297(12): Epub 2007 Mar 25

41 Tolvaptan Placebo Baseline Meds Diuretics 97.1 96.6 ACEi / ARB 84.3
% of patients Placebo (n=2061) Baseline Meds Diuretics 97.1 96.6 ACEi / ARB 84.3 84.1 β-blocker 70.8 69.6 Aldo blocker 53.6 54.7 IV inotrope 4.0 4.3 Nesiritide 4.2 5.1 Baseline HF Characteristics Dyspnea 90.9 91.1 Edema 79.3 JVD ≥ 10 cm H2O 27.0 26.9 Serum Na+ <134 mEq/L 7.9 8.0

42 EVEREST Trial JAMA Mar 28;297(12): Epub 2007 Mar 25

43 EVEREST Trial JAMA Mar 28;297(12): Epub 2007 Mar 25

44 EVEREST Trial JAMA Mar 28;297(12): Epub 2007 Mar 25

45 EVEREST Trial No change over 24 month follow up: All Cause Mortality
Cardiovascular Mortality Heart Failure Hospitalization JAMA Mar 28;297(12): Epub 2007 Mar 25

46 Adenosine?? Elevated levels seen in ADHF
Released locally in response to stress (Macula Densa) and sodium delivery to the DCT Actions: Afferent Arteriole Vasoconstriction Decreased GFR Sodium reabsorption Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism for regulation of GFR

47 Adenosine Tubuloglomerular Feedback
Acute delivery of sodium to the distal tubules (Lasix) Adenosine further released from the macula densa Further renal dysfunction Br J Pharmacol August 2; 139(8): 1383–1388.

48 Adenosine Antagonism BG9719
63 patients with ADHF Compared Groups Lasix Alone Adenosine Antagonist Alone Combination thearpy Circulation. 2002;105:

49 Adenosine Circulation. 2002;105:

50 Ultrafiltration The removal of isotonic volume across a semipermeable membrane Hemodialysis -- Removal of volume and solutes using a concentration gradient UF does not decrease sodium presentation to the macula densa Avoids neurohormonally mediated sodium and water reabsorption

51 Ultrafiltration Advantages Low Flow Catheters -- Simple PICC line
Veno-Venous filtration No ICU monitoring needed

52 UNLOAD Trial 200 Patients with ADHF Randomized:
Conventional IV Diuresis UF up to 500cc/hr Am Coll Cardiol Feb 13;49(6):

53 UNLOAD Trial Hypotension during 48 h after randomization:
Similar UF (4 of 100) 4% vs. Standard (3 of 100) 3% Net fluid loss 48 h after randomization: UF 4.6 ± 2.6 L Standard-care 3.3 ± 2.6 L (p = 0.001) Am Coll Cardiol Feb 13;49(6):

54 UNLOAD Trial Am Coll Cardiol Feb 13;49(6):

55 UNLOAD Trial Am Coll Cardiol Feb 13;49(6):

56 Clinical Presentation
68 y.o. man with iCMO admitted with volume overload consistent with CHF exacerbation Diuresis poor Creatinine Rising Laboratory Studies Sodium 132 Creatinine 1.8 Hemoglobin 9.8 Albumin 2.2

57 TRPP = MAP - CVP Goals: Improve symptoms
Limit further activation of the neurohormonal cascase Little has been done to improve mortality TRPP = MAP - CVP

58 Conclusions The Cardio-Renal Syndrome is a worst case scenario for the CHF patient Mortality is clearly worsened Management is difficult: Many options; nothing improves mortality Promising new therapies -- Adenosine . . . Each readmission for ADHF increases mortality thus optimization (Ultrafiltration) may play a larger role

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