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The Atmosphere “Vapor Globe/Ball”. Composition  78% Nitrogen  21% Oxygen  1% Other (Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, other gases)  78% Nitrogen.

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Presentation on theme: "The Atmosphere “Vapor Globe/Ball”. Composition  78% Nitrogen  21% Oxygen  1% Other (Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, other gases)  78% Nitrogen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Atmosphere “Vapor Globe/Ball”

2 Composition  78% Nitrogen  21% Oxygen  1% Other (Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, other gases)  78% Nitrogen  21% Oxygen  1% Other (Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, other gases)

3 Air Pressure  Measure of force with which air molecules push on a surface  Gravity pulls air molecules toward the Earth  The closer to the surface you are, the more air pressure – The lower the altitude, the higher the air pressure  Measure of force with which air molecules push on a surface  Gravity pulls air molecules toward the Earth  The closer to the surface you are, the more air pressure – The lower the altitude, the higher the air pressure

4 Layers  Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere  Based on temperature changes as altitude increases  Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere  Based on temperature changes as altitude increases

5 Layers

6 Troposphere  Lowest, but densest layer  90% of the total mass  Contains all of Earth’s life, carbon dioxide, water, clouds, pollution, weather  Lowest, but densest layer  90% of the total mass  Contains all of Earth’s life, carbon dioxide, water, clouds, pollution, weather

7 Stratosphere  Air is very thin with little moisture  Contains ozone layer – Ozone has three oxygen atoms – The oxygen we breathe has two oxygen atoms – Ozone absorbs harmful UV radiation from the Sun  Air is very thin with little moisture  Contains ozone layer – Ozone has three oxygen atoms – The oxygen we breathe has two oxygen atoms – Ozone absorbs harmful UV radiation from the Sun

8 Mesosphere  Coldest layer  “Middle” layer  Large wind storms  Coldest layer  “Middle” layer  Large wind storms

9 Thermospher e  Gases absorb solar radiation  Eventually blends into space (exosphere)  High temperature, but feels cold – Air molecules move very fast – Air molecules are so far apart, they do not transfer energy  Gases absorb solar radiation  Eventually blends into space (exosphere)  High temperature, but feels cold – Air molecules move very fast – Air molecules are so far apart, they do not transfer energy

10 Ionosphere  Upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere  Nitrogen and oxygen atoms that absorb solar radiation  Carries AM radio waves  Aurora Borealis (northern lights)  Upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere  Nitrogen and oxygen atoms that absorb solar radiation  Carries AM radio waves  Aurora Borealis (northern lights)

11 Energy  Radiation from the Sun  Visible light is changed into heat energy  Energy is moved around with radiation, conduction, and convection  Radiation from the Sun  Visible light is changed into heat energy  Energy is moved around with radiation, conduction, and convection

12 Energy

13 Greenhouse Effect  Atmosphere traps thermal energy near the Earth  Keeps Earth livable  Greenhouse gases are the only gases that trap thermal energy – Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas – Too much CO 2 can cause global warming – Average global temperature would increase  Atmosphere traps thermal energy near the Earth  Keeps Earth livable  Greenhouse gases are the only gases that trap thermal energy – Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas – Too much CO 2 can cause global warming – Average global temperature would increase

14 Winds  Caused by pressure differences  Uneven heating of the earth causes pressure differences – Equator has warmer, less dense air – Poles have colder, more dense air – Colder air is denser, so it sinks causing high pressure  Air moves from high pressure to low pressure  Caused by pressure differences  Uneven heating of the earth causes pressure differences – Equator has warmer, less dense air – Poles have colder, more dense air – Colder air is denser, so it sinks causing high pressure  Air moves from high pressure to low pressure

15 Types of Winds  Trade Winds – 30° N or 30° S to the equator – Weak winds  Westerlies – 30°- 60° in northern and southern hemispheres  Polar Easterlies – 60° to poles in both hemispheres  Trade Winds – 30° N or 30° S to the equator – Weak winds  Westerlies – 30°- 60° in northern and southern hemispheres  Polar Easterlies – 60° to poles in both hemispheres

16 Types of Winds  Jet Streams – Found in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere – Not regular patterns – Affects pilots  Local Winds – Wind that is affected by local geography  Jet Streams – Found in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere – Not regular patterns – Affects pilots  Local Winds – Wind that is affected by local geography

17 Local Winds

18 Pollution  Primary Pollutants- directly from human or natural activity – car exhaust, volcanic ash, pollen, dust  Secondary Pollutant- pollutants from primary pollutants reacting with other chemicals – Smog is from car exhaust and ozone – Acid rain is from sulfur or nitrogen and water  Primary Pollutants- directly from human or natural activity – car exhaust, volcanic ash, pollen, dust  Secondary Pollutant- pollutants from primary pollutants reacting with other chemicals – Smog is from car exhaust and ozone – Acid rain is from sulfur or nitrogen and water

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