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Properties of Earth’s Atmosphere

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Presentation on theme: "Properties of Earth’s Atmosphere"— Presentation transcript:

1 Properties of Earth’s Atmosphere
ESRT p1, 14

2 All information regarding the earth’s composition Is found on p 1 ESRT

3 Earth’s Atmosphere is A thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth
A protective layer from the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation due to Ozone in the stratosphere Divided in layers based upon temperature variations

4 Selected Properties of Earth’s Atmosphere p14

5 Earth Science References Tables (2011ed): Selected Properties of Earth’s Atmosphere
Do Now: Take out ESRT and open to page 14. In your notebook, summarize what you learned by graphing the various atmospheric layers vs. their temperature. After you complete this see the directions that follow. Directions: Check off as you complete! 1._____Using a highlighter, highlight the 4 layers of the atmosphere 2._____Highlight the x-axis and the y-axis 3._____Circle the three headings- Temperature zones, Atmospheric pressure, and Water vapor

6 Answer the following: 1. State the temperature ranges for the Troposphere_______to____________
Stratosphere_______to___________ Mesosphere_______to____________ Thermosphere______to____________

7 What is the atm pressure 10km up?___________________
2.. List the boundaries (or interfaces!):__________________________________ What is the atm pressure 10km up?___________________ 4. What is the water vapor concentration at sea level?_________________ Why?_________________________________________________

8 What is the temperature at the interface between the troposphere and the stratosphere?__________________ Which layer do we live in?_________________________ Which layer do airplanes fly in?______________________

9 State one conclusion below based on the information in this chart:
Think about (It Says…I Say…And So…) 1. What does the chart say? 2. What do I know or say? 3. Combine the information in the chart and what you know to come up with your inference…and so Make a chart in your notes…if it helps

10 The Ozone Hole is recreated every
Spring at the South Pole as the winds die down. It formed due to chlorofluorocarbons or CFC’s The Montreal Protocol was an international treaty signed to protect the Ozone layer in 1981

11 The Northern Lights or the Aurora Borealis




15 Wrap up: Knowing what you know now about the earth’s atmosphere, infer how the sun pillar formed in the picture below:

16 From EPOD: This eye-catching Sun pillar appeared just at sunset on July 27, 2014 as observed from Ranchos, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The recipe for pillars is quite simple: First, hexagonal ice crystals are required -- found in high clouds or free falling through the atmosphere; second, nearly all of these crystals must be aligned similarly and tipped a bit; sunlight is then reflected off the crystals in the viewer's direction. Only on occasion, however, are pillars observed extending 10 degrees or more above the horizon, such as the one above.

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