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SMWG-SRN-01 SMWG Iterim Meetings June 2007 1 JAXA SLE-SM/UM Prototype Interoperation Coordination Takashi Asama Katsuji Miyashita

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1 SMWG-SRN-01 SMWG Iterim Meetings June 2007 1 JAXA SLE-SM/UM Prototype Interoperation Coordination Takashi Asama Katsuji Miyashita 7.June.2007

2 SMWG-SRN-01 SMWG Iterim Meetings June 2007 2 1. Configuration & Interface ISDN Circuit 128 kbps Voice System (TBD) Voice System End User Simulator SLE Rtn Service Provider (TDS) SLE Fwd Service Provider (CCP) Test Mod SLE SM/CM (CCSXP) JPL JAXA/TKSC Internet SLE SM/UM (Red-1) (UMR-1) SLE UGW (TSX-UGW) CM-TH Router (Cisco 2800) Figure-1 CONFIGURATION Router (Cisco 7000 ?)

3 SMWG-SRN-01 SMWG Iterim Meetings June 2007 3 1.1 SLE Transfer Service Configuration & Interface  Communication for the Transfer Service (ISDN, Dedicated, VPN, etc) --> JAXA would like to select ISDN (128kbps), JAXA makes a Call Request.  Maker and Type of Routers used in JPL --> JAXA is to use “CISCO2801” (96k for data, 32k for VoIP)  RAF/CLTU Items to be set --> Ref. SMWG-SRN-02”JPL-JAXA Interface Parameters”  We would like to confirm the version of Transfer Service used in JPL. --> Ref. SMWG-SRN-03 : Version of the Transfer Service

4 SMWG-SRN-01 SMWG Iterim Meetings June 2007 4 1.2 SLE Service Management Configuration & Interface  Communication used for SLE-SM --> Via Internet for JAXA  Exchange of E-Mail address --> JAXA will provide them by end of July  Security method --> JAXA will adopt the method which is used or to be used in JPL  Exchange method of XML documents --> JAXA would like to know the rules of title of e-mail and how to use the body of mail, Is the XML document attached to e-mail ?

5 SMWG-SRN-01 SMWG Iterim Meetings June 2007 5 1.2 SLE Service Management Configuration & Interface (Cont.)  Samples of Mail and XML documents --> We would like JPL to provide the samples of e-mail and XML documents processed already. --> JAXA will send the samples via e-mails to JPL before Interoperability Test, and JPL would appreciate to check them. (around Mid of Aug)

6 SMWG-SRN-01 SMWG Iterim Meetings June 2007 6 2. Service Agreement  Coordination of Service Agreement --> Please refer to SMWG-SRN-04: Service Agreement Parameter definitions ex) ModulationTypeOption = PCM/PSK-PM additionally ?

7 SMWG-SRN-01 SMWG Iterim Meetings June 2007 7 3. Interoperability Test Plan  JAXA would like JPL to review the Test Plan. --> Ref. QNX-070009 by JAXA  JAXA would like to perform the line test before Interoperability Test. --> ping for Transfer Service Interface --> e-mail for Service Management --> Date : End of July

8 SMWG-SRN-01 SMWG Iterim Meetings June 2007 8 Schedule of JAXA SLE-SM/UM prototype development & testing with JPL (tentative) 4. Schedule

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