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MGGS INSET Day: Raising achievement in the Sixth Form Geoff Barton Headteacher, King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds September 13, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "MGGS INSET Day: Raising achievement in the Sixth Form Geoff Barton Headteacher, King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds September 13, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 MGGS INSET Day: Raising achievement in the Sixth Form Geoff Barton Headteacher, King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds September 13, 2015


3 Opinion, not advice

4 Us

5 300+50 A-levels

6 Leadership

7 Service

8 Memories



11 February 2009

12 9 Unhelpful words

13 The overall effectiveness of the sixth form is Ofsted February 2009 outstanding.

14 The overall effectiveness of the sixth form is Ofsted February 2009 outstanding.


16 5 Essential Ingredients

17 1.Ethos 2.Induction 3.Teaching 4.Rigour 5.Scholarship

18 1 Ethos Expectations Dress code Work ethic Role-model Perks: Ed’s Place Service Environment.


20 2 Induction Specific skills Literacy matters Vocabulary Reading lists Tutor’s role Make implicit explicit






26 The climate of the Earth is always changing. In the past it has altered as a result of natural causes. Nowadays, however, the term climate change is generally used when referring to changes in our climate which have been identified since the early part of the 1900's. The changes we've seen over recent years and those which are predicted over the next 80 years are thought to be mainly as a result of human behaviour rather than due to natural changes in the atmosphere.

27 The best treatment for mouth ulcers. Gargle with salt water. You should find that it works a treat. Salt is cheap and easy to get hold of and we all have it at home, so no need to splash out and spend lots of money on expensive mouth ulcer creams.


29 Urquhart castle is probably one of the most picturesquely situated castles in the Scottish Highlands. Located 16 miles south-west of Inverness, the castle, one of the largest in Scotland, overlooks much of Loch Ness. Visitors come to stroll through the ruins of the 13th- century castle because Urquhart has earned the reputation of being one of the best spots for sighting Loch Ness’s most famous inhabitant.









38 3 Teaching Core business High stakes Consistency of expectations Apprenticeship CPD No ‘sink or swim’ Monitor



41 4 Rigour “Would I be happy …?” test Expertise Not exam factory Learning, not just teaching Frequent feedback Tracking progress

42 5 Scholarship Visits & research Depth Clubs & societies Questioning Start in Year 8 Research tasks Extended project

43 1.Ethos 2.Induction 3.Teaching 4.Rigour 5.Scholarship

44 Value-added and values-added

45 Get a reputation for restless excellence

46 MGGS INSET Day: Raising achievement in the Sixth Form Geoff Barton Headteacher, King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds September 13, 2015

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