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Recently Completed or Inactive Projects Supported by the Instrumentation Committee (ICOM) Date of presentation Your name and contact information here.

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Presentation on theme: "Recently Completed or Inactive Projects Supported by the Instrumentation Committee (ICOM) Date of presentation Your name and contact information here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recently Completed or Inactive Projects Supported by the Instrumentation Committee (ICOM) Date of presentation Your name and contact information here

2 Recently Completed Projects Magnetic head for pygmy meter Float measurement with timing chips Radar-based non-contact water level sensors Sit-down cable-car stress evaluation Laser stage system Teflon churn splitter J&H motor & control replacement 1-L bag sampler Heavy (D-99) sampler Borehole acoustic flow meter Downhole water quality parameter tool Color key: QW, SW, GW,

3 Teflon churn splitter Need—The only currently acceptable sample splitter for low-level contaminants is the Teflon cone splitter which has limitations that compromise ability to split correctly. A Teflon churn splitter design like the current model would provide one easy to use device for most composite samples Status—Project completed Feedback from users?

4 Non-contact water level sensors Need—Cheaper,easier methods to measure stage Status—Project complete. Rent/purchase units from HIF Plan—New technology, so continue tests to optimize performance, upgrade software Other makers’ units to be tested in HIF Testing Section Other—+/- 0.02 ft accuracy, SDI- 12, battery operated, measures vertically (Radar)

5 Magnetic head for pygmy meter Need—cat whisker contacts are time sink and don’t work well with electronic discharge calculators. Status—Tow tank tests on 62 meters indicate that pygmy meter standard rating #2 will result in a biased velocities. If you purchase magnetic head from an outside vendor you must have it individually rated at the HIF HIF developing cheaper simpler unit (standard rating) based on different switch.

6 Float measurement with timing chips Need—To develop an inexpensive and safe method of obtaining surface velocities on remote flashy streams. Data to help develop stage- discharge relations. Status—Report completed and sent to OSW and ICOM in Oct. ’02. Tests were inconclusive Plan—Investigate new antenna configurations.

7 Borehole acoustic flowmeter Need—To build and test an upgraded prototype of the next generation of the Borehole Acoustic Doppler velocity meter (ADV) that can measure 3-D flow in a borehole for study of flow in wells. Status—Tested in HIF standpipe facility and Cape Cod field site. Copies of report submitted to OGW. Plan—Project completed Other—New instruments would be tested by the HIF Testing Section.

8 Sit-Down Cable Car Stress Evaluation  Old design unsafe  Kits designed to retrofit old cars  Kits available from the HIF

9 Four-wheel base crane design eCrane/index.html

10 Real-time nutrient analyzer Need—To document the accuracy, precision, reliability, and utility of automated analytical instruments. Districts are using automated analyzers to enhance nutrient load assessments and increase safety. Status—Installed units in several districts, tested, PO4, SiO2 problems relayed to vendor. Plan—Summarize test results on OWQ web page. Make users guide. Resolve vendor problems.

11 Plastic bucket wheel Need—To develop plastic cups for Price AA current meters that are responsive at low velocities, durable, inexpensive and have consistent quality assurance and acceptance (standard rating). Status—Vendor sample parts checked for fit and strength with modifications suggested. Plan—Evaluate for strength and stiffness. Begin hydraulic lab testing. New rating likely.

12 One-liter bag sampler Need—An isokinetic sampler that can be used with bridge boards or hand lines for depths up to 36 feet, and velocities near 2 ft/sec. Sampler to be non-contaminating and about the size of the DH-95. Status—First prototype assembled and tested in flume and lake for balance point and hydraulic efficiency. Plan—Field test in turbulent water.

13 Non-contact GW level sensors Need—Instruments to measure GW levels without contact for contaminated aquifers, and deep wells. Available instruments expensive and limited to shallow depths. Accuracy not evaluated. Status—Testing continues in TX and NJ. Suggests 400-ft limit. Draft report underway. Plan—Summary report to be written for the HIF’s Instrument News Other—Project may be moved to HIF’s Testing of Commercial Equipment project.

14 Inactive Projects (intermittent work; no ICOM funding)  In situ phased array Doppler  Electromagnetic seepage meter  Field deployable nutrient silicon analyzer  Heavy bag sampler (D-99)  Downhole water quality parameter tool  (Plastic bucket wheels for AA meter) Color key: QW, SW, GW,

15 Field-deployable nutrient and silica analzer Need—To test an automated nitrate analyzer capable of making hourly analyses for detailed chemical sampling that is similar in resolution to hourly discharge data. Status—Testing complete. Cold weather problems. Awaiting final report. Plan—Finish report that is instruction manual emphasizing installation and procedures.

16 Downhole water-quality parameter tool Need—Water-quality samples collected from boreholes with long open intervals are blended and may be incorrectly interpreted if characteristics of aquifer and borehole not accounted for. Status—Awaiting final report that evaluates 7-parameter WQ meter that fits in borehole and is compatible with borehole loggers for meaningful data with depth.

17 Heavy sampler (D99) Need—A heavy (275-lb) 'clean' sampler capable of collecting isokinetic samples to depths of 150 ft. Status—Awaiting FISP approval. Other—Sampler uses Teflon bag as container. Operation based on design of the D-96 sampler.

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