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Decolonization in Southeast Asia. Cambodia Cambodia--Independence French colony Occupied by Japan from 1941-45 King Sihanouk declared it independent.

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1 Decolonization in Southeast Asia

2 Cambodia

3 Cambodia--Independence French colony Occupied by Japan from 1941-45 King Sihanouk declared it independent after WWII and France granted it in 1953

4 Important People Pol Pot: Leader of the Khmer Rouge King of Cambodia today

5 Cambodia—Post-Independence Problems 1. Vietnam War destabilized the country ▫Tried to stay neutral ▫1970-King overthrown in a coup led by General Nol, who was supported by the US 2. Cambodian Genocide ▫King allied with (Communist )Khmer Rouge rebels to fight against Nol, causing civil war ▫Khmer Rouge eventually took power in 1975 ▫Their leader was Pol Pot

6 Cambodian Genocide Renamed Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot instituted a radical transformation of Cambodian society Tried to destroy all urban and civilized life Emptied the cities, killed all the educated people, and everyone worked in agriculture 1.5 million people died (out of 7 million) Vietnam overthrew Khmer Rouge in 1979 & fighting raged throughout the 1980s


8 Cambodia—Post-Independence Successes 1. 1991- Peace achieved and today it is again a constitutional monarchy 2. Still trying to rebuild from devastation caused by the Khmer Rouge

9 Indonesia

10 Indonesia--Independence Dutch colony Occupied by Japan from 1942-45 Indonesians fought Dutch for 4 years and won independence in 1949 First president was Sukarno

11 Important People Sukarno General Suharto

12 Indonesia—Post-Independence Problems 1. Sukarno-authoritarian leader who pushed country close to bankruptcy 2. General Suharto took power in 1965—also authoritarian and corrupt 3. Terrorism and ethnic violence are also problems in some areas

13 Indonesia—Post-Independence Successes 1. Suharto resigned in 1998 which strengthened democratic elements 2. Under Suharto the economy revived and Indonesia experienced substantial economic growth.

14 Malaysia

15 Malaysia--Independence British colony Occupied by Japan 1942-45 Malayan Communist Party launched guerilla attacks against the British to force them to leave Federation of Malaya became independent in 1957

16 Malaysia—Post-Independence Problems 1. Conflict with Indonesia over the formation of Malaysia 2. 1965 Singapore left the Federation of Malaya 3. Anti-gov’t rallies demanding electoral reform

17 Malaysia—Post-Independence Successes Between 1980s and 90s Malaysia experienced significant economic growth Focused on manufacturing & industry in electronics and computers Built a number of mega-projects to showcase their increasing wealth

18 Kuala Lumpur International Airport Bakun Hydroelectric Dam

19 Vietnam

20 Vietnam—Independence French colony Occupied by Japanese1941-45 Communist Ho Chi Minh led the Vietminh in guerilla attacks against the French 1954 Vietnam temporarily divided Elections were never held to reunite the country because US intervention prevented a Communist victory US pulled out in 1973 & Vietnam was reunited in 1976

21 Important People Ho Chi Minh

22 Vietnam—Post-Independence Problems 1. Lengthy Vietnam War and US use of napalm and defoliants devastated the environment 2. Economy was crippled 3. Communist gov’t collectivized farms and factories so reconstruction was slow 4. Brief war with China in 1979

23 Vietnam—Post-Independence Successes 1. 1986 Vietnam implemented free-market reforms which resulted in rapid economic growth

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