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Biodiversity Cyberinfrastructure Welcome from Organizing Committee Fang-Pang Lin Peter Arzberger Reed Beaman Charlotte Germain Hen-biau King Habibah Wahab.

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity Cyberinfrastructure Welcome from Organizing Committee Fang-Pang Lin Peter Arzberger Reed Beaman Charlotte Germain Hen-biau King Habibah Wahab."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity Cyberinfrastructure Welcome from Organizing Committee Fang-Pang Lin Peter Arzberger Reed Beaman Charlotte Germain Hen-biau King Habibah Wahab

2 Participants - 32 Cambodia1 France1 Germany1 Indonesia3 Lao1 Malaysia4 Philippines2 Taiwan3 Thailand8 US5 Vietnam3

3 Spirit of Meeting Building on SEAIP / PRAGMA foundation – Background Exploratory – Is there overlapping interest among research represented here? Preliminary – Consider this as an opportunity to take a first step. – We limited scientific focus mostly to terrestrial and plant (including trees). – There are other colleagues / areas / activities that we could consider for the future Collaborative / Interdisciplinary – We value interactions among colleagues, across disciplines (where it makes sense) Flexible and Fun – We can rearrange schedule

4 Outcomes: What we said! Explore biodiversity science challenges – that go beyond traditional approaches to disciplinary biological research and natural resource management. Explore possibilities for new collaborations among researchers in Southeast Asia – for innovative approaches to interdisciplinary, complex, data- and computationally-intensive biodiversity challenges. Identify compelling biodiversity science questions around which we can conceptualize a cyberinfrastructure that will enable new interdisciplinary science and collaborations.

5 Confluence of Science, Societal Issues, and Technology Initial scientific themes (not limited to) – geospatial, taxonomic, genetic, and functional components of biodiversity Applications to contemporary societal issues, e.g. – natural products chemistry, natural resource management and certification, and biodiversity services quantification. Support infrastructure for this research includes – lab and field methodologies, data management, remote sensing, sampling and sensor networks, and the underlying Cyberinfrastructure

6 Agenda – Saturday Introductions – Share Ideas - Discussions Session 1: Overview and informatics (part 1) – Reed Beaman Session 2: Chemistry (Pharmaceuticals, Natural compounds) – Habibah Wahab Session 3: Biodiversity / Forestry – Hen-biau King Session 4: Informatics (part 2) – Fang-Pang Lin Wrap –up: Summarizing ideas, opportunities, challenges

7 Each Session Overview Short introduction - by each person – Current research, development, or educational activities (relevant to the topic of biodiversity). Challenge question(s) (for example) – by each person – What are the greatest challenges to furthering your research? – What are the greatest opportunities in working with a broader group of individuals to address key research challenges? – What are challenges to working internationally? – What are the opportunities for students in this area of research? Discussion

8 Agenda Sunday Synthesis – Next Steps Are there common areas among some of the participants? Are there opportunities we should pursue for continued dialog and/or collaboration? Are there other researchers we should include for future meetings, workshops, or activities? Outline written report How many are staying for Sunday?

9 Sessions Session 1: Overview/ Informatics 1 Reed Beaman* Shahir Shamsir Others ???? Session 2: Chemistry Habibah Wahab* Jung-Hsin Lin Shaharum Shamsuddin Unang Supratman

10 Sessions Session 3: Biodiversity Hen-biau King Cam Webb Charlotte Germain Adam Murphy Darlina Md Naim Parikesit Sirilak Chumkiew Grace Wong Session 4: Informatics 4 Fang-Pang Lin Andy Johnson Uwe Woessner Others ???

11 Logistics Questions We do want to document some of this meeting. – Do you mind if we share the biosketches in a report? – Do you mind if we post slides on the web?

12 Thanks! On Behalf of Organizing Committee NCHC staff – Karen – Ives – Many others All participants

13 Organizing Committee Fang-Pang Lin, NCHC, NARL, Taiwan, Peter Arzberger, UCSD, US, Reed Beaman, FLMNH, US, Habibah Wahab, USM, Malaysia, Charlotte Germain-Aubrey, U. of Florida, US, Hen-biau King, Society of Subtropical Ecology,

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