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Published byKristina Hudson Modified over 9 years ago
The department of Nuclear Physics The department of Theoretical Physics The department of Particle Physics The Department of Applied Nuclear Physics The department of Life and Enviromental Sciences Center of Computing and Information Technology Radioisotope Production Center Multipurpose Irradiation Facility Center (IRASM) International Nuclear Information System (INIS) Nuclear Training Center Radiation Safety Tandem Cyclotron Reactor(in state of conservation and it is developing a decommissioning project ) IFIN-HH departments and facilities Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering - IFIN HH
IFIN-HH International Cooperation Projects with EU Framework Programme:FP7, FP6, FP5 EURATOM PHARE International Organizations CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneve JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna FAIR-GSI - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, Darmstadt National Organizations from abroad CEA - Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, France IN2P3 - Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules, France INFN - Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy International Experiments SPIRAL 2 – GANIL, France KASCADE - Grande - FZK, Germany LOPES - FZK, Germany H1 - DESY, Hamburg, Germany Other types of collaborations Bilateral Collaborations Inter-academic Exchange
IFIN-HH@CERN ALICE - A Large Ion Collider Experiment ATLAS - A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS LHCb - A Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment Proton Synchrotron DIRAC - DImeson Relativistic Atom Complex WLCG - Worldwide LHC Computing Grid Romania participates with a Tier 2 center in the organization's project in the field of GRID networks with scientific applications
IFIN-HH @FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) Experiments: NUSTAR (NUclear STructure And Reactions) PANDA (Proton ANtiproton DArmstadt) SPARC (Stored Particle Atomic Physics Collaboration) CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter)
Development of GRID and Parallel Computing Facilities at LIT-JINR and Magurele Campus Development of the Detection Facility for New Experiments at Nuclotron Neutron scattering investigations of superparamagnetic particles produced by bio-engineering procedures Synthesis and study of decay properties of the products of complete fusion reaction with heavy ion Shape Coexistence and Configuration Mixings in Nuclei with A~60-100 at the TANDEM Facility of IFIN-HH Cosmological Models for an Anisotropic Universe Environmental impact of selected Phosphate Fertilizers plants in Russia and Romania Structural investigations of asphaltene aggregation: concentration, temperature and solvent effects Determination of the length of neutron-electron scattering from the slow neutron scattering on a mix of wolfram isotopes Statistical methods to describe general systems of interacting particles, from condensed matter to heavy ion collisions Neutron depolarization investigations of ferrofluids and nanocomposites IFIN@JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Running grants and projects in 2008 A large number of projects and grants, based on protocols, in the frame of romanian cash contribution to JINR
Department of Particle Physics Staff Participation in International Experiments ATLAS LHCb PANDA (at FAIR) H1 (HERA) DEAR (Da ne Exotic Atoms Research) & SIDDHARTA (Silicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom reasearch by Timming Applications), INFN Frascati R&D : 25 people 10 Doctors in Physics, senior researchers 3 researchers 4 researcher assistant 6 high education graduates Other 3 secondary education
Romanian group (spokesperson for IFIN-HH - Dr. Cornelia Coca up to Nov. 2004) consisting in particle physicists, PhD students, engineers and technicians of IFIN-HH has officially joined the LHCb Collaboration in February 1996. The Romanian group has been: working on the Hadron Calorimeter project - contributed very strongly to the prototype construction and the beam tests by: delivering approx 65% of the mechanics participating in (mechanics &optic) assembling of the prototype Hcal modules; developing a computer controlled High Voltage distribution system for individual setting of the HV on each PMT for gain adjustment, used during the beam tests data taking (1998-2001); developing a new HVPS experimental model, with control by CUN-bus, for parallel supplying PMTs for hadron calorimeter; participating in beam test of Hcal prototype and offline analysis of the data taken. -later on producing a small part of the mechanics for hadron calorimeter detector. Participation in LHCb We also deal with LHCb optimization and physics studies, by using simulated data, as: calibration of the calorimeters using MIPs signal; contribution to b-baryons studies with LHCb detector This group has been co-author of the LHCb Technical Proposal (1998) and LHCb Calorimeters Technical Design Report (2000), basic documents for the approval of the LHCb experiment (September 1998) and the construction of the Calorimeter syste m. Other activity Study of the K + -->Π + νν rare decay at CERN SPS (common project with JINR/LPP, 2008)
The current members of the group who intends to join the FCAL collaboration Marius Ciprian Orlandea – graduate Physics Faculty, Bucharest, in 2001, IFIN-HH employee Nov. 2001, Researcher from 2005, also PHD student Eliza Teodorescu – graduate student of Physics Faculty, Bucharest, in 2006, IFIN-HH employee Nov. 2006, Asistent Researcher from 2007, also Master student Laurentiu Dumitru – 4-th year student of the Faculty of Science and Information Technology in Bucharest, spent 1 year at the Faculty of Computer Engineering Univ. of Southern Denmark, part-time employee of this group Dr. Cornelia Coca – Senior Researcher Dr. Horia Petrascu – Senior Researcher, experimental nuclear physics and detector specialist (Dept. of Nuclear Physics) We expect the current group to increase over the next few years
Contributions to FCAL until now Simulations regarding : energy spectra (kinetic energy and depositions) of electrons and positrons in sensor layers of the BeamCal photon density and energy spectra as a function of the layer depth implementation of the geometry for the front-end electronics and for the support tube surrounding the BeamCal neutron density and fluences in sensor layers and in electronics Future possible contributions -Continue the simulation studies for the BeamCal -Other needed simulations -Participate with personnel in testbeams of sensor materials -Other contributions according with discussions, maybe some engineering support
Network Topology Computing system - general overview: 2 segments for security reasons: Private segment: worker-nodes and storage Public segment: router, CE, SE Hardware resources of our group
2 x Rack 44 U 20 Sistems - dual xeon 3 GHz (single core), 4 Gb RAM, 300 Gb Hdd 5 Sistems – dual xeon 2 GHz (quad core), 8Gb RAM, 200 Gb HDD 2 Storage sistems dual xeon 3 GHz, 4 Gb RAM, 12,8 Tb HDD 2 x Switch 24 ports Gigabit Ups 2 x 5000 VA, 2000 VA Link Gigabit Cold sistem 36000 BTU
Software Linux installed: SLC4 32bit version on each system, the gLite 3.1 package installed Storage has gLite 3.0 package installed Local installation of the LHCb platform: Gaudi, DaVinci, Gauss, Brunel, LCGCMT packages Jobs of data analysis executed, locally, using the DaVinci package for observing the execution prior to the Grid launch of the jobs Work in progress: the instalation of ILC platform software: Geant4, Root, GuineaPig, Fluka, Mokka etc. (other needed software)
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