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USASBE 2008 Model Undergraduate Program Belmont University Nashville, Tennessee.

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Presentation on theme: "USASBE 2008 Model Undergraduate Program Belmont University Nashville, Tennessee."— Presentation transcript:

1 USASBE 2008 Model Undergraduate Program Belmont University Nashville, Tennessee

2 Innovativeness and Uniqueness

3 Experiential Opportunities Practicing Student Entrepreneur Program Campus-based Business Program

4 Practicing Entrepreneur Program Hatcheries and Incubator Student Entrepreneur Roundtables Accounting Clinic Entrepreneurial Excellence Endowed Grant Fund Belmont Student Business Plan Competition Belmont Network Mentor Program

5 Student Business Hatcheries

6 Campus-Based Business Program Student created – Student run Businesses –Three retail businesses –Three service businesses All are partnerships with other programs on campus

7 Campus-Based Businesses: Retail

8 Feedback Clothing

9 This and That

10 Boulevard Gallery

11 Service Campus-Based Businesses Boulevard Design – Graphic Design Firm Tower Creative Consultants – P.R. Firm Campus radio station – being developed

12 Moench Endowed Speaker Series

13 Quality and Effectiveness

14 Faculty Full-time Faculty –Dr. Jeff Cornwall –Dr. Mark Schenkel –Mr. Jose Gonzalez Current Adjunct Faculty –Mr. John Wark –Mr. Matthew Wilson

15 Student Outcomes (Comparing entering with exiting responses) an increase in ability to secure needed resources to launch a business venture an increase in knowledge to start and manage a business of their own an increase in their intention to launch a business after graduation an increased ability to reduce risk and uncertainty for a new venture an increased confidence in their ability to establish and achieve goals for new ventures

16 Student Outcomes 33.05% of our majors/minors have started a business while in the program 87.18% of those businesses still operating 30% of most recent graduating classes started businesses – 100% still in operation

17 Enrollment History of Declared Entrepreneurship Majors First Five Years of the Program (2004-2008) 2004200520062007 2008 (est.)

18 Other Majors Across Campus Involved in Entrepreneurship Program (Including Minors, Students in Co-curricular Programs, and Affiliated Programs) ArtGraphic DesignPhotographyEducation Environmental Studies Media StudiesPublic RelationsBroadcast Communications Video ProductionMusic BusinessEnglishPolitical Science TheaterReligionForeign LanguageInternational Studies Occupational Therapy Physical TherapyNursingPsychology BiologySocial WorkMusicCommercial Music Audio EngineeringPhilosophyHonors ProgramSports Management

19 Student Effectiveness: Competitions Delta Epsilon Chi SIFE Business Plan Competitions

20 Completeness and Comprehensiveness

21 Curricular Programs Entrepreneurship Major Entrepreneurship Minor

22 Foundations in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial Financial Management Entrepreneurial Venture Management Entrepreneurship Electives (6 cr.) – Service Learning in Entrepreneurship Family Business Launching an Entrepreneurial Venture Internship Credits (3 cr.) Other Business Elective Business Tool and Core Courses (40 cr. BBA requirements) Human Resource Management Entrepreneurship Major Requirements

23 Foundations in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial Financial Management Entrepreneurial Venture Management Business Ethics All Requirements of their non-business major Integrated Accounting (6 credit course) Entrepreneurship Minor Requirements

24 In-class Activities Local live case studies Experiential exercises Class speakers

25 Entrepreneurship Club CEO Delta Epsilon Chi Community Service

26 Sustainability

27 Funding Endowments –Jack C. Massey Chair –Moench Entrepreneurship Lecture Series –Entrepreneurial Excellence Grant Fund Grants –Coleman Foundation –Local Foundations Gifts –Business Plan Competition –Entrepreneurship Club

28 Support from Administration Faculty lines Staff support Budgetary funding Part of College of Business Mission Strong support from Senior Administration and Development

29 Entrepreneurship Across Belmont Initiatives: Building an Entrepreneurial Culture Campus-based businesses Non-business major hatchery Convocation Lectures Guest lectures in other programs Community connections Faculty developments programs

30 Campus-based Businesses Self-sustaining funding Succession planning

31 Transferability

32 Coleman Funded Projects 2007 USASBE Pre-conference –Sharing program innovations 2008 USASBE Pre-conference –Web-based collaborative

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