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Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) LITERACY, TECHNOLOGY : FACTS & RESOLUTION Taa Wongbe Global Alliance for Technology and Education in.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) LITERACY, TECHNOLOGY : FACTS & RESOLUTION Taa Wongbe Global Alliance for Technology and Education in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) LITERACY, TECHNOLOGY : FACTS & RESOLUTION Taa Wongbe Global Alliance for Technology and Education in Africa

2 2 Content Introduction Core Objectives Facts & Stats GATE Programs Strategy for job creation Conclusion Q&A

3 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 3 What is the GATE? The Global Alliance for Technology and Education in Africa (GATE) is a US based non-profit organization committed to creating partnerships with individuals, social groups, and companies to encourage the investment of educational and technological resources in Africa.

4 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 4 Core Objectives Advance Technology and Improve Education in Africa Create and preserve partnerships with individuals, social groups and companies to foster the growth of technology and education in Africa Build a sustainable community by empowering entrepreneurs with knowledge, capital, and resources needed to succeed.

5 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 5 The Facts & Stats Africa, the second largest continent on the earth, covering about 23% of the world’s total land mass, and containing 13% of the world’s population, is torn by the level of education; primarily it’s literacy rate. According to UNESCO (2004): The percentage of people, ages 15-24, who could both read and write, with understanding, short, simple statements relating to their everyday life, was approximately 60%. According to the ITU World Telecommunication Indicators Database, there are more than 8 times as many Internet users in the US, three times as many Internet users in Japan, and more than twice as many Internet users in Germany than on the entire African continent.

6 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 6 Discourse Vs. Practice Problem: Decades of declarations and recurrent discourse with little effective implementation Recommendation: more focus and support on implementation. After all, action speaks louder than words.

7 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 7 Educational Challenges There are a multitude of “minor” challenges, with regards to education that, when faced, cause major disruption to the educational environment and growth; these include the basic: –Availability of trained teachers –Lack of equipment –Lack of space –Lack of supplies

8 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 8 Technological Challenges Insufficient funding to acquire technological skills. Disparity in the technological curriculum (e.g. Computer Science, Engineering) when compared to other countries. Few computer training centers with exorbitant fees and limited number of computers and resources.

9 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 9 The Learning Transition Literary GATE will provide a step towards the information GATE This GATE is essential to increasing the literacy rate in Africa The Information GATE will become a transition point from the literary GATE. This GATE will use information to gain knowledge and transition to the knowledge GATE With knowledge comes power; the Knowledge GATE will provide insight for sustainability Within the Knowledge GATE, resources will be used to create jobs and implement strategies that will foster growth Literary GATEInformation GATEKnowledge GATE From literacy to the knowledge GATE Literacy is a prerequisite for entering into the information society and for the future of a knowledgeable society.

10 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 10 The GATE Technology Initiatives

11 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 11 The GATE Education Initiatives

12 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 12 Strategy for job creation In 2003 the Director-General for the International Labor Office, Juan Somavi, said the following: "the present model of globalization is not delivering for Africa“. He then called for changes in international policies that place jobs at the center of the development debate. –The GATE will work with the international community to create sustainable jobs for post graduate students –The GATE will create entrepreneurial programs to fund small businesses for job creation

13 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 13 Conclusion Rudimentary resources including textbooks, supplementary reading materials, trained teachers, teacher guides, classroom equipment, furniture, a secure and comfortable school and classroom, are all part of the recipe for a substantial and conducive learning environment; many African schools lack these necessities. There is a profound need for a community of interest (central and local government, civic organization e.g. faith based and community based associations, NGOs, private sector, grassroots organizations) to partner and work towards resolving these critical challenges facing our community There is a viable need for programs and initiatives of the GATE that will create jobs and foster the growth of sustainability and self-reliance. Let us partner and serve to fill that need.

14 Global Alliance for Technology and Education (GATE) 14 Thank You For Your Attention Q/A

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