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2 Essential Learnings Economics - students will be able to understand and explain how each civilization met their needs (i.e. trade, currency, labour, economy). Specialization of Labour - students will understand the various divisions of labour and how they affect the success of civilizations (pottery, tool- making, hunter/gatherers).

3 Minoans + Mycenaeans = The Greeks Origins of the Greeks: Minoans & Mycenaeans 2800 B.C.E. - 1500 B.C.E.

4 Minoans (2800-1400 BCE) Lived on island of Crete Named after King Minos who built a great palace at Knossos which was found a hundred years ago. Existed during Egypt’s Old Kingdom Government: Priest-kings Religion: Polytheists Cities NOT surrounded by walls Industries were: Ship Builders & Traders Farming and Fishing Overpowered by Mycenaeans by 1400 BCE

5 Minoan Religion Polytheistic – means they worshipped many gods. Main god: Great Goddess, Mother Earth)

6 Minoan Religion Built shrines on housetops, hilltops, and in caves –Why hilltops? –Why caves? Offerings included: –Human hair –fruit –flowers –jewels –gold Mother Earth

7 The Palace at Knossos 800 rooms built around a courtyard! Light wells (sky lights) to make brighter rooms. Water was piped in. Flushable toilets and baths which would not be seen again in the world for 3600 years! Colourful frescoes on the walls depicting peaceful scenes. The Minoans were not warlike.

8 Artist’s Recreation of Knossos

9 Aerial View of Knossos


11 Minoan Fresco at the Palace of Knossos



14 Minoan Art Sculptures, Pottery, and Frescoes





19 Minoans created and traded pottery, leather, bronze armor, and metal jewelry. They also enjoyed sports such as boxing and bull leaping.

20 Minoan fresco: Prince of Knossos

21 The fall of Minoan civilization is described in the legendary fight of Theseus, a young Greek prince and the Minotaur. Relief Sculpture of Theseus and defeated Minotaur

22 Wonders of Ancient Greece Palace of Knossos

23 The Mycenaean World: mid-2M B.C.E.

24 Mycenaeans (2000 - 900 BCE) Lower Greece (lowlands) Built fortress-palaces on hilltops Engaged in farming, herding, olive growing. Traded: gold & bronze Learned from Minoans: Shipbuilding, navigation, gold & bronze work, fashions, art, writing. Better warriors than traders (pirates) Became most powerful people in Aegean world by 1400 BCE Trojan War (1200s BCE) Conquered by Dorians (late 1200’s)

25 Aerial View of Mycenae

26 Mycenae Citadel & Reconstuction


28 Bronze Age Enemies: The Trojan War

29 Plan of the City of Troy

30 Original Wall of the City of Troy

31 Troy Grave Circles

32 The “Dark Age” (1100 -800 BCE) Civil wars broke out following Trojan War Dorians conquered Mycenaeans Aegean world began era of “wandering and killing” Independent communities developed Layered view of nine major settlements of Troy by Christopher Haussner based on archaelogical excavation.

33 Migrations in the Aegean Region (DORIANS}

34 Greek City-States (700 - 338 BCE)

35 Greek City-States The Hellenes, or Greeks emerge from the Dark Age The Polis, or city-state was the center of Greek life Polis structure: –Acropolis (fortified hill) –Agora (marketplace at foot of acropolis) –Polis included homes, farming villages, fields, and orchards

36 Greek Civics and Politics Civic and personal honor is one and the same The Polis (city-state) is above everything else Greenblatt, Lemmo. Human Heritage. Glencoe, McGraw-Hill 1995.

37 A New Government Solon created 1st Constitution (594 BCE) –Set of principles and rules for governing Purpose: To end oligarchy and to prevent uprising against government by middle and lower class

38 The First Democratic Constitution Created by Cleisthenes in 508 BCE (lasted 300 yrs.) Limits power of rich & land ownership All male landowners could vote All debts were erased All enslaved due to debt, were freed All Athenians became citizens and able to participate in government Assembly created to make laws Representation of Cleisthenes

39 The Athenian Government Structure

40 Greek Religion The most popular priestess was a priestess in the temple of Delphi. The Delphi was the center of the world for Greeks.

41 Gods with human qualities (anthropomorphism) Poseiden The Courtship of Venus and Mars Aphrodite

42 Greek Theater Began during festivals honoring the god Dionysus (600 BCE) Types of Plays –Tragedies Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides –Comedies Only men could act in plays A civic responsibility

43 The Great Greek Philosophers Socrates Plato Aristotle

44 Socrates (469-399 BCE) Stonemason, spent time arguing with assembly Taught: Question everything, use step- by-step questioning to final conclusion (Socaratic Method) Executed for denying gods, corrupting youth, and trying to overthrow gov. Greenblatt, Lemmo. Human Heritage. Glencoe, McGraw-Hill 1995

45 Plato (427-347 BCE) Pupil of Socrates Recorded speeches of Socrates Father of Political Science Founded The Academy to train government leaders Wrote The Republic & The Dialogues http://plato.

46 Aristotle (384-322 BCE) Pupil of Plato at The Academy Trained in Medicine “Master of Them That Know” First to classify plants & animals Developed final steps in scientific method (Hypothesis and Test) PlatoAristotle

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