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Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 1 Short-term and Long-term Memory Motivation: very simple circuits can store patterns of.

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Presentation on theme: "Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 1 Short-term and Long-term Memory Motivation: very simple circuits can store patterns of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 1 Short-term and Long-term Memory Motivation: very simple circuits can store patterns of activity Short-term: stability of activity patterns due to non-linear activity dynamics Long-term: storage of patterns through modifications of synapses The simplest STM system: Short-term memory (STM) network Stimulus specific activity in delay period in units in temporal and pre- frontal cortex (after Fuster, 1996):

2 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 2 Stationary points: all 3 satisfy: This is a cubic equation for e 0 with 3 solutions: Linearizing around these three stationary points results in the 3 linear systems: (τ=20ms)

3 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 3 Simulation: started at (14,25): started at (50,20):

4 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 4 consider additional input K to both units: KK Hysteresis in STM Model

5 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 5 Problem: there should be some forgetting Idea: incorporate adaptation (fatigue) into units Forgetting in STM Model a i variables slowly adjust slope of Naka Rushton non-linearity. If unit active for long time, it will experience “fatigue”. (models very slow hyperpolarizing potassium current.)

6 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 6 Simulation: present brief input K=50 to a 1 (t) between 200ms < t < 400ms Observation: between 5 and 6 seconds after stimulus, network forgets Explanation: treat a i (t) as constant (slowly changing variable). Plot isoclines of e-dynamics with a i as parameter: stable and unstable nodes join and vanish

7 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 7 Discussion of STM Model Positive: simple account of behavior of prefrontal neurons in delayed match to sample tasks Limitations: provides only qualitative account no notion of interference …

8 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 8 Long Term Memory (associative memory) Our simplest model neuron so far: McCulloch Pitts neuron binary, i.e. two states: -1 (inactive) and +1 (active) N neurons connected via weighted connections w ij that represent different synaptic strengths (positive and negative) Next activity determined by applying non-linear function to difference of a unit’s weighted sum of inputs and threshold μ i.

9 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 9 Network of McCulloch-Pitts neurons with symmetric all-to-all connections and zero threshold. connection from unit j to unit i: symmetry: zero threshold: The Hopfield Network asynchronous updating: pick unit at random, apply update rule for this unit only, then pick next unit at random and update it, etc. or

10 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 10 Figure from Hertz, Krogh, Palmer (1991) Example: object recognition, each pixel has a corresponding unit, exhibits pattern completion

11 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 11 Idea: activity pattern (state) ξ “stored” if it is fixed point of the update equation, i.e. if network is in this state and the update rule is applied, then state does not change: Storing a single pattern Claim: pattern stabilized if weights set according to: Proof: let’s be specific and set : and hence:

12 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 12 Multiple patterns, storage capacity Second term so-called crosstalk term. Can make pattern unstable if big. Happens for large P and small N, i.e. many patterns in small net. Capacity: P max ~ 0.138 N Consider stability of pattern ξ p : Weights: Split sum over k into two parts: k=p and rest First term alone would mean pattern is stable.

13 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 13 Energy Function for Hopfield Net The dynamics of the Hopfield network is governed by a bounded function of the state that decreases over time (energy function, Lyapunov function). Metaphor: energy landscape. Every unit update can only bring us downhill or let’s us stay at same level. Slide down to closest local energy minimum. Note: inaccurate picture because states are not points on a plane but corners of N-dimensional hypercube. energy states stored pattern with its basin of attraction

14 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 14 Example: phone book Idea: code text strings by having a number of units for each letter/digit stored patterns recall from only partial pattern:spurious states:

15 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 15 Positive: - content addressable memory - weights can be computed directly, learning is instantaneous - distributed architecture results in fault tolerance (graceful degradation) if, e.g. some units or connections pruned - many extensions, e.g. for temporal patterns Negative: - poor biological realism - poor generalization (no invariance, can’t shape basins of attractions) - only qualitative account Note: more biologically plausible models of specific memory systems (e.g. the CA3 region of the Hippocampus) have been proposed. Critique of Hopfield memory

16 Jochen Triesch, UC San Diego, 16 Positive: conceptually simple models, only stereotypic connectivity range of “interesting” phenomena, providing qualitative account of cognitive phenomena at least: metaphors for how a range of things may work Negative: not necessarily easy to scale up need many parameters no learning Conclusions: Neurodynamics

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