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Contest template The Information Society Development Foundation is implementing the Library Development Program to help Poland’s public libraries provide.

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Presentation on theme: "Contest template The Information Society Development Foundation is implementing the Library Development Program to help Poland’s public libraries provide."— Presentation transcript:

1 contest template The Information Society Development Foundation is implementing the Library Development Program to help Poland’s public libraries provide access to computers, the Internet, and training. The Library Development Program in Poland is a result of the partnership between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Polish-American Freedom Foundation.

2 My entry for the contest concerns the following area: INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE CULTURE EDUCATION SOCIAL INTEGRATION Select one area being the focus of your entry and delete the rest. Please remember that the entry should refer to the library’s activities in this area. Proceed to next step.

3 Read the requirements and instructions and “put yourself in the shoes” of the judging panel member Proceed to next step.

4 you are a judging panel member. What elements should be included in the entry to win your recognition? I will find out WHERE the library is located and what its team is like I will find out WHAT has been done in the selected area I will find out WHY the library is so active in the selected area I will find out HOW this is being done I will find out about the RESULTS of this activity I will find out about the BENEFITS for the citizens, the users and the library I will find out about the major CHALLENGE Imagine that…

5 you are a demanding judging panel member. What else do you want to find out from the entry for the contest? I will find out what PARTNERS cooperate with the library in this area, I will remember a certain FACT from the entry, I will remember a certain FIGURE, I will smile because a CITED WITTY STATEMENT or a GOOD PICTURE will rivet my attention, I will understand that the library’s activities in the selected area are not accidental, Imagine that…

6 as a judging panel member you read several hundred entries. What entry will you value? I will value the entry that gives me good information about the library’s activities in the selected area but is not verbose, I will value the entry that reflects some idea My attention will be attracted by a quoted story of a specific user Imagine that…

7 < 20 slides Please make sure that your entry for the contest is made up of maximum 20 slides concerning your library and its activities in the selected contest area. Full name of library

8 After determining the winning entries, presentations entered in the contest will serve as a basis for making a presentation for the Congress. Full name of library Do not change the general design of the template

9 Any pictures, charts or other graphic elements are welcome in your entry. We encourage you to include a few well-chosen pictures in it. When displaying a picture it is worthwhile to provide a whole slide for it following the rule that one well-chosen picture tells you more than many small illustrations. Please remember to ask those who are in your pictures for their approval to use them. Pictures in your presentation Full name of library

10 this is how you can effectively illustrate cooperation – please remember that the picture should have a description – short information about what / whom we can see in the picture is enough

11 this is how you can effectively illustrate the point that the library “reaches out beyond its walls with its offer” – please remember that a picture can be a metaphor; it does not have to illustrate precisely what you want to convey

12 it is a good practice to provide the source of the picture – you can paste the website address below its description:

13 Should slide animation be used? If you decide to use animation, do this on 2 or 3 selected slides. Animation is the way of stressing important content – it is the focus of attention; however, when overused, it can distract attention from the central idea of your presentation. Full name of library

14 and some more hints… And here write down the full name of your library. And proceed to next step. here insert the logo of your library

15 Full name of your library Use one slide to give short information about your library, the number of branches, number of staff, type of commune (rural, urban, urban-rural) what community is served by the library and of course add the information that you think is important this slide should provide an overview of how big your library is, where it is located and in what conditions it operates

16 WHAT has been done in the selected area? …… ……… …………. Full name of library

17 HOW is this being done? …… ……… …………. Full name of library

18 What are the RESULTS of this activity? …… ……… …………. Full name of library

19 What are the BENEFITS for the citizens, library users? …… ……… …………. Full name of library

20 What is the CHALLENGE? …… ……… …………. Full name of library

21 One sentence, appeal, thought to sum up your inspiration Full name of library

22 Name and surname of person who (if you win the contest) will be the speaker during the congress His/her email get inspired Full name of library

23 Remember? concrete evidence facts good examples figures story of a specific person partners Think what would inspire you and inspire others!

24 Using slides You are kindly encouraged to use the slides from this presentation in any way you want and to decide on their arrangement on your own, and please remember: less means more. Full name of library

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