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Assessing the Evaluability of the Philippine Population Management Program (PPMP) Alejandro N. Herrin May 9, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing the Evaluability of the Philippine Population Management Program (PPMP) Alejandro N. Herrin May 9, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing the Evaluability of the Philippine Population Management Program (PPMP) Alejandro N. Herrin May 9, 2002

2 2 PPMP activities per strategy PPMP strategies per objective PPMP objectives in the light of current and prospective population concerns Figure 1 : Links between objectives, strategies and activities

3 3 Outcomes (Achievement of policy objective i) Utilization of outputs/ intermediate outcomes Outputs (Activities)  Services in place  Advocacy and communication program in place  Training program in place  Organizational support in place Inputs  Personnel  Commodities Figure 2: Framework for Assessing PPMP Impact By Policy Objective

4 4 Table 1: Assessing PPMP in Terms of Outputs, Utilization, and Outcomes Objective/ Strategy OutputsUtilization/ Intermediate Outcomes Outcomes (Achievement of policy objective) Objective 1: To help couples/parents to achieve their desired family size within the context of responsible parenthood. Strategy 1: Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning (RP/FP)  Family planning services (Available in outlets; wide range of methods)  Advocacy/ communication program  Training programs  Organizational support indicators (planning, monitoring, evaluation, coordination, mobilize political support)  Contraceptive prevalence rate: total and by method mix  Percent of users by source of supply or service.  Total fertility rate: wanted and unwanted Evaluability question/comment: The links between outputs, utilization and outcomes are well known. Hence, what is more important is to establish that the outputs exist in sufficient scale to have measurable impact on utilization and outcomes.

5 5 Objective/ Strategy OutputsUtilization/ Intermediate Outcomes Outcomes (Achievement of policy objective) Objective 2: To reduce maternal mortality, infant mortality and child mortality through improved reproductive health. Strategy 2: Reproductive Health/Family Planning Program  Reproductive health and family planning services (Available in outlets; wide range of methods)  Advocacy/ communication program  Training programs  Organizational support indicators (planning, monitoring, evaluation, coordination, mobilize political support)  Utilization (coverage) rates of RH/FP services  Percent of users by source of RH/FP services  Indicators of reproductive health  Maternal mortality  Infant mortality  Child mortality Evaluability question/assessment: Data on of outcomes are hard to come by, and they have many determinants that are difficult to isolate. Data on utilization are more available from surveys (e.g., NDHS and FPS), so that evaluation may focus primarily on the link between outputs and utilization.

6 6 Objective/ Strategy OutputsUtilization/ Intermediate Outcomes Outcomes (Achievement of policy objective) Objective 3: To reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy, incidence of early marriage, and the incidence of other reproductive health problems. Strategy 3: To ensure that adolescents are provided with appropriate information, knowledge, education and services on population and reproductive health.  Education and counseling services (available in outlets? content?)  Advocacy/ communication program  Training programs  Organizational support indicators  Attendance in education and counseling programs  Coverage of advocacy and communication program  Pregnancy rate among teenagers (age 15-20? Within or outside of marriage)  Fertility rate among women age 15-19 or 15-20?; married or also include single women?)  Indicators of reproductive health problems in age group (e.g.,STD, HIV/AIDS?) Evaluability question: Are the outputs clearly identified and are they of such magnitude (i.e., the capacity to cover alarge number of the eligible target population) that their utilization by the target population are likely to have measurable impact on the outcomes? There is the question of the appropriate scale of outputs, the extent of coverage of the eligible population to have some measurable impact, given the fact that the outcomes have many other determinants, e.g., education, that can only be disentangled through a multivariate analysis of large survey data.

7 7 Objective/ Strategy OutputsUtilization/ Intermediate Outcomes Outcomes (Achievement of policy objective) Objective 4: To contribute to policies that will assist government to achieve a favorable balance between population distribution, economic activities, and the environment. Strategy 4: Integrate population variables, with emphasis on migration and urbanization, into development policies, plans and programs at all levels.  Advocacy/IEC program on POPDEV integration  Training program on POPDEV integration  Program of research and conferences  Technical assistance program in place  Technical assistance in managing urban settlements in place.  Technical and financial support to regional centers in place.  Support system in place (provision of dormitories and housing?)  Technical and vocational education in place  Enforcement system in place.  Trained planners in selected provinces and cities.  Number of researches and conferences held  Number of LGUs receiving technical assistance  Number of regional centers receiving technical and financial support.  Number of LGUS receiving technical assistance in managing urban settlements.  Number of migrants provided dormitory and housing (?)  Number of migrants provided technical and vocational education.  Number of environmental law violations seen or handled  Integration of POPDEV in local development plans  Improved management of urban settlements (?)  Rapid and balanced growth of regional growth centers (?) Evaluability questions: The items in italics are not clear nor are they easily measurable. The link between utilization and outcomes of these italized items appears tenuous.

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