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Dr. Jared Cotton Superintendent. Goal 1: High Quality Instruction Accomplishments – Implemented the new curriculum for English, Mathematics, and PE/Health.

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1 Dr. Jared Cotton Superintendent


3 Goal 1: High Quality Instruction Accomplishments – Implemented the new curriculum for English, Mathematics, and PE/Health K-12 – Developed the new curriculum for K-12 science, social studies, and fine arts – Explored opportunities to expand innovative learning academy programs (example: New Tech) to other schools in HCPS to provide engaging opportunities for students. – Established the Equity Council for the purpose of addressing issues related to equity in HCPS. – Launched the first Teaching and Learning Conference to provide focused professional learning opportunities to help teachers employ research-based instructional practices Plans for 2016 – Continue professional development related to equity – Implement the new curriculum for science, social studies, fine arts K-12 – Develop curriculum for Economics and Personal Finance Curriculum and other courses – Report College Readiness for MAP Language Usage – Develop and implement professional development to help teachers utilize a variety of assessment types to accurately measure student progress.

4 Goal 2: High Quality Professionals Accomplishments – Developed recommendations and a 3-year implementation plan to provide equitable and competitive salaries for HCPS staff and implemented first year increases in 2015-2016 budget and contracts. – Created new marketing and recruiting materials for use at job fairs and implemented a new, internal HCPS Teacher Recruitment Fair in March 2015. – Identified and interviewed a talent pool of educators endorsed in administration and supervision to fill future administrative positions. – Working with the Classified Evaluation Committee, identified additional employee classifications needing evaluation instruments and developed for use beginning fall 2015. Plans for 2016 – Implement second year salary recommendations for 2016-2017 school term, pending budget approval. – Expand the new teacher induction program. – Develop a formal induction program for new administrators. – Develop and implement required compliance training for all staff beginning September 2015.

5 Goal 3: Safe and Orderly Learning Environments Accomplishments – Updated and revised the Crisis Manual – Collaborated with public safety, the crisis response team, and school administrators to revise and implement new bus accident procedures – Applied for and received the school security grant to install safety window film at 5 schools. – Completed CPTED assessment (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) on all schools and identified items to be addressed to improve safety – Investigated innovative furniture ideas to improve the student learning environment. – Created training logs for SRO's to accurately log training classes being taught in schools – Revised incident notification protocol and reinstated the crisis response team Plans for 2016 – Plan for school resource officers to wear body cameras during the FY2016 school year to help enhance safety in the schools – Present an approved color palette to administrators as we standardize and improve on our painting throughout the division. – Develop a mandatory training program for all outside agencies that utilize our schools – Add 8 additional counselors from the Piedmont Community Services this year to bring the total to approximately 25 to assist our students – Collaborate with CHILL to help enhance awareness of the anonymous reporting system for our students, and add this information to the student planners and handbooks

6 Goal 4: Innovative & Cutting-Edge Technology Accomplishments – Expanded 1:1 table initiative through grade 8 – Refreshed and added fifth grade iPads to a yearly lease – Added one additional Instructional Resource Teacher to work with teachers on technology initiatives – Upgraded middle and high school laptops – Upgraded three sites from 20Mbps to 50MBps – Transformed two media centers (MTO and FC) to serve as prototypes for innovative learning spaces – Presented several technology integration sessions at the Teaching and Learning Conference Plans for 2016 – Implement BYOT at MVHS – Upgrade network at three elementary schools and additional network infrastructure at middle schools – Begin planning to provide Internet access for students 24/7 throughout the community – Upgrade five libraries to create innovative learning spaces for students – Begin plans for digital storage for staff and students

7 Goal 5: Family & Community Engagement Accomplishments – Facilitated 2 division-wide Family Summits (August: to provide information families need regarding school, May: to provide information regarding summer learning opportunities) and parent workshops (February-April: in conjunction with MHC After 3 to provide information to families regarding post-secondary opportunities for students) to provide resources and information on a variety of topics. – Revitalized the system website to best serve the needs of school division stakeholders. – Expanded quality communication to support the school community at all levels via staff newsletters, monthly highlights, Board Matters, calendars, School Messenger, and social media. Plans for 2016 – Establish guidelines detailing expectations for media relationships for staff. – Establish teacher website usage guidelines to optimize school-home partnerships and improve communication. – Effectively coordinate targeted partnerships with local entities to bring experts into the classroom to support student learning.


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