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Papua New Guinea Education Advocacy Network (PEAN) Education Policy Advocacy for Change Joachim Orapa ASPBAE Capacity Development & Advocacy Support Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Papua New Guinea Education Advocacy Network (PEAN) Education Policy Advocacy for Change Joachim Orapa ASPBAE Capacity Development & Advocacy Support Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Papua New Guinea Education Advocacy Network (PEAN) Education Policy Advocacy for Change Joachim Orapa ASPBAE Capacity Development & Advocacy Support Officer

2 Background PEAN was formed in in 2003 with the support of the Asia South Pacific for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) PEAN is a national coalition of Civil Society Organizations based in PNG. Membership of PEAN include; 1. ADRA 2. Bible Translation Association 3. Peace Foundation Melanesia 4. Conservation Melanesia 5. PNG Teachers Association 6. YWCA 7. PNG Trust Goals The main goals are: 1)To advocate and promote increased levels of literacy and life- long learning opportunities for all citizens including disadvantaged groups. 2)To increase and promote active participation by CSOs and wider community in education policy and budget processes through research and advocacy. 3)To promote achievement of Education For All Goals through awareness and campaigns in collaboration with coalition members, development partners and governments. 4)To facilitate and establish a National Civil Society Education Fund to strengthen CSO engagement and participation in education policies.

3 Objectives: PEAN’s Objectives are: 1)To provide a focal point through which civil society can contribute to and influence education policy outcomes 2)To gather and provide evidence based information on education matters, strengthen research capacity of PEAN and members. 3)To act as an information source for civil society organisations with an interest in education 4)To strengthen the capacity of its members, and civil society more broadly, to actively participate in education policy dialogues and formulation.

4 Organizational Structure Finance and Admin Manager Research and Advocacy Officer Research and Capacity Building Officer Chief Executive Officer PEAN Board ASPBAE Australia Ltd Administration Assistant ASPBAE Capacity Development & Advocacy Support officer

5 Project Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF) Project Project Duration: September 2009-June 2011 (2 yrs) Overall Project Goal: a)Is to strengthen PEAN and have in place sustainable funding mechanisms so that governments and donors can be engaged to bring about change in education policy, budget and programs in line with the 6 EFA goals. b)Increase CSO participation in budget processes and bring about increases in the national and provincial education budgets that include government meeting the international benchmark that the education budget contribute at least 6% of the National Education Budget to adult literacy programs.

6 Cont: CSEF Project d) Bring about an effective national education policy in line with all 6 EFA goals; e) Work towards national policies that indicate and ensure equitable access to quality education for disadvantaged groups; and f) Strengthen the capacities of PEAN as the National CSO Education Coalition. Key Activities of CSEF Project 1.Institutional Strengthening of PEAN-Capacity Building Trainings. 2.Holding On-going meetings with relevant government officials, donors, CSO etc. 3.Conducting workshops for CSO consultations 4.Research: Education policy reviews and analysis 5.Education Budget tracking, analysis, participate in budget processes and advocate for funding allocations. 6.Lobbying and advocating for policy changes, budget 7.Conducting advocacy campaigns and events

7 Approaches  Establish relationship with NDOE, govt agencies and CSO and establish networking.  Make govt departments and CSOs understand the our work/activities through sensitization meetings, workshops, etc.  Education Policy (including disadvantage groups) Literature reviews and analysis  Review and understand national budget process. Participate in budget process through NDOE  Research, Data collection and present the findings to responsible departments through stakeholder meetings/workshops.  Publish the findings for public knowledge and awareness Gaining and mobilizing public support  Membership on Key Govt Policy Task Forces (ESIP, National Census, CapEFA) and participate in policy framework developments.  Lobbying and advocacy through national and international events (e.g. GAW, National Literacy and International Literacy Day, World AIDS Day, National Book Week, etc)  Use of print and electronic mass media (e.g. Radio Talk-back programs)

8 How Do We ADVOCATE and CHANGE Education Policies, increase budget allocations, etc….. !!!! The ANSWER LIES WITHIN….!!! Theneque…

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