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Daliang Wang Mercyhurst University

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Presentation on theme: "Daliang Wang Mercyhurst University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daliang Wang Mercyhurst University

2 Develops a teacher training program to train teachers of Chinese language  A program for native speakers of Chinese with college education.  Provides on-going assessment, training, and support for novice teachers of Chinese.  To connect language programs at college and public schools.  To connect classrooms and local communities.  To develop teaching resources and materials to share among teachers.

3  Chinese programs are increasing in PA schools  Lack of qualified/certificated teachers  College-educated native speakers as teachers  Support for new teachers/programs

4  Model for teacher education program ◦ How: knowledge of pedagogy and curriculum ◦ What: knowledge of subject matter Chinese Language and cultural courses ◦ Who: Knowledge of self and students ◦ Where: knowledge of school teachered/ p

5  Develop a workshop ◦ Second language teaching ◦ Chinese linguistics and cultures ◦ Instructional Technologies ◦ Topics on teaching in American schools  Work in conjunction of education departments’ ESL program  Advertise the program via NECTFL, PSMLA.  Establish a website/online forum  Connect school district, local community, and new teachers.  Develop a long-term program to be certified by PDE

6  School laws and regulations ◦ Alcohol, movies, food, and school property  Cultural differences ◦ Privacy issues  Student records, personal info ◦ Topics of sensitivity  Politics, religions, races, family issues  Stereotypes, physical comments  Instructional change ◦ Lecture  interactive teaching ◦ Being Strict  being flexible ◦ Being authority  being an organizer

7  

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