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New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute Inquire. Collaborate. Create. Hiller A. Spires July 20, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute Inquire. Collaborate. Create. Hiller A. Spires July 20, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Literacies Teacher Leader Institute Inquire. Collaborate. Create. Hiller A. Spires July 20, 2015

2 What will you contribute as a new literacies teacher leader?

3 “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams

4 July 2009 Raleigh, NC June 2010 Cambridge, MA November 2011 Beijing, China July 2011 Friday Institute July 2012 Raleigh, NC March 2013 Beijing, China July 2013 Providence, RI July 2015 Raleigh, NC

5 New Perspectives 3. need for innovative pedagogies to engage students 1. how the world is changing 2. need for cross cultural understandings & global competence

6 Globally Competent STEM & STEAM Knowledgeable Creative Problem Solvers & Critical Thinkers Effective Communicators & Collaborators Globally Competent STEM & STEAM Knowledgeable Creative Problem Solvers & Critical Thinkers Effective Communicators & Collaborators

7 What NC Teachers Think is Most Important Spires, Bartlett, Garry, & Quick (2012). Funded by the Strategic Research Initiative, NCSU.

8 Having Our Say: US & Chinese Teachers’ Perceptions Spires, Morris & Zhang, 2012

9 Having Our Say: US & Chinese Teachers’ Perceptions

10 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)

11 How the demand for skills has changed Economy-wide measures of routine and non-routine task input (US) (Levy & Murnane, 2004) Mean task input as percentiles of the 1960 task distribution

12 New Perspectives 1. how the world is changing 2. need for cross cultural understandings & global competence

13 Global competence: the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance (CCSSO & Asia Society, 2011)

14 Partnerships with Beijing Royal School & Suzhou North America High School


16 Cross-Cultural Understandings Share an idea Ask a question

17 New Perspectives 3. need for innovative pedagogies to engage students 1. how the world is changing 2. need for cross cultural understandings & global competence

18 Mishra & Koehler, 2005

19 Any Value in Inverting Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy? Anderson & Krathwol, (2001); Spires et al (2009)


21 PBI Global Continuum Time Duration Intellectual Complexity

22 Image from COSN

23 Video will go here! 7Ng9Y8 7Ng9Y8 Embed code: Retrieved from

24 “A heart and mind for wanting to learn.” 好学心 --Dr. Jin Li

25 The Last Word “This is the moment—this is the most important moment right now. We are about making a contribution. That’s what our job is. It’s about contributing something.” Benjamin Zander How will you contribute to the world of new literacies, to your students’ digital futures?

26 (Thank You!)

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