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Dr. Martin Schadt . Overview from the Beginning to the Present of LCDs Prof. Shunsuke Kobayashi . Memories of 43 Years of Liquid Crystal Research Prof.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Martin Schadt . Overview from the Beginning to the Present of LCDs Prof. Shunsuke Kobayashi . Memories of 43 Years of Liquid Crystal Research Prof."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Martin Schadt . Overview from the Beginning to the Present of LCDs Prof. Shunsuke Kobayashi . Memories of 43 Years of Liquid Crystal Research Prof. Shin-Tson Wu . Quantum dot and blue phase: a new era of LCDs Prof. Shin-Tson Wu Dr. Martin Schadt Prof. Shunsuke Kobayashi 13:30 交通大學 交映樓國際會議廳 報名網址 : 連絡人:張小姐 (03-5712121#52925 /


3 The Display Masters Seminar Series - LC Masters Speaker : Dr. Martin Schadt Inventor of Twisted Nematic (TN) effect MS-High-Tech Consulting, Seltisberg, Switzerland Presentation Title: Overview from the Beginning to the Present of LCDs Dr. Martin Schadt was born on 16th August 1938 in Liestal, Switzerland. In 1967 he obtained a doctoral degree in Experimental Physics from the University of Basel.In 1969 he and D.F Williams patented the first solid state, organic light emitting display (OLED). In 1970 Dr. Helfrich and Dr. Schadt invented the twisted nematic (TN)-effect at F. Hoffmann-La Roche. The Roche TN-field-effect patent was granted in 20 countries, and the invention initiated a paradigm change towards flat panel field-effect liquid crystal displays (LCDs) enabling today’s LCD industry. Dr. Schadt became a Fellow of the Society Information Display (SID) in 1992 and a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences in 2011. He is inventor or co-inventor of 166 patent families filed in Europe (EP) and holds more than 119 US patents. He has published 180 scientific papers in leading scientific journals, has given more than 138 lectures and contributed to 5 books. The important Awards that Dr. Martin received in recent 5 years are: Eduard Rhein Technoloy Prize(2009). The G.W. Gray Medal of the British Liquid Crystal Society and the Blaise Pascal Medal for Material Sciences of the European Academy of Sciences (2010). The Frederiks Medal, highest recognition award of the Russian Liquid Crystal Society (2011). The Charles Stark Draper Prize of the US National Academy of Sciences (known as the “Engineering Nobel Prize”) together with G. Heilmeier, W. Helfrich and P. Brody (2012). Honorary Professorship of Sichuan University, Chengdu (2013). Honorary Professorship of Nanjing University, Nanjing (2013). European Inventor Award 2013 for Lifetime Achievement (2013). Recipient of US National Academy Inventors NAI (2014). 報名網址 : 連絡人:張小姐 (03-5712121#52925 /

4 Speaker : Prof. Shunsuke Kobayashi Director, Liquid Crystal Institute and Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi Presentation Title: Memories of 43 Years of Liquid Crystal Research Shunsuke Kobayashi was born August 18, 1932 in Saitama, Japan. He graduated in 1955 from the Tokyo Science University, Tokyo, in 1961 received master degree in Applied Physics from graduate school of the University of Tokyo and 1964 PhD degree in Electronic Engineering from the same university. He began working first as a research Fellow and assistant at the Science University of Tokyo in 1955 becoming a member of staff of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Saitama, Japan in 1964. Then in 1973 he was an associate professor of Electronic Engineering at TUAT and finally a Professor. In 1996 he became professor of Electronic Engineering and in 1998 became director of Liquid Crystal Institute, TUS-Yamaguchi. Meanwhile Shunsuke Kobayashi took part in academic society services being regional vice president, Asia, Society for Information Display (SID). From 1992 to 1994 he also was vice president for the International Liquid Crystal Society; from 1992 to 1996 was president of the Japanese Liquid Crystal Society from 1999 to 2000. Shunsuke Kobayashi was also chairman of the 18th International Liquid Crystal Conference from 1998 to 2000. He was awarded for his work in 1987 from the Society for Information Display (SID), 1995 with the Jan Rajchman Prize (SID), 1996 Tokyo Metropolitan Governor’s Prize in 2000 from the Fellow, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (Japan), 2001 with the Ministry of Education and Science Prize, Japanese Government and 2002 became honored member of International Liquid Crystal Society. 報名網址 : 連絡人:張小姐 (03-5712121#52925 / The Display Masters Seminar Series - LC Masters

5 Speaker : Prof. Shin-Tson Wu Pegasus Professor of Optics, Liquid Crystal Displays CREOL | The College of Optics & Photonics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA Presentation Title: Quantum dot and blue phase: A new era of LCDs Dr. Shin-Tson Wu received his B.S. degree in physics from National Taiwan University, and Ph.D. degree from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. He is a Pegasus professor at the College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida (UCF). Prior to joining UCF in 2001, Dr. Wu was with Hughes Research Laboratories (Malibu, California) for 18 years. His research at UCF focuses on five areas: 1. Advanced liquid crystal displays, 2. Adaptive lenses, 3. Spatial light modulators, 4. Biophotonics, and 5. New photonic materials. Dr. Wu is a Charter Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), a Fellow of the IEEE, OSA, SID, and SPIE. He is a recipient of the 2014 OSA Esther Hoffman Beller Medal, 2011 SID Slottow-Owaki Prize, 2010 OSA Joseph Fraunhofer Award, 2008 SPIE G. G. Stokes Award and 2008 SID Jan Rajchman Prize. He was the founding chief editor of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology. Dr. Wu has co-authored 7 books, over 440 journal papers, and obtained 79 U.S. patents. His publications have accumulated over 16,000 citations, with h-index 65. 報名網址 : 連絡人:張小姐 (03-5712121#52925 / The Display Masters Seminar Series - LC Masters

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