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 Self-Actualization  Self-Esteem  Love/Belonging  Safety/Security  Physiological.

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Presentation on theme: " Self-Actualization  Self-Esteem  Love/Belonging  Safety/Security  Physiological."— Presentation transcript:

1  Self-Actualization  Self-Esteem  Love/Belonging  Safety/Security  Physiological


3 What is stress? Ch. 4 pg. 92

4 What is stress? ◦ Stress - the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands What causes stress? ◦ Stressors cause stress. They can be real, imagined, anticipated, or unexpected. ◦ Stressor – anything that causes stress

5 Can stress be good?  Your perception of a situation determines if stress is positive or negative.

6 Can be positive or negative  Positive stress can motivate or inspire  Stress is negative when it interferes with your ability to perform. ◦ Negative stress can cause distraction, anger, frustration, a feeling of being overwhelmed or becoming impatient.

7 Three Stages of Stress Response 1. Alarm 2. Resistance 3. Fatigue

8 Alarm  Mind and body go on high alert. Both nervous and endocrine systems are activated.  Body activates the “fight or flight” response in preparation to run from threat or fight it.

9 1 2 3

10 Hormone secreted from the Hypothalamus acts on Pituitary Gland

11 Pituitary secrets a hormone that acts on the Adrenal glands.

12 Adrenal Glands secrete adrenaline, which is the “emergency hormone” that prepares the body to respond to a stressor.

13  Pupils dilate  Increase in perspiration  Increase in heart rate  Rise in blood pressure  Faster respiration rate  Narrowing of arteries to internal organs and skin  Increased blood flow to muscles and brain  Increase in muscle tension  Release of blood sugar, fats, and cholesterol.

14 Resistance  Exposure forces your body to adapt and react to a stressor.  Results may vary ◦ Higher performance ◦ Anxiety

15 Fatigue  Prolonged exposure to stress will cause your body to lose its ability to adapt.  Exhaustion will lead to your body’s inability to manage other stressors effectively.

16 Psychosomatic Response – the physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness  Headaches  Weakened immune system  High blood pressure  Grinding teeth or clenching jaw  Digestive disorders

17 Obvious Not obvious

18  Avoid stressful situations  Use refusal skills  Plan ahead  Think positive!!

19 Avoiding all stress is impossible! Manage stressful situations by:  Practice relaxation techniques ◦ Deep breathing ◦ Thinking about more pleasant thoughts ◦ Stretching  Redirect your energy in a positive way ◦ Exercise ◦ Friendly competition ◦ Creative project  Seek Support ◦ Friends, family, teachers you trust can provide objective views and valuable advice. ◦ Sometimes professional support is needed.

20  Adequate rest  Regular Exercise  Nutritious and balanced diet

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