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Overview of Undergraduate Education TA Orientation August 18, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Undergraduate Education TA Orientation August 18, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Undergraduate Education TA Orientation August 18, 2015

2 Who We Are Lauren Goodpaster, Director, Office of New Student & Parent Programs, Division of Student Affairs Ben Withers, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education

3 A Snapshot of Today’s Entering College Students  Student Data (from UK Institutional Research, The American Freshman National Survey, UK’s, University Health, and VIP Center.)  Transition Issues  Student Persistence and Success Factors  What You Can Do to Help Your Students Succeed

4 UK First-Year Students, Fall 2014 Office of Admissions Total number of first-year students 5176(transfer students 1130) High School GPA 3.70 ACT Mean 25.5 Out-of-state 39% Female 58%; Male 42% Under-represented minority 18.2% Retention Rate (first year to sophomore year) for 2014 Cohort 82.5%


6 Transition Issues

7 Transition Issues-August  Homesickness; loneliness (leaving family, friends, boy/girlfriend, pets, all that is familiar)  Roommate conflicts  Initial adjustment to college life and academic environment  Values exploration  Freedom and independence adjustments

8 Transition Issues-August  New social life adjustments  Initial social rejections  Campus familiarization  Long-distance relationships  Financial adjustments

9 Transition Issues–September  Homesickness  Roommate conflicts  Disenchantment with school  Adjusting to new study habits; first exams  Dating anxieties  Family problems  Time management frustrations  Long-distance relationships end

10 Transition Issues-October  Dating/non-dating relationships  Increased time management conflicts between social and academic  Academic stress of mid-term exams  Mid-term grades  Financial strain  “Freshman 15” weight gain

11 Transition Issues–Nov./Dec.  “Holiday” homesickness or anxiety about going home; change in H.S. friendships  Financial Strain  Final exams: preparing for unknown  Realization of poor study habits; cramming  Sleep deprivation  Illness  Depression

12 SO WHAT, WHO CARES? What helps student transition issues and persistence?

13 High and Clear Expectations Accompanied by Support Structures Academic Expectations Academic Integrity Campus Resources

14 Time on Task—Time Management and Study Strategies Goal Setting & Task Management Reworking Notes Active Reading Study Groups Exam Preparation Succeeding in Lecture Class Recommended assignments

15 Time on Task—Time Management & Study Strategies 70% reported spending 5 or fewer hours on studying & homework during typical week as HS seniors. 76% rated their academic ability as above average or way above average compared to others.

16 Time on Task—Task Management & Study Strategies 24% reported spending 5 or fewer hours on studying or homework in typical week at UK. 55% reported studying 10 or fewer hours per week at UK. Only 20% reported being very successful in managing their time.

17 Academic Assistance

18 Succeed @ UK Student Resource Center One-stop shop for student resources at UK Online, interactive database Features Academic Success resources, guides to Financial Success, and everything you need Beyond the Classroom Interactive calendar of important dates for incoming students – can be added to electronic calendars with the click of a button More information:

19 The Study (Academic Enhancement) Peer Tutoring Individual Academic Consultations Placement Testing Study Smarter Seminars & more! More information:

20 Faculty-Student Interaction Met with faculty member during office hours: Never—20% Seldom—39% Talked to faculty member outside of class Never—21% Seldom—40% Discussed class-related issues by email or other electronic means: Never—2% Seldom—16%

21 You Are Key to Student Success Be aware of transition issues Watch for patterns of classroom, academic behavior Your informal interactions with students before and after class or outside of class

22 Academic and Behavioral Alerts Absences Tardiness Poor grades Missing homework Disruptive Behavior Family Illness/Death Harassment Mental Health

23 Wellness and Support

24 Wellness: Avoiding Problems with Alcohol & Other Drugs Before entering UK in fall 2013, first-year students reported: 30% drank high-risk within last two weeks (5 or more drinks for men; 4 or more for women in a two-hour period; national 26%) 39% blacked out (national 34%)

25 Wellness: Being Safe—Bystander Intervention In 2007 UK study, almost 20% of female students experienced sexual violence during time at UK. Over 85% knew their attacker. 15% experienced stalking. Nationally, 55% of college students involved in clubs, teams, and organizations experience hazing.

26 Wellness: Stress Management Nationally, almost 53% of college students reported more than average or tremendous stress within the last 12 months. Almost 29% of students reported that stress had a negative impact on their individual academic performance within the past 12 months. 31% of UK first-year students reported feeling a lot of stress often or always within past year.

27 Money Management & Affordability How concerned are you about your ability to pay for college? – Not concerned, I am confident I will have enough funds, 32% – Somewhat concerned, I probably will have enough funds, 44% – Very concerned, not sure I will have enough funds, 24%

28 Part-Time Work on Campus 18% employed on UK campus, working 3 hours or more per wk. 16% held off-campus jobs, working 3 hours or more per wk. 5.4% of students reported working more than 15 hours per week in off- campus job.

29 Attachment to Person at Institution Not referring to romantic attachment. You can be this person!

30 Sense of Community and Belonging at UK Over 21% from hometown with fewer than 10,000 people 31% from hometown with 10,001-50,000 Went home during fall semester outside of regularly scheduled breaks: 3-5 times 32% 6 or more times 24%

31 Proactive Early Warning and Intervention Strategies Get to know your students. Talk with your students about classes and experience at UK. Follow up with your students! Academic and Student Alert Systems

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