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Avoiding Test Anxiety on the CRCT. Midway Title 1 Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Avoiding Test Anxiety on the CRCT. Midway Title 1 Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Avoiding Test Anxiety on the CRCT. Midway Title 1 Department

2 Understanding the CRCT ( Criterion Reference Competency Test) ‏

3 Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) ‏  Administered to students in grades 3-8  Designed to measure how well students acquire the skills and knowledge described for a particular grade level in the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS).

4 Why Test?  Georgia law, as amended by the A+ Education Reform Act of 2000, requires that all students in grades one through eight take the Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT).  Due to budget shortfalls it will only be administered to grades 3-8 Spring 2011.

5 Why Test? cont.  No Child Left Behind, established in 2001, requires all States, including the State of Georgia, to establish state academic standards and a state testing system that meet federal requirements.

6 CRCT cont.  Tests are administered in the Spring each year. The state allows a four week testing window, in which each county chooses the best time period for the school calendar.  The test lasts about a week and half based on grade level.

7 CRCT and the Curriculum Grades 3-5  Reading, English/Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science based on Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) ‏

8 CRCT Scores Scores are reported within a range of 650-950.  Scores from 650-799 (Performance Level 1) are reported as Does Not Meet Standards  Scores from 800-849 (Performance Level 2) are reported as Meets Standards  Scores from 850-950 (Performance Level 3) are reported as Exceeds Standards

9 Ways Test Scores are Used  One of the measurements used as part of the screening process for various programs-including Gifted, Title 1 and Early Intervention (EIP).  Promotion/retention determination in grades 3 and 5 (Grade 3 must meet standards in Reading and grade 5 must meet standards in Reading AND Math) ‏

10 Ways Test Scores are Used cont.  Create improvement goals for student, grade level, and school for improvement.  Determine school AYP status

11 Additional CRCT Information Lexile ratings are also reported as an indicator of a student’s reading level range. These scores are found on your child’s CRCT Score Report. Lexile scores range from 200-1700. This rating measures from early literacy level through college level.

12 Lexile Scores Resource information   Public bookstores (Barnes & Noble and Borders have Lexile ratings for books available in their stores.) ‏  The media center also has Lexile ratings for books in our school.

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