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 Welcome SAM 21 st Century Leadership Institute July 27, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: " Welcome SAM 21 st Century Leadership Institute July 27, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1  Welcome SAM 21 st Century Leadership Institute July 27, 2014

2 Agenda  Content – Program Overview  Data Collection Tools  Operating Model  ETLN  Review of 21CLI registrants  Review of 21 CLI Summit Agenda

3 Organization  Printed Documents  PPT

4 Conceptual Framework

5 Program Outline

6 Data Gathering Tools Google Docs

7 Operating Model


9  Module 6 Establishing Expectaions 1. PLC Growth 2. Project Learning Outcomes

10 Establishing Expectations

11 Where are you now?  Toxic  Emerging  Established  Sustaining  High Performance

12 Establishing Expectations DOC

13 Activity Expectations for Year Doc

14  Module 8 Task Your Teams

15 Select a Project Focus Review: - 11 Functions - Academic Dashboard - Mandates

16 Possible Work Before You Task Your Team  Learn Change Theory  Check the Dashboard  Discuss Leadership  Establish Expectations

17 Possible Work Before You Task Your Team  Organize and Design  Build Culture  Build Collaboration Skills

18 Change Theory Learn by Doing

19 TASK – Project Focus 3 possibilities... YOU decide THEY decide YOU decide together

20 Project Focus - Area to work on Look at: 11 Functions Performance Scores Mandates

21 Project Focus Frame it to focus on student learning – make it your own

22 3 Critical Things 1. Focus on student learning 2. Focus on student learning 3. Focus on student learning

23 Why Focus on Student Learning?  It is the stuff PLC’s are made of  Teachers will support helping kids grow  It isn’t focusing on teacher improvement or teacher effectiveness – but does the same job. The focus is on LEARNING not TEACHING

24 Why Focus on Student Learning?  It forms the epicenter of your job and your mission.  Success is the aphrodisiac of PLC’s and you can measure student learning – measure success  No one wants to help you complete your Master’s Thesis... or make politicians happy

25 Select a Focus EITHER:  Student Learning Directly  Literacy, Math, Science.  Process that develops student learning  RTI  Behavior Management – School Discipline  Formative Assessment  Common Core Standards

26 Activity Project Selection Form

27  Module 10 Teach Collaboration

28 Collaboration  Norms of Collaboration  Meeting Protocols  Dealing with Blockers and Dissenters  Conflict Resolution

29  Establishing Norms of Collaboration

30 4 Stages of Team Development The Team Handbook Peter Scholtes

31 Stages of Team Growth  Forming  Storming  Norming  Performing

32 Stage 1 – Forming

33 Forming includes these feelings:  Excitement, anticipation, and optimism  Pride in being chosen for the project  Initial, tentative attachment to the team  Suspicion, fear, and anxiety about the job ahead

34 Forming includes these behaviors:  Attempts to define the task and decide how it will be accomplished  Attempts to determine acceptable group behavior and how to deal with group problems  Decisions on what information needs to be gathered  Lofty, abstract discussions of concepts and issues; or, for some members impatience with these discussions.  Discussion of symptoms or problems NOT relevant to the task; difficulty in identifying relevant problems  Complaints about the organization and the barriers to the task

35 Stage 2 – Storming

36 Storming includes these feelings:  Resistance to the task and to collaborative improvement practices such as establishing norms, etc.  Sharp fluctuations in attitude about the team and the project’s chance of success

37 Storming includes these kinds of behaviors:  Arguing among members even when they agree on the real issue  Defensiveness, competition, factions and choosing sides  Questioning the wisdom of those who selected the project and appointed other members to the team  Establishing unrealistic goals, concerns about excessive work  A perceived pecking order, disunity, increased tension, and jealousy

38 Stage 3 – Norming

39 Norming includes these feelings  A new ability to express criticism or opinions constructively  Acceptance of membership in the team  Relief that it seems everything is going to work out

40 Norming includes these behaviors:  An attempt to achieve harmony by avoiding conflict  More friendliness, confiding in each other, and sharing personal problems discussing the team dynamics  A sense of team cohesion, a common spirit and goals  Establishing and maintaining ground rules and boundaries (the norms)

41 Stage 4 – Performing

42 Performing includes these feelings  Members having insights into personal and group processes and better understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses  Satisfaction at the team’s progress

43 Performing includes these behaviors:  Constructive self change  Ability to prevent or work through group problems  Close attachment to the team

44 Establishing Collaborative Norms

45 Norms of Collaboration

46 Norms of Collaboration Supporting Toolkit Page 68

47 Norms of Collaboration Supporting Toolkit

48 Establishing Norms

49 Activity What process will you use with your team to establish these norms?

50  Meeting Protocols


52 Meeting Protocols Page 75

53 Meeting Protocols

54 Decision Making Tools

55 Brainstorming

56 Decision Making Tools Consensus

57 Decision Making Tools Fist & Five

58 Decision Making Tools Multi Voting

59 Decision Making Tools Nominal Group Technique

60 Decision Making Tools Polling

61 Conflict Resolution Skills

62 Teach Collaboration NSDC’s Belief Sustainable learning cultures require skillful leadership

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