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Electrifying. VocabularyCircuitsElectrostaticsMagnetism Famous Dead Guys $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrifying. VocabularyCircuitsElectrostaticsMagnetism Famous Dead Guys $100 $200 $300 $400 $500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrifying

2 VocabularyCircuitsElectrostaticsMagnetism Famous Dead Guys $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

3 Answer The opposition to the flow of a current in a conductor... Vocabulary

4 Back to Jeopardy Back to JeopardyResistance

5 The process of charging a conductor by bringing it near anouher charged object and grounding the conductor Vocabulary Answer

6 Induction Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy

7 A region in which a magnetic force can be detected Answer Vocabulary

8 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy Magnetic Field

9 Describes a circuit or portion of a circuit that provides a single conducting path without junctions Answer Vocabulary

10 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy Series Circuit

11 A region in space around a charged object in which a stationary charged object experiences an electric force because of its charge Answer Vocabulary

12 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy Electric Field

13 Circuits Answer In a series circuit the formula to find the currents at the power source and each resistor is...

14 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy I T =I 1 =I 2 =I 3...

15 Answer Circuits In a parallel circuit the formula to find the currents at the power source and each resistor is...

16 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy I T =I 1 +I 2 +I 3..

17 Answer Circuits What is Ohm’s Law and what is the formula for finding power in a circuit?

18 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy Ohm’s Law I=V/R Power P=IV

19 Answer Circuits In a parallel circuit the formula to find the potential difference at the power source and each resistor is...

20 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy V T =V 1 =V 2 =V 3..

21 Answer Circuits In a series circuit the formula to find the potential difference at the power source and each resistor is...

22 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy V T =V 1 +V 2 +V 3...

23 Answer Electrostatics The formula for Coulomb’s Law is...

24 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy F electric =(kq 1 q 2 )/d 2

25 Answer Electrostatics The constant for k...

26 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy 8.99 x 10 9 Nm 2 /C 2

27 Answer Electrostatics The electron and proton of a hydrogen atom are separated, on average, by a distance of about 5.3 x 10 -11 m. Find the magnitudes of the electric force. Proton charge 1.60 x 10 -19 C Electron charge -1.60 x 10 -19 C

28 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy F electric = 8.2 x 10 -8 N

29 Answer Electrostatics Draw the Electric Field lines of a positive charge and a negative charge + -

30 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy

31 Answer Electrostatics What is the electric force between 2.5 µC of charge and a rubber ball that has -5.0 µC of charge when they are separated by a distance of 5.0 cm?

32 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy 45 N attractive

33 Answer A device that uses induction to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy Magnetism

34 Back to Jeopardy Back to JeopardyGenerator

35 Answer Converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. Instead of a current being generated by a rotating loop in a magnetic field, a current is supplied to the loop by an emf source and the magnetic force on the current loop causes it to rotate Magnetism

36 Back to Jeopardy Back to JeopardyMotor

37 Answer Magnetism Like magnetic poles ______ And opposite magnetic poles _______

38 Back to Jeopardy Back to JeopardyRepelAttract

39 Answer Magnetism The minimum number of poles for magnet is...

40 Back to Jeopardy Back to JeopardyTwo

41 Answer A very strong magnet attracts both poles of a weak magnet. Why? Magnetism

42 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy It realigns the domains of the weaker magnet

43 Answer Supported idea of 2 types of charges. Invented the Lightning Rod Famous Dead Guys

44 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy Ben Franklin

45 Answer Famous Dead Guys His oil drop experiment proved 1.60 x 10 -19 C the charge of the electron. He applied Coulomb’s Law to measure the charge

46 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy Robert Millikan

47 Answer Famous Dead Guys Performed the Gold Foil experiment which established the planetary model of an atom that has electrons orbiting around a heavy, positively charged nucleus, which disproved the “plum pudding” model. He utilized alpha particles and gold foil.

48 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy Ernest Rutherford

49 Answer Famous Dead Guys Measured the speed of light, 3.00 x 10 8 m/s

50 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy Albert Michelson

51 Answer Famous Dead Guys Formulated the law of magnetic induction quantitatively. Developed the theory of induction. Induced electric currents are explained with his laws.

52 Back to Jeopardy Back to Jeopardy Michael Faraday

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