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 March 20 th 1828 – May 23 rd 1906  Born in Skien a small Norwegian coastal town  He came form a wealthy family with 5 siblings  In 1835, his father.

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2  March 20 th 1828 – May 23 rd 1906  Born in Skien a small Norwegian coastal town  He came form a wealthy family with 5 siblings  In 1835, his father declared that they were bankrupt. He was then reduced to a life of near poverty.  At the age of 15 he became an apprentice to an Apothecary in Grimstad  In 1850 he went to Christiania in hopes to become a doctor  In 1857 he was called to the directorship of the financially unstable Christiania Norwegian Theater, it failed in 1862  Died after he suffered from several strokes

3  1864, he moved to Italy for 27 years  In Italy he writes Brand (1866) which defined his career as a writer, the government paid him  Peer Gynt (1867)  Emperor and Galilean (1873)- He expressed his philosophy of civilization

4  Looking for a new style  He wrote 12 plays in 2 year intervals starting with The Pillars of Society

5  Published December 4, 1879  First preformed in Copenhagen on December 21, 1879  Sold out 8,000 copies  Very controversial so a second ending called “a barbaric outrage” was made and used when necessary  Established new era of modern drama

6  Ibsen became known as the “father of modern drama”  Ibsen’s goal was not necessarily to solve issues but to illuminate them.  Made theater to be not only for entertainment, but to expose social conflicts  Shifted focus from romantic, realistic depictions of individuals, to real world concerns

7  Brand (1866), Peter Gynt (1867) › Emphasis on plot  The League of Youth (1869) › Shift from emphasis on plot to interpersonal relationships  Emporer and Galilean (1873), A Doll’s (1879) › Reanslated into English, realism  The Wild Duck (1884) › Modern realistic theme including metaphor and symbolism  The Master Builder (1892), When We Dead Awaken (1899) › Conflicts between art and social life, between creativity and social expectations, between personal contentment and self deception

8 What made people interested in Ibsen’s later works rather then his earlier ones?

9 So far in the play, how can you see Ibsen’s struggles depicted in the plot?

10  rik-ibsen-37014?page=2 rik-ibsen-37014?page=2  Ibsen.htm Ibsen.htm  Worksheets given

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