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Published byRandolf Bishop Modified over 9 years ago
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia the most significant projects of the international cooperation Vera Veljanovski Project Manager - 2014 -
Funded by: EC, Support to Business and Investment Partnerships in the Southern Mediterranean Applicant and partners: ANIMA Investment Network, EUROCHAMBRES, the European Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, ASCAME, the Mediterranean Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, BUSINESSMED, the Mediterranean Union of Enterprises Confederations, EMDC, the Euro-Med Development Center for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Foundation, The German Arab Chamber of Industry & Commerce, The Euro Arab Business Council, 79 Affiliate members in 26 countries: 7 of the 10 South ENPI countries, 3 EU candidate/potential candidate countries, 16 EU countries; CCIS (member of the EUROCHAMBRES, the official European Chamber network organisation) Project objective: to generate sustainable and inclusive investment and trade/partnership projects Total project amount: 4.999.983 EUR Implementation period: 01/01/2014-01/01/2017 2 EUROMEDINVESTEUROMEDINVEST Support to Business and Investment Partnerships in the Southern Mediterranean
European SME Week Funded by: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) Programme of the European Commission Applicant and partners: Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Project objective: to provide information on what the EU and national, regional and local authorities are offering as support to micro, small and medium-sized businesses; promote entrepreneurship so that more people, and in particular younger ones, seriously consider becoming an entrepreneur as a career option; give recognition to entrepreneurs for their contribution to Europe's welfare, jobs, innovation and competitiveness; Coordinated by the European Commission, this campaign promotes enterprise across Europe in line with the Small Business Act for Europe. It is taking place in 37 countries, so events and activities – national, regional or local – will be as close as possible to existing and potential entrepreneurs. These events – organised by business organisations, business support providers and national, regional and local authorities – will also enable existing companies to share their experience and develop further themselves; The European SME Week 2014 will take place from 01-03 October 2014, Italy Implementation period: 01/01/2009–31/12/2014 (yearly) 3
Funded by: IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 Applicant and partners: 16 partners from 7 different countries: Italy – the Veneto Region, Institute for Transport and Logistic, Abruzzo Region, Marche Region, Chambers of Commerce of Campobasso, Italian Coast Guard, Port Authorities of Venezia, Ravenna and Levante; Slovenia: Chambers of Commerce of Primorska; Croatia: Dubrovnik Neretva Region; Serbia: Alma Mons and Chambers of Commerce of Serbia; Montenegro: The Ministry of Transport of Montenegro; Bosnia: University of Sarajevo Greece: Port of Corfù; 9 associated partners from 3 different countries Project objective: boosting cooperation activities across the IPA area to find common solutions to the challenges of improving freight transport infrastructures and services; engaging public actors (at three different levels: local, regional and national authorities) and private entities (e.g. chambers of commerce, operators and the business community) to define & test common IPA initiatives on innovative freight multimodal solutions Total project amount: 7.874.646 EUR Implementation period: 01/11/2013-31/03/2016 4 EASYCONNECTING EASYCONNECTING Europe-Adriatic Sea-Way Freight
Funded by: IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 Applicant and partners: RIMINI PROVINCE, Association of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto Region, Friuli Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Centre, Scientific and Technology Park Tecnopolis Pst S.C.A R.L., SIPRO Local development agency, Agency for Innovation of Administration and Public Local Services, ITALY, AULEDA/Local Economic Development Agency – ALBANIA, LIR Evolution - BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula & Istrian Development Agency CROATIA, ATLANTIS Consulting S.A.& E.R.F.C. (European Regional Framework Co-operation), GREECE, Directorate for Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, MONTENEGRO, Uzice Regional Chamber of Commerce SERBIA, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) SERBIA, REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF INNER- KARTS REGION, LTD & Regional development centre Koper & PRIMORSKA TECHNOLOGY PARK, Slovenia Project objective: to develop a smart networking system for monitoring and fostering research & innovation capacity in SMEs,to increase competitiveness, and support SMEs sustainable growth through the use of financial instruments and coaching schemes on improving investment readiness, with emphasis on cross- border cooperation across the Adriatic Total project amount: 5.046.560 EUR Implementation period: 01/11/2013-31/03/2016 5 SMART INNO Smart Network and Sustainable Innovation Cluster to increase RDI Competitiveness of SMEs in the AdriaticSMART INNO
Funded by: The South East Europe Programme "SEE", 4 th Call for Proposals Applicant and partners: Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation (ARTI) Italy ; Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa, Bulgaria; Agency for Regional and Economic Development, Bulgaria; Regional Innovation Agency of Central Hungary, Association of Public Utility; Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Science; National Institute of Research- Development for Food Bioresources, Romania; Štajerska (Styrian) Technology Park Ltd, Slovenia; CC of Bari, Italy; Politecnico of Milano, Italy; Timiş Chamber of Commerce, Industry And Agriculture, Romania; Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia; Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection, Albania; Bulgarian Association of Regional Development Agencies and Business Centres Project objective: to favour the enhancement of research results of young innovators, the promotion of applied research and the merging between public/private demand and supply of research and innovation for a sustainable growth of agro-food sector in SEE area Total project amount: 2.477.292 EUR Implementation period: 01/10/2012-30/09/2014 6 NO-BLE ideasNO-BLE ideas Young InNOvators Network for SustainaBLE Ideas in the Agro-Food Sector
Funded by: The South East Europe Programme "SEE", 4 th Call for Proposals Applicant and partners: City of Venice, Veneto Region Industry and Craft Department, Sofia Municipality, Bulgaria, RDA OF NORTHERN PRIMORSKA regional development agency LTD. NOVA GORICA, Slovenia, Pannon Business Network Association, Hungary, Association For Waste Prevention, Austria, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Serbia, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Euricse - European Research Institute on cooperative and Social Enterprises, Italy, Diesis Coop, Belgium, European local Inclusion & Social Action Network, Belgium, European Network of Social Authorities, Italy, Veneto Confederation of Commerce, Italy, Eu- Regionalmanagement West Styria, Austria, Eu-Regionalmanagement West Styria, Austria, European Network for Social Integration Enterprises, Belgium Project objective: the creation of structural pre-conditions for social enterprises for better utilization of the possibilities of the South East economic area Total project amount: 1.360.959 EUR Implementation period: 01/10/2012-31/12/2014 7 EASE&SE EASE&SEE Enabling Actions for Social Enterprises in South East Europe
EENEEN Enterprise Europe Network in Serbia Funded by: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) Programme of the European Commission Applicant and partners: National Agency for Regional Development, Universities in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis, Institute Mihailo Pupin, Serbia Investment, Export Promotion Agency, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Project objective: joining the services of providing information and assistance to small and medium- sized enterprises for easier search of business partners, participation in bids, access to information about legal aspects and EU business legislation and the EU framework programmes for research and technology development, raising awareness about importance of innovation and possibilities of technology transfer and improvement of competitiveness and providing information about possibilities of EU market and participation in the creation of a broad Enterprise Europe Network Total project amount: 1.755.373 EUR Implementation period: 01/01/2011-31/12/2014 8
INCOMINGINCOMING Interdisciplinary Curricula in Computing to Meet Labor Market Needs Serbia Funded by: TEMPUS Programme of the European Commission Applicant and partners: Tallinn University, Estonia (TLU), Technical University of Crete, Greece (TUC), University of Aberdeen, UK (UOA), University of Belgrade, Serbia (UB), University of Kragujevac, Serbia (UNIKG), University of Novi Sad, Serbia (UNS), Belgrade Metropolitan University, Serbia (BMU), Mihailo Pupin Institute, Serbia (IMP), "Union Čačak 2000" Business Association, Serbia (UNION2000), ComTrade IT Solutions and Services d.o.o., Serbia (COMTRADE), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Serbia (CCIS), National Council for Higher Education, Serbia (NCHE) Project objective: to initiate capacity building for interdisciplinary studies at universities in Serbia, to be offered both in English and in Serbian, at all three levels of study (BSc, MSc, PhD), and in at least one of the following three modes of study: face-to-face mode, distance learning, and blended mode Total project amount: 812.427 EUR Implementation period: 15/10/2012-14/10/2015 9
„RODOS“ Restructuring of doctoral studies in Serbia Funded by: TEMPUS Programme of the European Commission Applicant and partners: University of Belgrade, SRB, Singidunum University, SRB, State University of Novi Pazar, SRB, University of Nis, SRB, University of Kragujevac, SRB, University of Arts in Belgrade, SRB, University of Novi Sad, SRB, Megatrend University, SRB, Serbian Academy of Science and Art, SRB, Electric Power Industry of Serbia - EPS, SRB, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, AUT, Instituto Superior Técnico, PRT, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, SRB, Association of PhD students and young researchers of Serbia, SRB, National Council for Higher Education, SRB, National Council for Higher Education, SRB, Technical University of Crete, GRC, University of Ghent, BEL Project objective: restructuring doctoral studies in Serbia in line with the Bologna Process and Salzburg Principles, with the emphasis on the quality of research and integrative processes involving universities, institutes and industry, and resulting in the establishment of Doctoral Schools. Total project amount: 787.517 EUR Implementation period: 01/12/2013-30/11/2016 10
Support the development of a National Qualifications Framework in Serbia Funded by: Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission Applicant and partners: Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, Serbia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, The National Council for Higher Education, Council for Vocational and Adult Education Project objective: to raise awareness and strengthen the understanding of the general public about the role of NQ in fostering economic development and increasing employability Total project amount: 80.000 EUR Implementation period: 07/05/2014-07/05/2015 11
SEED South East Europe harmonised qualification of professional Drivers Funded by: Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission Applicant and partners: PROMOTRANS, France, RU PROJECTS ASBL, Belgium, SIZ Makedonija Soobrakaj AMERIT-Skopje, FYR Macedonia, EKOmobilis d.o.o., Croatia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Serbia, TEMPULLI, Kosovo * UN resolution, Pucko otvoreno uciliste Auto moto centar Nova Gradiska, Croatia, ORYX Grupa d.o.o., Croatia, Srednja strukovna skola s pravom javnosti Centar za obrazovanje, Bosnia and Herzegovina Project objective: to improve the quality of road transport vocational training in Europe through a cross-national, cross-sectoral and multilingual partnership (France, Belgium, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo); increasing the level of training and technical skills for instructors who provide initial and periodic training to truck drivers in the South Eastern region of Europe Total project amount: 462.135 EUR Implementation period: 01/09/2014-31/08/2017 12
Funded by: Italian Law March, 21st, 2001, no. 84 Applicant and partners: Promoter: ARIES – Special Agency of Trieste Chamber of Commerce; Italian Partner: PROMOS – Special Agency of Milan Chamber of Commerce, METROPOLI - Special Agency of Florence Chamber of Commerce, I. TER. – Special Agency of Udine Chamber of Commerce; Foreign Partner: Regional Chamber for Economy of Novi Sad, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Port of Novi Sad, Free Zone of Novi Sad, Administrative Town of Novi Sad Project objective: contribute to the stability and development of the area through the strengthening of trade with Italy and the increase of direct Italian investments Total project amount: 224.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/01/2012-31/12/2014 and-productive-services-in-Serbia.htm and-productive-services-in-Serbia.htm 13 COR.LOGCOR.LOG Paneuropeans Corridors – Platform of logistic and productive services in Serbia
Funded by: Milan Chamber of Commerce PROMOS, the Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Developmen, the European Investment Bank “EIB”, Union for the Mediterranean “UfM”) (Initiative/Foundation) Applicant and partners: PROMOS, Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA), Albania, General Authority for Investment (GAFI), Industrial Modernization Centre (IMC) and Social Fund for Development (SDF), Egypt, Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon and Kafalat S.A.L., Lebanon, Malta Enterprise, Malta, Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency (MIPA), Montenegro, Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de la Petite et Moyenne Entreprise, (ANPME), Agence Marocaine de Développement des Investissements (AMDI) and Maroc Export, Morocco, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and National Agency of Regional Development (NARD), Serbia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Slovenia, Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie et de l’Innovation (API), Centre de Promotion des Exportations de la Tunisie (CEPEX), Banque de Financement des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (BFPME), Agence de Promotion de l’Investissement Extérieur (FIPA), Agence de Promotion des Investissements Agricoles (APIA), Tunisia Project objective: to stimulate job and value creation in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, supporting sustainable economic growth through the improvement of the commercial and financial environment for MSMEs development, strengthened business networks and shared access to knowledge and resources Implementation period: from 08/07/2013 14 EMDC EMDC Euro-Mediterranean Development Center for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
DIHK – CEFTADIHK – CEFTA Partnership project between the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and the chamber of commerce of the CEFTA-Countries Funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) with the support of the Foundation for Economic Development and Professional Training, Germany (Sequim) Applicant and partners: Association of German Chambers of Commerce (DIHK)and Association of Balkan Chambers (ABC), Western Balkan Chambers 7 chambers that are beneficiaries of the project (Union of Albanian Chambers, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Croatia and Serbia) and 4 that are participating in the project (Greece, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria) Location: SEE countries (Greece, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania) Total project amount: 800.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/05/2010-30/05/2016 15
Improving the business and investment climate in Serbia by supporting the institutional placement of consensual financial restructuring of companies Funded by: EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Project objective: capacity building of mediators in consensual financial restructuring processes within the CCIS; Improvement of the system of consensual financial restructuring and institutional mediation services; Promotion of the consensual financial restructuring and its benefits among variety of stakeholders Total project amount: 257.000 EUR Implementation period: 19/08/2013-19/08/2015 16
The Corporate Management Program in Serbia II Funded by: International Finance Corporation Applicant and partners: IFC, SECO, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Project objective: support Serbian companies to improve their corporate governance standards in line with international best practice Total project amount: 60.000 EUR Implementation period: 09/01/2012-31/12/2015 17
The best Technological Innovation Competition Applicant and partners: Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad; Media sponsor of the competition: Radio Television of Serbia Projects objective: project provides opportunities to the innovative local potential focus in the domestic economy, which would be given the opportunity for technological advancement under favorable conditions in relation to imports. The importance of this project is reflected in the joint action Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and the Ministry of Science and Technology Development in transfer of knowledge and technology in the economy, which create the possibility of raising the overall competitiveness of the economy to a higher level. The potential contributes opening a new production in the country, which would be withdrawn opening new jobs and increase employment in manufacturing Implementation period: 01/01/2005–31/12/2014 (yearly) 18
PLATO SERBIA 2 Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, RCC Subotica, RCC Valjevo; (project Plato initiator: Voka Chamber of Commerce East Flanders) Project objective: to provide a platform for long-term sustainable and trustworthy exchange of experiences between its participants, i.e. the SME managers/ owners including the counsellors / moderators; to stimulate transfer of management know-how from big companies’ chief executive officers (CEOs) and staff members to SMEs; to make an exchange of experiences possible between SMEs in the different PLATO-groups; to create a network of small and big companies where information, contacts and business opportunities are the issue. Implementation period: 01/06/2012–31/03/2014 19
20 Realized projects CCIS
Funded by: Italian Law March, 21st, 2001, no. 84 Applicant and partners: Promoter: METROPOLI – Special Agency of Florence Chamber of Commerce; Italian Partner: ARIES - Special Agency of Trieste Chamber of Commerce, PROMOS - Special Agency of Milan Chamber of Commerce; Foreign Partner: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Chamber of Economy of Macedonia, Regional Agency of Bosnia Herzegovina REZ RDA (Zenica), Regional Agency of North East of Bosnia Herzegovina (Tuzla) Project objective: support concretely the stability of the Balkan area through the development of economic and business cooperation; contribute to the economic development of the Balkan area (Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, B&H) through specific activities in the field of environment, sustainable development, economic and employment growth; contribute to the sustainable development in the Balkans with European standards approach; promote the exchange of advanced environmental technologies and increase trade between Italy and the Balkans Total project amount: 396.000 EUR; Implementation period: 01/01/2012-01/09/2014 Balkan-Area-.htm Balkan-Area-.htm 21 EnvironmentalEnvironmental Technologies and Renewable Energies in the Balkan Area
Funded by: Forum of the Association of the Adriatic - Ionian Initiative Applicant and partners: AIC Forum, Italy, Uniadrion Italy, Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Cities and Towns, Italy, Healthy City, Croatia, LINK – Mostar, BIH, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Albanian Tourism Association, The Association of Tourist and Shipping Agents, Greece Project objective: implementation of the "Protocol on the development of tourism in the Adriatic- Ionian region of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative" through a concrete contribution to the creation of an integrated tourist system in the Adriatic and Ionian area and favoring dialogue between private tourism operators and public authorities to develop tourism competitiveness of the region Total project amount: 49.040 EUR Implementation period: 01/02/2013-31/07/2014 22 Innovative skills and competences for entrepreneurs in order to promote a new sustainable tourism in the Adriatic and Ionian Area
Funded by: Ministry for the Economic Development, Italian Law March, 21st, 2001, no. 84 Applicant and partners: PROMOS Milan Chamber of Commerce, FORMAPER, Italian Association for Foreign Trade (AICE), ASSOLOMBARDA, Florence Chamber of Commerce, METROPOLI (Special Agency of Florence Chamber of Commerce), Trieste Chamber of Commerce, ARIES (Special Agency of Trieste Chamber of Commerce), Genova Chamber of Commerce and Palermo Chamber of Commerce, AlbInvest (Albanian Agency for Business and Investments), Tirana CC, FIPA (Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of B&H), Chamber of Foreign Trade of B&H, Chamber of Economy of Croatia, InvestMacedonia, Chamber of Economy of Macedonia; MIPA (Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency), Chamber of Economy of Montenegro; SIEPA (Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Project objective: support the social and economic development of Albania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) through the promotion of the economic relations among the Chambers of Commerce and Agencies for Investment with the related Italian Partners Total project amount: 335.494 EUR; Implementation period: 01/01/2012-30/06/2013 23 „RISEE“ Italy - South East Europe Network
Funded by: the Czech Republic Development Cooperation, Program “Aid for Trade” Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Czech Chamber of Commerce, RCCI Zrenjanin, Faculty of Оrganizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications Project objective: To contribute economic and social development of Republic of Serbia by capacity building and strengthening Serbian Chambers through advancement cooperation, seminars, transfer of knowledge, expertise and best practice from Czech partner in the field of project management and CSR for SMEs Total project amount: 33.897 EUR Implementation period: 01/08/2013-30/11/2013 24 Aid for Trade 2013Aid for Trade 2013 Project Management and Socially Responsible Business of SMEs
“W-tech” Technology Transfer and Innovation Centre for Advanced Welding Technologies, Material Science and Application of Engineering software Funded by: Regional Socio-Economic Development Programme II (RSEDP 2) Applicant and partners: Institut GOŠA d.o.o. Serbia, Regional Development Agency “Branicevo- Podunavlje”, Serbia, Faculty of Technology Sor-Trondelag, University College (HiST) Trondheim, Norway, University of Belgrade (with: Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Vinca Institute, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Serbia), Serbia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Welding Research Institute - Industrial Institute of Slovak Republic Project objective: to contribute to better preconditions for sustainable economic growth and human resource development in the regions with the highest concentration of manufacturing and engineering industry of Serbia, in particular Braničevo and Podunavski, Central Serbia and Banat (South) Total project amount: 755.576 EUR Implementation period: 01/02/2011-03/05/2013 25
Funded by: Ministry for the Economic Development, Italian Law March, 21st, 2001, no. 84 Applicant and partners: Promoter: UNIONCAMERE (Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts and Agriculture); Mondimpresa scrl (Agency for SME’s Internationalisation) Aries - Special Agency of Trieste Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, National Agency for Regional Development (NARD), Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) Project objective: the creation of a Serbian portal and the implementation of a number of well defined promotional actions; this informative and operational instrument regarding Serbia will constitutes the unique reference point for the Italian System (institutions and enterprises) in order to collaborate, developing activities in a synergetic way and for the mutual advantage: on-line: Total project amount: 100.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/11/2010-31/12/2012 26 „Forum Permanente” Strengthening the bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Italy through a Permanent Forum
Funded by: Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Project objective: presentation of potential Serbian companies in the sector of metal and electrical industry and their products that are used in agriculture and food industry in order to attract potential partners Total project amount: 12.793 EUR Implementation period: 15/04/2013-15/12/2013 27 Catalogue of agricultural mechanization and food industry equipmen
Funded by: the Czech Republic Development Cooperation, Program “Aid for Trade” Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Czech Chamber of Commerce, RCCI Leskovac Project objective: know-how transfer aimed at stimulating the sustainable economic and social development in Serbia; support for strengthening the competitiveness of the Serbian economy and improving the overall business climate in the country; focus particularly on increase of exports, development of entrepreneurial activities and attraction of FDI; organization of trainings, workshops, etc. in order to raise the awareness and foster the experience of local experts for preparation of good development projects implemented in Serbia; on a long term to contribute to fostering the stable and strong economy, improving business and investment climate as well as the sustainable development of Serbia Total project amount: 24.026 EUR Implementation period: 01/08/2012-01/12/2012 28 „Aid for Trade 2012” Support of trade development in Serbia
“WENS” European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors Funded by: CIP Programme of the European Commission Applicant and partners: National Agency for Regional Development, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Association of Business Women, Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) Project objective: to contribute to the promotion of female entrepreneurship across the Republic of Serbia through establishing National Network of Ambassadors; to encourage the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurship in Serbia by encouraging and supporting entrepreneurial potential and talents of women and increase their overall involvement in entrepreneurship; specific: to inspire women to start their own businesses and become entrepreneurs; to increase self-confidence of women in establishing and running a successful business; local, national and international networking in order to motivate women to understand that entrepreneurship can be a time of their careers Total project amount: 81.659 EUR Implementation period: 08/11/2010-30/11/2012 29
"PACE" Partners for Acquis Compliance and Energy Efficiency Funded by: EU from IPA – Socio-Economic Partnership Programme Applicant and partners: Eurochambres AISBL, Albanian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Economic Chamber of FYR of Macedonia, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Slovenian Business and Research Association, Voka – Chamber of Commerce and Industry Antwerp-Waasland,Voka - Kamer van Koophandel Limburg vzw, Chamber of Commerce & Industry Marseille-Provence, Wirts chaftskammer Österreich Project objective: to facilitate the integration process of Western Balkan (WB) business community, as members of the civil society, in the EU Total project amount: 625.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/02/2011-31/12/2012 30
“TexWeb” Networking and Capacity Building for Textile and Clothing Industry Associations in the Western Balkan Countries Funded by: the EU from IPA Europe Aid IPA - Socio - Economic Partnership Programme Applicant and partners: European Association of Apparel Industry, Brussel, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Assocation of textile entrepreneurs of Croatia, Bulgarian Agency for Export, Federation for textile, Turkey, Chamber of Commerce of Bosnia and Hercegovinia, Chamber of Commerce of Albania, Cluster of textile producers of Macedonia Projects objective: to develop strong partnerships among partners themselves and with their EU counterpart, the European Apparel and Textile Confederation (Euratex), and local authorities so to improve the quality of their services and their representativeness of the local textile/clothing industry Total project amount: 1.040.000 EUR Implementation period: 20/12/2010-20/12/2012 31
“KNOWTS” National Platform for Knowldedge Triangle in Serbia Funded by: TEMPUS Programme of the European Commission Applicant and partners: University of Nis (Co-Ordinator) RS, University of Belgrade, RS University of Novi Sad, University of Kragujevac, RS, Ministry of Science And Technological Development, RS, Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Society, RS, National Council for Higher Education, RS, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK, Instituto Superior Tecnico, PT, Technical University Dortmund, DE, University of Alicante, ES, Vienna University of Technology, AT Project objective: to straighten the role of Universities in the Serbian society by using University capacities in economy development; to improve synergy between research, education and innovation in Serbia, and to enhance the quality of organization in research, education and innovation. Total project amount: 878.892 EUR Implementation period: 01/10/2010-01/01/2013 32
Funded by: European Commission, Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency - TEMPUS Applicant and partners: Partner Country Universities: University of Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, University of Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia, University of Niš, Republic of Serbia; Non University Partners from Partner Country: National Employment Service, Republic of Serbia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Republic of Serbia, National Council for Higher Education, Republic of Serbia; EU Universities: University of Exeter, United Kingdom, Wageningen University, Netherlands, The Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Individual Expert Prof. Dr Laszlo Karpati, University of Debrecen, Hungary Project objective: to contribute to the effective employability of university graduates in Serbia by bridging the gaps between outdated knowledge and skills students had gained during their past university education and the requirements of the modern labour market. Total project amount: 701.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/02/2009-31/12/2012 33 “CONCUR“ Conversion Courses for Unemploed and University Graduates in Serbia
“Aid for Trade 2011” Economic and social development of the area, building up the network of centers for creation and management of development projects in the R. of Serbia Funded by: the Czech Republic Development Cooperation, Program “Aid for Trade” Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Czech Chamber of Commerce, RCCI Sombor, RCCI Niš and RCCI Užice Project objective: to contribute the economic and social development Western Balkan region/Serbia by capacity building and strengthening Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, RCCI Sombor, RCCI Niš and RCCI Užice through advancement cooperation, training, transfer of knowledge, expertise and best practice from Czech Chamber of Commerce in the field of project management (efficient use of EU pre-accession funds, and other developmental programs aid for Serbia, preparation, realization and project implementation); to improve business- to-business activities and networking opportunities between Serbian and Czech companies Total project amount: 39.680 EUR Implementation period: 25/07/2011-15/11/2011 34
“SECEP” Support to Enterprise Competitiveness and Export Promotion Funded by: EU from the IPA 07 funds Applicant and partners: Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, SIEPA, Serbian Agency for the Development of SMEs and Entrepreneurship, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Projects objective: to support the development of a market economy and socio-economic cohesion in Serbia by improving the international competitiveness and export performance of SMEs. One of the rezults is related on capacity building of the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, SIEPA, Serbian Agency for the Development of SMEs and Entrepreneurship and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia to take over cluster development activities, supply chains and export initiatives Total project amount: 3.500.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/06/2009–01/01/2012 35
PLATO KOOPERA Funded by: Flemish Government, Co-operation programme between Flanders and Central and Eastern Europe - call 2009 Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Voka Chamber of Commerce East Flanders, Regional Chamber of Economy Niš, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bulgaria Sofia, Regional Chamber of Economy Craiova, Romania Project objective: establishment of PLATO network in Nis, Sofia and Craiova; transfer the Plato best practice from Flanders to the involved Chambers & participating companies in Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia and, by dissemination, further to other areas in these countries, bring these networks of companies & organisations, via various channels into contact with with Flemish companies and each other, add Plato companies of South Eastern Europe (Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Romania, Bulagaria) to the existing E-Platform (with Plato companies from Flanders, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia & NW Romania already involved) Total project amount: 272.842 EUR Implementation period: 01/01/2010–01/012012 36
37 Applicant and partners: PROMOFIRENCE Florence Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Project objective: to provide quality service of internationalization and economic connections between Serbian and Italian firms Total project amount: 60.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/09/2011-31/07/2011 Strengthening the internationalization service system of Chambers of Commerce in Serbia in the process of EU accession
EU Legislation transfer to Serbia and Montenegro Funded by: Flemish Government Applicant and partners: CCI Antwerp (VOKA), RCCI Nis, CCI Belgrade, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, CCI Montenegro Project objective: to raise export competitiveness of domestic firms by raising the capacity of chambers of commerce and companies participating in the project, as well as other companies to be able to use the results of the project, development of expertise in organizations to support companies in the areas of EU legislation and the transfer of Flemish experience in the field of EU legislation, innovation, sustainable development and other aspects of the internationalization of business Total project amount: 100.084 EUR Implementation period: 01/03/2009-28/02/2011 38
The Corporate Management Program in Serbia Funded by: International Finance Corporation IFC Applicant and partners: IFC, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina Project objective: improvement of Corporate Management by supporting companies to implement good practice and develop an effective framework for corporate governance, to thereby improve its operational efficiency and improve their access to financial products Total project amount: 13.448 EUR Implementation period: 01/01/2009-01/01/2011 39
PLATO SERBIA Funded by: Flemish Government; Co-operation programme between Flanders and Central and Eastern Europe - call 2008 Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Voka Chamber of Commerce East Flanders, RCC Subotica, RCC Pančevo, RCC Požarevac Project objective: to provide a platform for long-term sustainable and trustworthy exchange of experiences between its participants, i.e. the SME’s managers/owners including the coordinators, stimulate transfer of management know-how from big companies’ chief executive officers and staff members to SME’s, make possible the exchange of experiences between SME’s in different PLATO groups and to to create a network of small and big companies where information, contacts and business opportunities are the issue Total project amount: 184.729 EUR Implementation period: 01/01/2009–01/01/2011 40
"PARTNERS 2" Partners for Investment Promotion Funded by: Eurochambres’ initiative supported by the European Union under CARDS 2005 Regional funding Applicant and partners: Western Balkan and EU Chambers of Commerce and Indistries Project objective: to strengthen the role of Chambers of Commerce in the Western Balkans to attract and retain foreign direct investments (FDI), to provide policy makers in the EU and the Western Balkans with private sector’s view on the status of investment reforms and further actions needed; to increase contacts between EU and Western Balkans Chambers, and among Chambers in the region, in order to create a Chamber network to promote intra-regional exchanges, which can lead to long-term growth in FDI Total project amount: 1.173.943 EUR Implementation period: 01/06/2008-01/12/2009 41
PARTNERS 2 “Network of Centres for Project Development and Management” Funded by: Eurochambres’ initiative supported by the EU under CARDS 2005 Regional funding Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia in cooperation with 17 RCC, Montenegro CC, CC of Macedonia, Promos, Italy, Czech CC Project objective: contribute to the economic and social development Western Balkan region by Capacity building and strengthening Western Balkan Chambers (WBC - Serbian Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with 17 RCC, Montenegro CC, Economic Chamber of Macedonia) through advancement cooperation, training, transfer of knowledge, expertise and best practice from EU Chambers (Promos, Italy and Czech CC) in efficient use of EU pre-accession funds, and other developmental programs aid for Western Balkan countries; preparation, realization and project implementation Total project amount: 85.518 EUR Implementation period: 01/12/2008-01/12/2009 42
”CSR” Establishing Corporate Social Responsibility in South East Europe Funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany (BMZ), InWEnt gGmbH - Capacity Building International, ILTIS GmbH Applicant and partners: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany (BMZ), Regional Development Agency (Albania), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republika Srpska Bosnia&Herzegovina), BASME CT (FYR Macedonia), Agency for SME's (Montenegro), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (Serbia) Project objective: to introduce CSR area-wide in South East Europe in terms of makinfg enterprises know what CSR is and how it can contribute to their business success. The companies should further be motivated to implement CSR as a basis of a good management Total project amount: 26.127 EUR Implementation period: 12/06/2007-15/03/2009 43
DIHK-ABC Partnership Project between the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry DIHK and the Association of Balkan Chambers ABC Funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) with the support of the Foundation for Economic Development and Professional Training, Germany (Sequim) Applicant and partners: Association of German Chambers (DIHK) and Association of Balkan Chambers (ABC), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, CCI Montenegro, CCI Romania, CCI Bulgaria, Union of CCI Albania, Union of CCI Turkey, Union of CCI Greece, Foreign Trade CCI B&H, CCI Macedonia Project objective: strengthening the chamber organizations, improving of the services for the chamber members, activating of trade and international economic cooperation Total project amount: 3.000.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/09/2000-31/12/2009 44
Facility for SMEs and Capacity Building Funded by: a cross-border cooperation project funded under the Adriatic New Neighbourhood Programme (ANNP) INTERREG/CARDS-PHARE Applicant and partners: VENETO Region – Brussels’ Department is the Project Leader, managing the project activities in close co-operation with its Partners: Apulia Region, Regional Economic Development Agency for Central Bosnia and Herzegovina Region, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Project objective: encouraging partnerships and facilitate internationalization strategies of SMEs in Veneto, Apulia, Serbia and Bosnia; to encourage the establishment of long-term networks between the four Partners sharing methods/actions and services: institutional co- operation, business opportunities, partnerships between SMEs - establishing regular co- operation between the SMEs of Italy and the Adriatic Area and supporting growth and internationalisation of businesses; access to credit facilities Total project amount: 261.000 EUR Implementation period: 17/09/2007-17/09/2008 45
Development of consultant services for Quality Management Systems at Serbian Chamber of Commerce Funded by: German Federal Ministry for Development; Cooperation - German Technical Cooperation Applicant and partners: GTZ, Germany, TUV Thuringen, Serbian Chamber of Commerce Project objective: training of employees for the implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) in Serbian enterprises (especially SMEs); to contribute strengthening of Serbian economic sectors and increase the competitiveness of export-oriented companies; to strengthen institutional capacity and improves range and quality of available business support services for Serbian enterprises and SMEs Total project amount: 150.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/06/2005-30/03/2007 46
"PARTNERS 1" Project of Assistance to Regional Trade and Network for Economic Recovery and Stability Funded by: Eurochambres initiative supported by the European Commission, Reginal CARDS 2003 Applicant and partners: Eurochambres, Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania, The foreign trade Chamber of B&H, CCI Croatia, Economic Chamber of FYR of Macedonia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CC Vojvodina, RCC Kragujevac, RCC Niš, Belgrade CC) Project objective: capacity building for Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other business organisations in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, in the area of intra-regional trade and international trade services; to reinforce the capacity of the national and regional Chambers in Western Balkan countries to enable them to actively promote intra-regional trade and co-operation; to empower Chamber organisations in the region to take up a leadership role in promoting local development and attracting investments as well as supporting increased participation of local companies in the EU single market and in the world economy Total project amount: 2.150.000 EUR Implementation period: 01/02/2004-01/02/2006 47
One-Stop Shop “PARTNERS 1” Funded by: Eurochambres initiative supported by the European Commission, Reginal CARDS 2003 Applicant and partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, The Hague CCI, Nederland Project objective: training staff, development of information product, development of courses, networking plan, front office in CCI Serbia Total project amount: 67.850 EUR Implementation period: 01/02/2004-01/02/2006 48
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Vera Veljanovski Project Coordinator phone: (+381 11) 3304 523 e-mail:
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