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Published byClementine Ross Modified over 9 years ago
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Action 1: Project Management and Monitoring Action 2: Development of software for the application of the soil monitoring methodology developed by CRA ABP – Creation of a Manual for the adaption of Soil Monitoring Software web application (SMS) in different EU Regions. Action 3: Implementation - Pilot Application of the SMS in two EU Regions: Sicily and Peloponnese – Identification of risk areas and targets for actions Action 4: Demonstration of the use of SMS and RAI to other Regional Authorities (RAs) Action 5: Training to potential users (e-course) Action 6: Pilot Application of soil protection measures in two EU Regions: Sicily and Peloponnese (The Regional Plans) Action 7: Use of the SMS to MONITOR THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOIL PROTECTION MEASURES (and Impact assessment) Action 8 Awareness campaign against soil degradation process targeting soil users and all stakeholders – outreach
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 1: Project Management and Monitoring RESPONSABLE: CRA-ABP DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass. Travel Implementation fiches 3-monthlyOnly Reg. Sic. did ---- Web-portal30/04/2010Y8,000-CRA- ABP Y Steering Commitees, other web- meetings, official letters and e-mail ContinuousY25,00 0 -CRA- ABP Y
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Implementation fiches (3-monthly) Region of Sicily did one for the whole 2010 and 3 for the first 3 trimesters of the year 2011. EKPA did just the first one (from 01/08/2010 to 31/10/2010) Region of Peloponnese did not at all To download the implementation fiche model from the website: ments/reserved- documents/implementation- fiche- ments/reserved- documents/implementation- fiche-
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO The web-site The web-site is implemented and is functioning, unless the e-learning (result action 5) which has to be implemented. The website must be maintained and used (especially the news pages) by all partners. Each partner should find a person responsible for the updating of the web-site. Today at 10:15/10:30 I will briefly show you the admin area of the web-site and its functioning. We are now working to the web-forum (result of action 8), which will be a part of the web-site.
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 2: Development of software for the application of the soil monitoring methodology developed by CRA ABP – Creation of a Manual for the adaption of Soil Monitoring Software web application (SMS) in different EU Regions. RESPONSABLE: CRA-ABP DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass.Travel SMS Development of SMS 31/01/2011 GREAT DELAY! N30.000-EKPAN N-2,700CRA- ABP ? Map server software 31/01/2011N13,500-EKPAY
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO The SMS Soil Monitoring System is near to be completed. Some requests need to be fulfilled: 1.A tool to Shapefiles Download 2.A tool for Vector File Management necessary to elaborate the Soil Monitoring Sampling Scheme 3.A user friendly Model Builder Interface The presentation of Charalambous A. today at 11.00 hours will show us the SMS news. The SMS Development Team will follow the explaination by skype.
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 5: Training to potential users RESPONSABLE: EKPA DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass. Travel E-course on SMS and RAI31/05/2011 GREAT DELAY! N30,000-EKPAN Hosting of the e- course N6,000-EKPAN The tender for the e-learning will be launched as soon as the SMS will be finalized.
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 3: Implementation - Pilot Application of the SMS in two EU Regions: Sicily and Peloponnese – Identification of risk areas and targets for actions RESPONSABLE: REG_SIC DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass. Travel Soil DB of Sicily31/07/2010Y---Y Soil DB of Peloponnese 31/07/2010 GREAT DELAY! N25,000EKPAN Soil DB of Sicily/Peloponnese 31/07/2010Y/N-10,000CRA-ABPN Satellite Images of Peloponnese 31/07/2010 GREAT DELAY! N60,000-EKPAN Satellite Images of Sicily 31/07/2010working68,000-CRA-ABPY
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO DATA COLLECTED SICILYPELOPONNESE Soil DB (1959-2009) and map (geodatabase) Land use (layers from many different sources) Lithology Physiography DEM AGEA db (RDP 2007-2013) Terraces shapefile Climate JRC-EFFIS fire data Satellite images and aero-photographs Soil point data (1985-89) JRC soil raster data (pH, SOC) Land use Lithology Physiography DEM Climate JRC-EFFIS fire data THE SOIL DB OF PELOPONNESE IT IS URGENTLY NECESSARY. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO APPLY THE RAI METHODOLOGY OF THE SMS APPLICATION IN PELOPONNESE WITHOUT THE SOIL DATA!!
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Soils survey and satellite images is two years delayed!The soil survey of the Peloponnesus Region is two years delayed! The company is now selected and must do the work quickly. is two years delayed!The Tender to purchase and elaborate satellite images of Peloponnesus Region is two years delayed!. EKPA has prepared the tender now. Vasilakis E. will report us on this activity, today at 12.15 hours. signedThe company which will purchase and will elaborate satellite images of Sicily has already signed the contract with CRA- ABP and is now working. Costantini E.A.C. will report us on this activity, today at 13.45 hours.
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 4: Demonstration of the use of SMS and RAI to other Regional Authorities (RAs) RESPONSABLE: REG_SIC DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass. Travel DG Green Week22-25/5/2012?-1,274 (1_person/4 days CRA-ABP? DG Regio Open Days8-11/10/2012Y-CRA-ABPN DG Green Week22-25/5/2012?-1,274 (1_person/4 days EKPA? DG Regio Open Days8-11/10/2012Y-EKPAN DG Green Week22-25/5/2012?-1,274 (1_person/4 days Reg. Sic.? DG Regio Open Days8-11/10/2012Y-Reg. Sic.N DG Green Week22-25/5/2012?-1,274 (1_person/4 days Reg. Pel.? DG Regio Open Days8-11/10/2012Y-Reg. Pel.N Regional Conference on SMS Reg. Sic. 1 in 2012N1,250-Reg. Sic.N Regional Conference on SMS Reg. Sic. 1 in 2012N1,250-Reg. Pel.N
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 4: Demonstration of the use of SMS and RAI to other Regional Authorities (RAs) RESPONSABLE: REG_SIC DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass. Travel DG Green Week30/06/2013?-1,274 (1_person/4 days CRA-ABP? DG Regio Open Days30/10/2013Y-CRA-ABPN DG Green Week30/06/2013?-1,274 (1_person/4 days EKPA? DG Regio Open Days30/10/2013Y-EKPAN DG Green Week30/06/2013?-1,274 (1_person/4 days Reg. Sic.? DG Regio Open Days30/10/2013Y-Reg. Sic.N DG Green Week30/06/2013?-1,274 (1_person/4 days Reg. Pel.? DG Regio Open Days30/10/2013Y-Reg. Pel.N Regional Conference on SMS Reg. Sic. 1 in 2013N1,250-Reg. Sic.N Regional Conference on SMS Reg. Sic. 1 in 2013N1,250-Reg. Pel.N
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO DG GREEN WEEKS and DG REGIO OPEN DAYS DG Green WeeksDG Regio Open Days MILESTONE OF THE PROJECTThe participation of one person of each project partner at the DG Green Weeks and DG Regio Open Days in Brussels is a MILESTONE OF THE PROJECT! The next DG Green Week is just the next week, 22-25/5/2012! This year's theme is "Water“: EVERY DROP COUNTS - The Water Challenge The next DG Regio Open Day is on 8- 11/10/2012 We must discuss in these days on what to do.
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO REGIONAL CONFERENCES TO DEMONSTRATE THE SMS AND RAI METHODOLOGY Peloponnesus Region Either the Peloponnesus Region and Sicily Region the Sicily Region have to organize Conferences to Demonstrate the use of the SMS and RAI methodology Conferences to Demonstrate the use of the SMS and RAI methodology. 20122013 One in 2012 and one in 2013.
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 6: Pilot Application of soil protection measures in two EU Regions: Sicily and Peloponnese RESPONSABLE: REG_PEL DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass. Travel Elaboration of plan of soil protection in Sic.30/06/2012 VERY NEAR! Y/N40,000-Reg. Sic.? Consulting and legal support Sic. Y/N40,000-Reg. Sic.? Elaboration of plan of soil protection in Pel.30/06/2012 VERY NEAR! ?45,000-Reg. Pel.? Consulting and legal support Pel. ?45,000 Reg. Pel.?
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Soil erosion risk map of Sicily WITH THE RAI METHODOLOGYAPPROVED 1)The “Soil erosion risk map of Sicily” produce by the SOILPRO project, WITH THE RAI METHODOLOGY, was APPROVED by an official regional act (regional decree # 1835 dated 22 December 2011) with the aim of assessing the effects of rural development program (DPR) Sicilia 2007- 2013 agro-environmental measures. A NEW MEASURE IN THE DPR. measure 214/1G in Messina Province 2) A NEW MEASURE IN THE DPR. The Map was used as base mapping to process the measure 214/1G, of Rural Development Program (RDP) Sicilia 2007-2013, “Contrasting hydro geological instability and recovery of traditional agricultural landscape”, in Messina Province, that will be a part of a Soil protection measure plan for Region of Sicily. Soil erosion risk map of Sicily 3)The “Soil erosion risk map of Sicily” will be used also to implement the cross-compliance. FIRST RESULTS OF THE SOILPRO PROJECT Rural Development Program (PSR) Sicilia 2007-2013: measure 214/1G. MATRANGA G. presentation today at 14:00 hours.
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 7: Use of the SMS to monitor the effectiveness of soil protection measures DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass. Travel Sampling soil for monitoring in Sic. and Pel. From 31/05/2012 to 30/11/2013 N-10,000CRA- ABP N SMS/RAI validation N10,000-CRA- ABP N SMS/RAI validation N25,000-EKPAN The monitored data, collected through action 3 (remote sensing) and through action 6 (proximal sensing), will be used to test and monitor the effectiveness of soil protection measures. The soil protection measures and their effectiveness will be added in the models of the sms to estimate the achieved reduction of soil degradation.
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 8 Awareness campaign against soil degradation process targeting soil users and all stakeholders – outreach RESPONSABLE: EKPA PAST DELIVERABLES DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass.Travel 1 Regional Conferences AWARNESS CAMPAIGN in Peloponnese 1 before 15/12/2011 N8,400-Reg. Pel.N 1 Regional Conferences AWARNESS CAMPAIGN in Sicily 1 before 15/12/2011 2/12/2011 Soil Protection in Vineyards 4,200-Reg. Sic.? Annual technical publication 1 before 15/12/2011 Y/N (ESSC Congress Thess.) --All partners should participate None to be spent
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO CONFERENCE ON SOIL PROTECTION IN VINEYARDS, SICILY The region of Sicily organized a public meeting on the soil protection measures applied in the vineyards, involving the stakeholders. The Department of Agro- environmental Systems of Agronomy University of Sicily participated actively in the organization of the event, which is the same Department in charge of the external assistance to Evaluate And Monitor The Effectiveness Of Soil Protection Measures In Agriculture (action 6).
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO Results of Action 8 FUTURE DELIVERABLES DELIVERABLESDATE TO DELIVER DELIVERED (Y/N) BUDGETBENEF.SPENT (Y/N) Ext. Ass.Travel 3 Regional Conferences AWARNESS CAMPAIGN in Peloponnese 1 before 15/12/2012 VERY NEAR! 1 before 15/12/2013 N16,800-Reg. Pel.N 3 Regional Conferences AWARNESS CAMPAIGN in Sicily 1 before 15/12/2012 VERY NEAR! 1 before 15/12/2013 N8,400-Reg. Sic.? Annual technical publication 1 before 15/11/2012 VERY NEAR! 1 before 15/11/2013 N--All partners should participate None to spent 1 Video in Pel.15/11/2012N25,000-Reg. Pel.N 1 Video in Sic.15/11/2012N25,000-Reg. Sic.N Hand Book on Good Practices15/12/2013N--AllNone to spent
LIFE08ENV/IT/428 PROJECT SOILPRO ACTION 8, SUGGESTIONS: During the monitoring activity (action 6) collect images, ideas, interviews During the monitoring activity (action 6) it would be usefull to collect images, ideas, interviews, which could be put into the video, the technical publications, and other dissemination materials. find a dedicated person The Region of Peloponnese and the Region of Sicily should find a dedicated person (which should be contracted to this purpose) to organize and coordinate all the numerous activities of action 8: regional conferences, press releases, project depliants, questionnaires, web-forum, technical publications and final hand-book of best practices.
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