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KICK-OFF: FIRST STEERING GROUP MEETING AND WORKSHOPS MARCH 9 TH – 12 TH, 2014 Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan

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Presentation on theme: "KICK-OFF: FIRST STEERING GROUP MEETING AND WORKSHOPS MARCH 9 TH – 12 TH, 2014 Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan"— Presentation transcript:

1 KICK-OFF: FIRST STEERING GROUP MEETING AND WORKSHOPS MARCH 9 TH – 12 TH, 2014 Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan

2 SAMUz Kick-off Meeting: Welcome and Round of Introduction EU PartnersUzbek Partners P1 – JLU, Coordinator Justus-Liebig University Giessen (Germany) P7 – SAI, Uzbek coordinator Samarkand Agricultural Institute P2 - MLU Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) P8 – TSAU Tashkent State Agrarian University P3 – HSWT University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (Germany) P9 – TIIM Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration P4 – USC University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) P10 – AAI Andijan Agricultural Institute P5 - AUTH Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) P11 – TerSU Termez State University P6 – Writtle Writtle College (UK) P12 – MHSSE Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of Uzbekistan P13 – FCU Farmers council of Urgut region P14 – PfAA Farm “Asilbek Alibek”

3 Programme (I) Sunday, March 9 th 9.30 – 12.30 Kick-off Meeting Welcome and round of introduction Agenda of the meeting and the workshops Project objectives, expected results, and deliverables Work plan, responsibilities, and main activities 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 1: Curricula development Bachelor and Master Objectives: BA “Farm Management”, MA “Agrarian Management” Presentation of status quo and desired target qualifications: Current BA "Farm management": critical analysis (O. Murtazaev, SAI) UZB legislation for curriculum development (B. Nosirov, AAI) Situation on ECTS / Bologna in UZB (F. Ahrorov, SAI) Survey on qualification needs in UZB (A. Korun, JLU) Examples and experiences from EU partners: Intern. MBA “Agricultural Management” at HSWT (R. Schlauderer, HSWT) Intern. MSc “Transition Management” at JLU (M. Schmitz, JLU)

4 Programme (II) Monday, March 10 th 9.00 – 9.30 Meeting with President of JLU at Senate Hall, main university building 10.00 – 12.30 Continuation of Workshop 1 (curriculum Bachelor, Master) Summary of first day and continuing discussion Agreement on main characteristics of BA and MA programmes considering UZB regulations Next steps and time table for detailed curricula development 14.00 – 18.00Steering Group Meeting (Administration and Management) Constitution of the Steering Group Project management and administration Mobility plan Quality control plan Signing partnership agreements Any other business, Date and place of next meeting

5 Programme (III) Tuesday, March 11 th 9.00 – 12.30 Workshop 2: Development of PhD school Objective: new cross-university PhD school “Agrarian policy and economics” Information on current PhD education in UZB Examples and experiences from EU partners German PhD colloquium “Agricultural Economics” (M. Grings, MLU) Discussion of form and content of new PhD school, feasibility Next steps for development and implementation 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 3: Quality assurance scheme of education Background and objectives Presentation of current quality assurance systems in higher education in UZB National standards and requirements Existing systems at universities Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (E. Lopez, USC) Discussion on characteristics of an appropriate and feasible system for UZB Next steps for development and implementation

6 Programme (IV) Wednesday, March 12 th 9.00 – 12.30 Workshop 4: Update of “hard and soft ware” Objectives: enhancing teaching infrastructure and competences Development of teaching materials for BA, MA, PhD (books, scripts) Technical infrastructure of PhD school E-learning platform The use of Moodle (A. Aristakesyan, HSWT) Application and technical requirements for UZB (e.g. for multiplier and PhD lectures by EU partners) Training workshops for multiplier-lecturers (train the trainers): Time and topics Knowledge sharing workshops of multipliers in UZB: Time and form Hospitation visits of UZB teaching staff at EU partners: Number and hosts

7 Sunday, March 9 th 9.30 – 12.30 Kick-off Meeting Welcome and round of introduction Agenda of the meeting and the workshops Project objectives, expected results, and deliverables Workplan, responsibilities, and main activities 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 1: Curricula development Bachelor and Master Objectives: BA “Farm Management”, MA “Agrarian Management” Presentation of status quo and desired target qualifications: Current BA "Farm management": critical analysis (O. Murtazaev, SAI) UZB legislation for curriculum development (B. Nosirov, AAI) Situation on ECTS / Bologna in UZB (F. Ahrorov, SAI) Survey on qualification needs in UZB (A. Korun, JLU) Examples and experiences from EU partners: Intern. MBA “Agricultural Management” at HSWT (R. Schlauderer, HSWT) Intern. MSc “Transition Management” at JLU (M. Schmitz, JLU) SAMUz Kick-off Meeting

8 The specific project objective is the establishment of a modernised and Bologna aligned three level higher education system in the area of farm management and agricultural economics through: i)adjusted and newly developed curricula on BA and MA level and a newly created PhD school, ii)improved teaching competences and materials, iii)enhanced university-business cooperation, and iv)implemented quality assurance policies and procedures according to European Quality Standards at all Uzbek Agricultural Universities by the end of the project. SAMUz Kick-off Meeting: Project Objective

9 WP1 (DEV1): Curricula development of revised BA course “Farm management” and new MA course “Agrarian Management” at all agricultural universities in UZ WP2 (DEV2): Creation of cross-university PhD school “Agrarian policy and economics” WP3 (DEV3): Up-date of “hard and soft ware” at developed study courses (i.e. teaching materials, technical infrastructure for PhD school, e-learning environment, improved teaching competences) WP4 (DEV4): Set-up of quality assurance scheme for education WP5 (EXP): Sustainability of modernised education (i.e. pilot phase, accreditation of revised BA and new MA at leading agricultural university and transfer to other agricultural universities in UZ) WP6 (QPLN): Quality control & evaluation of project WP7 (DISS): Dissemination of results WP8 (MNGT): Project management and administration SAMUz Kick-off Meeting: Workpackages and expected results

10 SAMUz Kick-off Meeting: Deliverables (I)

11 SAMUz Kick-off Meeting: Deliverables (II)

12 SAMUz Kick-off Meeting: Deliverables (III)

13 SAMUz Kick-off Meeting: Expertise and Experience of Partners 1.Professional expertise with regard to agricultural sub-disciplines: agric. policy  JLU, AUTH environmental/resource economics  JLU agric. market analysis  MLU business/farm management  HSWT, Writtle crop/animal production  Writtle agric. technology  AUTH 2. Focus on qualification/degree level: practical orientation/emphasis on BA/MA  HSWT, Writtle scientific orientation/emphasis on MA/PhD  JLU, MLU, AUTH 3. Quality assurance scheme of education and teaching  USC, TerSU 4. Enhanced University-Business cooperation  USC, Writtle

14 SAMUz Kick-off Meeting: Responsibilities of Partners WPContentWP Leader WP Co-leader WP Monitor WP1Curricula development BA, MATSAUMLUAUTH WP2PhD schoolSAIJLUUSC WP3Up-date of “hard and soft ware”TIIM, TerSUHSWTWrittle WP4Quality assurance schemeUSCTerSUMLU WP5ExploitationSAITSAU WP6Quality planJLUSAI WP7DisseminationSAIJLU WP8ManagementJLUSAI

15 SAMUz Kick-off Meeting: Workplan WP Type Deliverable / Activity Ref. N° Activities (as indicated in the LFM) Duration (weeks) Month 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 1 DEV1 1. / 1.1 Conducting in-depth analysis of courses, qualifications, labour market needs 6XXXX 1. / 1.2 Concluding new/adjusted qualifications and learning objectives 2 XXXX 2. / 2.1 Organising and conducting workshop on BA revision and MA development 2 O 2. / 2.2 Organising and conducting BA/MA verification conference with all stakeholders 2 XX 2 DEV2 3. / 3.1 Defining objectives, structure, content of PhD school 4 XX 3. / 3.2 Conducting workshop on structure and programme 1 O 4. / 4.1 Assigning responsibilities to Uzbek partners 1 X 4. / 4.2 Organising PhD verification conference with all stakeholders 1 X 3 DEV3 5. / 5.1 Reviewing and adjusting suitable teaching materials at EU partners 6 OOO O O O 5. / 5.2 Developing (and translating) text books/ scripts 35 XXXXXX XXX 5. / 5.3 Up-dating the libraries 5 XX XXX 6. / 6.1 Installing purchased equipment for PhD school and teachers' training 3 XX 6. / 6.2 Installing and running e-learning platform 125 XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO 7. / 7.1 Conducting training workshops for multiplier-lecturers (train the trainers) 8 XXX 7. / 7.2 Conducting knowledge sharing workshops of multipliers at home 10 XXXX XXXX 7. / 7.3 Hospitation visits of Uzbek teaching staff at EU partners 8 O O O O 4 DEV4 8. / 8.1 Assessing official standards, HEIs’ autonomous options, objectives 3 OX 8. / 8.2 Defining procedures, responsibilities, feedback mechanisms of quality assurance 7 O X 8. / 8.3 Hospitation of Uzbek partners at EU partners 4 O O 5 EXP 9. / 9.1 Enrolling and teaching students for pilot year 55 XXXXXXXXXXXXX 9. / 9.2 Evaluating the pilot year, creating future development plan 4 XX 10. / 10.1 Preparing / conducting accreditation process at TSAU 10 XXXXX 10. / 10.2 Transferring curricula to other agric. universities 62 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 6 QPLN 11. / 11.1 Conducting cross-workpackage appraisals (DEV 1-4) 4 OX XO 11. / 11.2 Collecting and assessing activity reports of mobilities, training reports 150OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX 12. / 12.1 Conducting mid-term evaluation 3 XO 12. / 12.2 Annual reports to EU 6 O O O 7 DISS 13. / 13.1 Carrying out fundamental dissem. (website, flyers, PR, networking) 150XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO 13. / 13.2 Conducting wrap-up conference with all stakeholders 2 X 14. / 14.1 Participating in educational fairs in Uzb 3 X X X 14. / 14.2 Conducting “Open Day” and “Job Exchange Day” 6 X X X 8 MNGT 15. / 15.1 Creating standard management and communication forms 2OO 15. / 15.2 Management of project 150OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX 16. / 16.1 Purchasing equipment and literature 32 XXXXX XXX 17. / 17.1 Conducting steering group meetings 4 O X O X 18. / 18.1 Conducting final financial audit 1 O Project duration: 01.12.2013 – 30.11.2016

16 WORKSHOP 1: CURRICULA DEVELOPMENT ON BACHELOR AND MASTER LEVEL (WP1-DEV1 AND WP5-EXP9,EXP10) Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan WP leader: TSAU WP co-leader: MLU WP monitor: AUTH

17 Workshop 1: Curricula development BA, MA Sunday, March 9 th 9.30 – 12.30 Kick-off Meeting Welcome and round of introduction Agenda of the meeting and the workshops Project objectives, expected results, and deliverables Work plan, responsibilities, and main activities 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 1: Curricula development Bachelor and Master Objectives: BA “Farm Management”, MA “Agrarian Management” Presentation of status quo and desired target qualifications: Current BA "Farm management": critical analysis (O. Murtazaev, SAI) UZB legislation for curriculum development (B. Nosirov, AAI) Situation on ECTS / Bologna in UZB (F. Ahrorov, SAI) Survey on qualification needs in UZB (A. Korun, JLU) Examples and experiences from EU partners: Intern. MBA “Agricultural Management” at HSWT (R. Schlauderer, HSWT) Intern. MSc “Transition Management” at JLU (M. Schmitz, JLU)

18 Workshop 1 – curricula BA, MA: Objectives … to revise/ develop curricula at all 4 Uzbek agricultural universities: modern agrarian management studies at farm, sector, and policy level explaining sustainable agriculture: productivity and efficiency, business operations, market analysis, policy effectiveness, natural resource management, and the disciplinary interrelations of agriculture, economics, and environment  Revision of the existing BA course “Farm management”  Development of a new MA course “Agrarian Management” … particular attention to: Include all 4 universities and the Ministry of Higher and Specialised Secondary Education (MHSSE) into the process implement Bologna structures as much as national standards allow (3 cycle structure, ECTS, degree recognition). enhance cooperation between universities and labour market through clear definition of key qualifications verified by surveys; higher emphasis on practical aspects in the study courses (i.e. internships); targeted communication events (e.g. job exchange day)

19 Workshop 1 – curricula BA, MA: Deliverables Work- package Deliver- able TitleDelivery date WP 1 DEV 1 1 (Report) Status quo - target comparison of qualifications  current and desired target situation of BA/ MA curricula defined through in-depth analysis of existing courses, qualifications, workloads, and labour market needs; conclusion of new/adjusted qualifications and learning objectives 30.06.2014 WP 1 DEV 1 2 (Curri- cula) New study structure and content according to ECTS  study programme/curricula/syllabi of BA and MA was defined during workshops and verification conference; fundament for pilot phase at TSAU 31.08.2014 WP 5 EXP 9 9 (Report) Pilot phase (BA, MA) accomplished and evaluated  curricula introduced at TSAU for pilot phase, students are enrolled; evaluation of pilot phase and compiling future development plan 31.08.2015 WP 5 EXP 10 10 (Accredi -tation report) BA and MA courses accreditated and transferred  accreditation certificates for the revised BA and new MA at TSAU; courses are transferred to the other 3 agric. universities and students get are enrolled 30.11.2016

20 Workshop 1 – curricula BA, MA: Education target BA “Farm management” was set-up 2004 by a governmental programme and is running at all 4 agricultural universities 4 years’ study course consisting of 62 subjects (29 general subjects/humanities, others related to agriculture including agricultural economics) Indicative revisions (as mentioned in project proposal): - Streamlining key qualifications towards more effective and informative decision making and business management of agric. enterprises -Reducing the proportion of general subjects in favour of professional subjects -Emphasizing elementary economic subjects like macro and micro economic theory, policy and markets in agriculture, agric. business operations (either insufficient or missing so far) -Revising general agric. subjects (crop/ animal production, agric. technology) -Defining learning outcomes and workloads for each subject

21 Workshop 1 – curricula BA, MA: Education target MA “Agrarian management” To be established as a new programme of 2 study years Key qualification is to understand and evaluate economic, agro-political, and social decisions of various bodies, like business operations, function of agric. markets, role of agric./environ. policies, structures of cooperation, etc. Special attention is paid to (as mentioned in project proposal): - Emphasizing professional subjects at the cost of general subjects - Adjusting the proportion towards more optional subjects (MA as a postgraduate study) - Developing new subjects, e.g. agro-economic analysis (economic statistics, sector analysis, econometrics), managerial economics, internat./ EU agric. policy, environ. economics - Including an internship as obligatory subject - Defining learning outcomes, teaching forms, workloads for each subject…

22 Workshop 1: Curricula BA, MA Sunday, March 9 th 9.30 – 12.30 Kick-off Meeting Welcome and round of introduction Agenda of the meeting and the workshops Project objectives, expected results, and deliverables Work plan, responsibilities, and main activities 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 1: Curricula development Bachelor and Master Objectives: BA “Farm Management”, MA “Agrarian Management” Presentation of status quo and desired target qualifications: Current BA "Farm management": critical analysis (O. Murtazaev, SAI) UZB legislation for curriculum development (B. Nosirov, AAI) Situation on ECTS / Bologna in UZB (F. Ahrorov, SAI) Survey on qualification needs in UZB (A. Korun, JLU) Examples and experiences from EU partners: Intern. MBA “Agricultural Management” at HSWT (R. Schlauderer, HSWT) Intern. MSc “Transition Management” at JLU (M. Schmitz, JLU)

23 Workshop 1: Curricula BA, MA Sunday, March 9 th 9.30 – 12.30 Kick-off Meeting Welcome and round of introduction Agenda of the meeting and the workshops Project objectives, expected results, and deliverables Work plan, responsibilities, and main activities 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 1: Curricula development Bachelor and Master Objectives: BA “Farm Management”, MA “Agrarian Management” Presentation of status quo and desired target qualifications: Current BA "Farm management": critical analysis (O. Murtazaev, SAI) UZB legislation for curriculum development (B. Nosirov, AAI) Situation on ECTS / Bologna in UZB (F. Ahrorov, SAI) Survey on qualification needs in UZB (A. Korun, JLU) Examples and experiences from EU partners: Intern. MBA “Agricultural Management” at HSWT (R. Schlauderer, HSWT) Intern. MSc “Transition Management” at JLU (M. Schmitz, JLU)

24 Workshop 1: Curricula BA, MA Monday, March 10 th 9.00 – 9.30 Meeting with President of JLU at Senate Hall, main university building 10.00 – 12.30 Continuation of Workshop 1 (curriculum Bachelor, Master) Summary of first day and continuing discussion Agreement on main characteristics of BA and MA programmes considering UZB regulations Next steps and time table for detailed curricula development 14.00 – 18.00Steering Group Meeting (Administration and Management) Constitution of the Steering Group Project management and administration Mobility plan Quality control plan Signing partnership agreements Any other business, Date and place of next meeting

25 WORKSHOP 2: DEVELOPMENT OF PhD-SCHOOL (WP2-DEV2 AND WP5-EXP9) Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan WP leader: SAI WP co-leader: JLU WP monitor: USC

26 Workshop 2: PhD school Tuesday, March 11 th 9.00 – 12.30 Workshop 2: Development of PhD school Objective: new cross-university PhD school “Agrarian policy and economics” Information on current PhD education in UZB Examples and experiences from EU partners German PhD colloquium “Agricultural Economics” (M. Grings, MLU) Discussion of form and content of new PhD school, feasibility Next steps for development and implementation 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 3: Quality assurance scheme of education Background and objectives Presentation of current quality assurance systems in higher education in UZB National standards and requirements Existing systems at universities Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (E. Lopez, USC) Discussion on characteristics of an appropriate and feasible system for UZB Next steps for development and implementation

27 Workshop 2 – PhD school: Objectives … to establish a cross-university PhD school that promotes inter- university cooperation, reduces the threat of academic inbreeding, and brings scientific research closer to international standards. … particular attention to: involve all 4 universities into the process of development and implementation orientate on Bologna structures consider cooperation between universities and labour market, e.g. through applied PhD research

28 Workshop 2 – PhD school: Deliverables Work- package Deliver- able TitleDelivery date WP 2 DEV 2 3 (concept) Structure and programme of PhD school defined  defined objectives, structure, and content during workshop and exchange; defined programme structure and time table at verification conference 31.08.2014 WP 2 DEV 2 4 (UZB coop. agree- ment) Institutional set-up of PhD school defined  fixed programme; assigned responsibilities (tasks and hosts) to Uzbek partners and training needs to EU partners 31.08.2014 WP 5 EXP 9 9 (Report) Pilot phase (PhD) accomplished and evaluated  One year pilot phase of PhD school; evaluation of pilot phase and compiled future development plan 31.08.2015

29 Workshop 2 – PhD school: Education target PhD school Strengthening analytical skills and research methodologies in agric. economics Linking universities with each other and with international scientific community Establishing links with enterprises, authorities, or agric. organizations if possible Indicative structure (as mentioned in project proposal): -bloc courses (3x1-week-blocs per year) conducted in rotation 1. general preparatory subjects (planning/designing research, formulating hypotheses, scientific presentations, academic writing, literature search), 2. empirical research methods (statistics, computation modeling, econometrics), 3. software applications for specific computation models -approx. 20 PhD students are trained per year -one seminar room will be equipped at each of the 4 agric. universities with presentation/computer techniques and necessary software -courses are given by local teaching staff (trained by EU partners before) plus regularly guest lecturers from abroad

30 Workshop 2: PhD school Tuesday, March 11 th 9.00 – 12.30 Workshop 2: Development of PhD school Objective: new cross-university PhD school “Agrarian policy and economics” Information on current PhD education in UZB Examples and experiences from EU partners German PhD colloquium “Agricultural Economics” (M. Grings, MLU) Discussion of form and content of new PhD school, feasibility Next steps for development and implementation 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 3: Quality assurance scheme of education Background and objectives Presentation of current quality assurance systems in higher education in UZB National standards and requirements Existing systems at universities Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (E. Lopez, USC) Discussion on characteristics of an appropriate and feasible system for UZB Next steps for development and implementation

31 WORKSHOP 3: QUALITY ASSURANCE SCHEME OF EDUCATION (WP4-DEV4) Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan WP leader: USC WP co-leader: TerSU WP monitor: MLU

32 Workshop 3: Quality assurance Tuesday, March 11 th 9.00 – 12.30 Workshop 2: Development of PhD school Objective: new cross-university PhD school “Agrarian policy and economics” Information on current PhD education in UZB Examples and experiences from EU partners German PhD colloquium “Agricultural Economics” (M. Grings, MLU) Discussion of form and content of new PhD school, feasibility Next steps for development and implementation 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 3: Quality assurance scheme of education Background and objectives Presentation of current quality assurance systems in higher education in UZB National standards and requirements Existing systems at universities Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (E. Lopez, USC) Discussion on characteristics of an appropriate and feasible system for UZB Next steps for development and implementation

33 Workshop 3 – Quality assurance: Objectives … to set-up a quality assurance system for Higher Education using the “Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area” (ENQA, 2009) and the “State Educational Standards” of Uzbekistan. In practice that means to define several actions in order to provide high quality teaching and systematically evaluate the results obtained, e.g. teachers’ qualification schemes, periodic and systematic evaluations of student and teacher satisfaction. … particular attention to: work with the academic councils of the universities that are the responsible bodies enhancing own initiative at partner universities for reforming their curricula and giving students a voice

34 Workshop 3 – Quality assurance: Deliverables Work- package Deliver- able TitleDelivery date WP 4 DEV 4 8 (metho- dology, hand- book) Quality assurance system at Uzbek partner universities  Compiled quality assurance handbook defining responsibilities, procedures, methods, and timetables that are necessary for ensuring high quality of education  Handbook is developed by assessing national and international official standards, autonomous options of universities, objectives. Handbook includes procedures, responsibilities, feedback mechanisms. Hospitation of Uzbek partners at EU partners for information and training. 30.10.2014

35 Workshop 3: Quality assurance Tuesday, March 11 th 9.00 – 12.30 Workshop 2: Development of PhD school Objective: new cross-university PhD school “Agrarian policy and economics” Information on current PhD education in UZB Examples and experiences from EU partners German PhD colloquium “Agricultural Economics” (M. Grings, MLU) Discussion of form and content of new PhD school, feasibility Next steps for development and implementation 14.00 – 18.00Workshop 3: Quality assurance scheme of education Background and objectives Presentation of current quality assurance systems in higher education in UZB National standards and requirements Existing systems at universities Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (E. Lopez, USC) Discussion on characteristics of an appropriate and feasible system for UZB Next steps for development and implementation

36 WORKSHOP 4: UP-DATE OF “HARD AND SOFT WARE” (WP3-DEV3) Sustainable Agrarian Management Studies for Uzbekistan WP leader: TIIM, TerSU WP co-leader: HSWT WP monitor: Writtle

37 Workshop 4: Up-date of „hard and soft ware“ Wednesday, March 12 th 9.00 – 12.30 Workshop 4: Update of “hard and soft ware” Objectives: enhancing teaching infrastructure and competences Development of teaching materials for BA, MA, PhD (books, scripts) Technical infrastructure of PhD school E-learning platform The use of Moodle (A. Aristakesyan, HSWT) Application and technical requirements for UZB (e.g. for multiplier and PhD lectures by EU partners) Training workshops for multiplier-lecturers (train the trainers): Time and topics Knowledge sharing workshops of multipliers in UZB: Time and form Hospitation visits of UZB teaching staff at EU partners: Number and hosts

38 Workshop 4 – Up-date “Hard and soft ware”: Objectives … to enhance technical learning/teaching infrastructure and teaching competences of Uzbek lecturers. This is particularly necessary with regard to new subjects of BA/MA curricula and the PhD school. … particular attention to: appropriate literature and teaching materials (topics, language, didactical suitability) technical infrastructure (PC labs, e-learning platform) as a supporting measure with free access to all potential users High number of trained staff through multiplier effect (first: “train the trainers” of well selected Uzbek teachers by EU partners; second: multiplier trainings by these teachers to others with e-learning support of EU partners)

39 Workshop 4 – Up-date “Hard and soft ware”: Deliverables Work- package Deliver- able TitleDelivery date WP 3 DEV 3 5 (teaching materials) Updated teaching/ didactic materials  teaching materials are up-dated (books, scripts, online journal access) through reviewing and adjusting suitable teaching materials at EU partners; developing (and translating) text books/ scripts; up-dating libraries 30.11.2015 WP 3 DEV 3 6 (learning resources) Infrastructure for PhD school and e-learning  installed infrastructure and e-learning platform for PhD school and teachers' training including introduction in using the equipment/software 30.11.2016 WP 3 DEV 3 7 (training) Teaching competences improved  teaching staff is trained (30 multipliers, 60 further staff, 16 teaching visits) 31.10.2015

40 Workshop 4 – Up-date “Hard and soft ware”: Education target of trainings (I) 1.“Train the trainers” Competitive selection of multiplier teachers from UZB universities 8 workshops (approx. 1 week each) for up to 15 people each in second half 2014 Possible topics: 1. Market theory & analysis 2. Policy interventions & their measurement 3. Business operations & farm management 4. Sustainable agric. technologies 5. Crop production 6. Animal production 7. Econometrics & computation modeling 8. Interactive & new teaching forms (directed to staff of TerSU)

41 Workshop 4 – Up-date “Hard and soft ware”: Education target of trainings (II) 2.“Multiplier training” Multiplier teachers share their new knowledge (topic 1-7) through multiplying workshops at their home institution accompanied by online supervision of EU trainers (platform E-learning, web based training & e-testing) The workshop on teaching forms (topic 8) is directed to staff of TerSU who is responsible for promoting new teaching/learning forms and who will conduct multiplying workshops at the other four universities 3.Teaching visits of UZB teachers at EU partners competitive selection of visiting teachers from UZB universities teaching visits of UZB teaching staff at EU partners (4 staff of each UZB university for 1 week = 20 people) visits are also used for reviewing and collecting suitable teaching materials

42 Workshop 4: Up-date of „hard and soft ware“ Wednesday, March 12 th 9.00 – 12.30 Workshop 4: Update of “hard and soft ware” Objectives: enhancing teaching infrastructure and competences Development of teaching materials for BA, MA, PhD (books, scripts) Technical infrastructure of PhD school E-learning platform The use of Moodle (A. Aristakesyan, HSWT) Application and technical requirements for UZB (e.g. for multiplier and PhD lectures by EU partners) Training workshops for multiplier-lecturers (train the trainers): Time and topics Knowledge sharing workshops of multipliers in UZB: Time and form Hospitation visits of UZB teaching staff at EU partners: Number and hosts

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