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Business Perspectives on the Short and Long-Term Goal of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions International Climate Change Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Perspectives on the Short and Long-Term Goal of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions International Climate Change Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Perspectives on the Short and Long-Term Goal of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions International Climate Change Partnership

2 Frame the Framework Convention Assumes: Concentration Assumes: Rate of Change Assumes: Need for Adaptation

3 Short-Term Objective Importance of First Step Recognize Marginal Value of Reductions Provide Flexibility to Assure Cost- Effectiveness Provide Assurance of Inclusiveness of Process- Industry-Wide - Developed and Developing Country - Capture Evolutionary Technological Change

4 Long-Term Objective Frame the Framework Convention Goal is Concentration (Range) Identify Range- Rate - Adaptation Stimulate R & D for Revolutionary Technological Shift

5 Policy Goal Signal Long-Term Nature of Effect Provide Means for Assuring Progress Clearly Define Environmental Objective Integrate Scientific Understanding With Economic Objectives Better Define Need for Total Involvement

6 Infrastructure Investments Prevent Short-Term Capital Stock Loss Most Significant to Occur in Developing Countries Recognize Shifting Investment Timetables

7 Historical Example Montreal Protocol - Adopted in 1987 - Ozone Hole 1988 - Scientific and Policy Consensus 1989 - Informal Adoption of Goal of 2 ppm Chlorine as Basis for Future Amendments 1990 - Present

8 Process to Begin Identifying Objective Assess Population Growth Rates of Sustainable Economic Development Impacts of Changes in Energy Market Utilize Third Assessment Report Process

9 There Is No Right Answer, It is a Policy Choice

10 Kyoto Protocol Target and Timetable Strict Flexible Mechanisms - Critical Developing Country Participation - Essential Steps Beyond - Undefined

11 Decisions for COP 5 and COP 6 Build on Flexible Mechanisms Develop Consensus on Meaningful Next Steps Achieve Broader Participation

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