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JDF in the Inter-Enterprise Workflow Achieving JDF workflow automation.

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Presentation on theme: "JDF in the Inter-Enterprise Workflow Achieving JDF workflow automation."— Presentation transcript:

1 JDF in the Inter-Enterprise Workflow Achieving JDF workflow automation

2 JDF Workflow Automation What is JDF Inter-Enterprise Workflow? l l Data Exchange Format based on XML l l A standard of tags allowing systems and MIS to speak the same language What Does JDF Inter-Enterprise Workflow Do? l l JDF enables and automates processes l l JDF provides portability between different platforms and lets you extend your workflow beyond your enterprise l l JDF eliminates manual processes, reducing thee opportunity for errors. l l Enhances customer experiences Why JDF Inter-Enterprise Workflow? l l Connectivity

3 JDFINTER-ENTERPRISE WORKFLOW Automation of your digital workflows Must cross multiple enterprises and platforms Interoperability between devices Requires connectivity between devices at your client, vendor and partners locations. Integrated systems Requires more security and bandwidth. Additional info for Planning, Scheduling, Process Results, Job Status/Tracking [MIS] JDF - Inter Enterprise Workflow Issues Opening up communication between multiple enterprises may bring about several issues.

4 Build it yourself or utilize a managed service provider JDF - Inter Enterprise Workflow Options

5 What is involved in building it yourself: l Select a file transfer application portal that can manage JDF/JMF instructions and associated content. l Purchase servers and other capex and associated maintenance/licenses l Design a wide area network to connect clients, vendors and partners  Purchase bandwidth and network connectivity equipment  Coordinate with client, vendor and partner IT departments  Install a network management system  Hire staff to manage and support the network while monitoring file transmissions  Set up redundant system as a backup JDF - Inter Enterprise Workflow Options

6 Build it yourself option l Manage all layers of communication between you and your partners, Telco Carriers Internet / PN capacity providers Data security and integrity management Access security Coordination with all parties, creation and management of a common automated workflow system between all parties

7 Utilize a Managed Service Provider l Or you could utilize a Managed Service Secure access to supply chain LAN like access to JDF enabled partners No capital expense l l Services are growing and will soon overtake standalone hardware and software sales in the content management market [Gistics ] Projected US digital content management expenditure

8 WAM!NET Direct! JDF A unique combination of infrastructure, services, applications and APIs that enable inter-enterprise JDF workflows. – –“LAN like” access to JDF enabled partners in your supply chain – –“JDF Community” to your plant/site/enterprise

9 Content management and digital asset delivery services connecting workflow partners through a single connection. Industry workflow solutions. Print and Publishing WAM!NET Direct! JDF – inter-enterprise JDF content distribution Private, fully-managed global network and infrastructure spanning 45 countries with 23 data centers worldwide. – –JDF – –Content SAVVIS Media Services Utility – –Agency

10 WAM!NET Direct! JDF l Direct! JDF allows users to fully automate the distribution of JDF content through the WAM!NET Media Services Platform. l With a single connection to our managed network, users have secure access to partners, vendors and clients, many of which are already on our network. SM WAM!NET Direct!JDF JDF Enabled Content Creation Tools JDF Enabled Content Production JDF Enabled Production Management And ERP Systems JDF Enabled Prepress & Printing WAM!NET Direct!JDF JDF Enabled Prepress, Production and MIS Systems JDF Enabled Printing WAM!NET Direct!JDF JDF Enabled Production and MIS Systems Legacy Prepress & Printing WAM!NET Direct! Legacy Prepress, Production and MIS Systems

11 The Mantis Cellular Scenario Background: l Multinational corporation based in Manhattan l Rolling out a new registration program for their cellular subsidiaries that requires the creation of a printed registration form l Telco Printing will be printing the new registration form for this program l The Mantis Cellular creative department will be sending the new registration form to Telco Printing via the WAM!NET Media Services Utility

12 WAM!NET Direct JDF JDF – Inter Enterprise Workflow

13 JDF - Inter Enterprise Workflow Summary: A JDF enabled workflow will provide: l l Efficiencies through consistency of data across the supply chain reducing costs l l JDF provides a “common language” to greatly enhance and automate workflows l l JDF extends beyond the Site, Plant and enterprise

14 Making inter-enterprise JDF a reality Thousands of printers, publishers, ad agencies, corporate marketing departments, music and film companies and broadcasters are already on the network A unique combination of infrastructure,services, applications and APIs The WAM!NET Media Services Platform Built to enable global inter-enterprise print, audio and video workflows for the media production industry

15 Thank You l For more information about WAM!NET Direct! JDF, visit l For more information about SAVVIS, visit

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