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Anatomy & Physiology: The Eye

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1 Anatomy & Physiology: The Eye

2 Accessory structures of the eye Orbital Cavity
Ethmoid Bones Optic Foramen Supra-orbital Foramen Fat pads Frontal Sphenoid Zygomatic Lacrimal Palatine Maxilla

3 A. Accessory structures of the eye
Eyebrow Eyelids Conjunctiva

4 A. Accessory structures of the eye
Lacrimal Apparatus Lacrimal gland Lacrimal secretion Nasolacrimal duct

5 Accessory structures of the eye Extrinsic Eye Muscles
Superior rectus Inferior rectus Lateral rectus Medial rectus Inferior oblique Superior oblique

6 Structure of the Eye 1. Fibrous Tunic - Sclera & Cornea
2. Vascular Tunic – Choroid, Ciliary body, Lens, Iris, Aqueous humor 3. Nervous (Sensory) Tunic – Retina, Macula lutea, Optic Disc, Vitreous humor

7 1. Fibrous Tunic Sclera Cornea

8 2. Vascular Tunic Aqueous Humor Choroid

9 2. Vascular Tunic Iris Pupil Lens Suspensory Ligament Ciliary Body

10 3. Nervous Tunic Retina Macula Lutea Vitreous Humor Vitreous Humor Optic Disc

11 Retina Light Optic Disc Optic Nerve

12 Retina Rods Cones

13 Retina: Rods vs. Cones Cones Green, Red, Blue Rods Black & White
Bright light Mostly in macula lutea Rods Black & White Dim Light All over retina

14 Vision Physiology 1. Refraction & Lenses
Refraction – bending of light Lenses Concave Focal point R Convex R Real Image

15 Vision Physiology 2. Visual focusing
Emmetropic Vision – normal vision & requires no accommodation of the lens (20 ft.)

16 C. Vision Physiology 3. Refraction problems
Myopia – nearsightedness. Eyeball too long. Hyperopia – farsightedness. Eyeball too short Astigmatism – unequal curvature of lens Presbyopia – farsightedness due to age. Lens cannot accommodate. About 45 years.

17 Snellen Eye Chart Astigmatism Chart

18 Emmetropic eye Myopic eye Hyperopic eye

19 Myopic eye Hyperopic eye

20 Stereoscopic Vision and Depth Perception

21 D. Disorders of the Eye Cataracts – hardening & clouding of the lens.
Glaucoma – buildup of aqueous humor. Color blindness – sex-linked hereditary condition that results in the absence of one or more types of cones. a. Monochromates – Black & white b. Dichromates – blue/yellow or red/green

22 Color Blind Test

23 Color Blind Test

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