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W HAT DO WE WANT TO BE ? A program of the Cuban Council of Churches (CCC) that promotes and accompanies the social commitment of the Cuban church to sustainable.

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2 W HAT DO WE WANT TO BE ? A program of the Cuban Council of Churches (CCC) that promotes and accompanies the social commitment of the Cuban church to sustainable community development as a living out of the gospel of Jesus Christ. T HE V ISION

3 W HAT DO WE WANT TO DO ? Promote church-based spaces of community participation, that offer local sustainable development with gender equity, as a testimony of our Christian faith. T HE MISSION

4 Promote and facilitate the social commitment of the Cuban church focused on sustainable development on a local scale. Develop locally identified community programs/projects, based on practices and technologies that preserve and increase the productive potential of natural resources, in order to mitigate the effects of Climate Change. Facilitate exchanges and dialogue on best practices for sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty. Implement processes for the formation of leaders, facilitators and local promoters for sustainable development with gender equity and justice. S TRATEGIC O BJECTIVES

5  We believe that loving and serving one’s neighbour are fundamental to our being.  We recognize the need to promote ethical values in our society such as: solidarity, honesty, dignity, faithfulness, justice and sensitivity.  We believe in improving the quality of life through the formation of a cultural environment and self-help models that balance sustainable development in harmony with Creation. P RINCIPLES

6 4 We believe that the participation, multiplying of good practices and the establishment of equal and just relations between women and men are essential in the implementation of community initiatives. 4 We affirm that the creation of the knowledge base of local actors constitutes the development base for their communities. These include: PRINCIPIOS PRINCIPLES ( CONTINUED )

7 Local church and secular leaders identified in the community. Facilitators and promoters of community projects. Families involved in local communities. T ARGET POPULATION

8 F UNDING S OURCES - 2009 - 2012

9 Approximately 100 food security micro-projects have taken place throughout Cuba over the past decade.



12 4 Since 2003, a key focus of the Sustainable Development Program has been the capacity building of Cubans in churches and secular organizations as community development promoters. These individuals are trained to carry out community needs assessments, and develop and implement sustainable development projects. 4 Approximately 240 individuals have graduated from the program; among them Bishop Griselda Delgado of the Episcopal Church of Cuba. Introduction Capacity Building of Community Development Promoters

13 Principal Results Graduates of the capacity building program develop: 4 Project management skills for local development 4 Skills in project coordination with various ecumencial and/or secular community organizations 4 Capacity to develop and carry out self-managed local development that does not depend on support from the State. 4 Analytical skills and the ability to seek out, elaborate and manage local solutions for local problems. 4 Leadership capacity at the local, regional and in some cases, national and international levels. 4 Process and methodology skills in project management.


15 Present and future challenges  Current conditions in Cuba require a strategic response from local communities in order to satisfy basic food needs at the local level, especially for those most vulnerable in society. This includes the need for increased practical capacity and training in food production at the local level.  At the regional level, coordination and sharing of successful initiatives are needed to strengthen the capacities of those working locally.  Local community empowerment is key to consolidating local food production that maximizes all available productive land and uses appropriate agro-ecological methods and technologies for the food needs identified.  The impacts of climate change are calling us to develop and implement new agro-ecological systems, and adaptation and mitigation practices.


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