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1. 2 Transverse, non- mechanical waves Created by vibrating electric charges.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Transverse, non- mechanical waves Created by vibrating electric charges."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Transverse, non- mechanical waves Created by vibrating electric charges

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5 All EM waves travel at 3.00 x 10 8 m/s 3.00 x 10 8 m/s 3.00 x 10 8 m/s **In a vacuum5

6 Putting the spectrum to use! Putting the spectrum to use!6

7 Branch of physics dealing with the nature and properties of light and vision. 7

8 Light Waves Transverse waves Non-mechanical Waves8 Clip

9 The Spectrum of Visible Light The visible part of the spectrum may be further subdivided according to color, with red at the long wavelength end and violet at the short wavelength end.9

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11 Light comes in units called Photons. 11

12 White light is a mixture of all colors of lightWhite light is a mixture of all colors of light The color of light is determined by the wavelength.The color of light is determined by the wavelength.12

13 Primary Colors of Light Red Green Blue 13

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18 Two Types of Reflection 18

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20 Law of Reflection  The angle of which the ray hits the surface is equal to the angle from which it is reflected.20

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23 Each individual ray follows the law of reflection.23

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25 Curved Mirrors25

26 Refraction of Light Refraction occurs when light’s velocity changes Remember: The speed of light is different in different materials. As light travels from one material to another, it is bent….this is called refraction.26

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28 Convex Lens28

29 Concave Lens29

30 Farsightedness or hyperopia is the inability of the eye to focus on nearby objects. The farsighted eye has no difficulty viewing distant objects.30

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35 The lenses in eyeglasses bend light waves by means of A diffraction B interference C reflection D refraction35



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