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Contact: Dr. Karen Dilka Eastern Kentucky University Date submitted to – February 27, 2006 To contact the author for permission to use this.

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Presentation on theme: "Contact: Dr. Karen Dilka Eastern Kentucky University Date submitted to – February 27, 2006 To contact the author for permission to use this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contact: Dr. Karen Dilka Eastern Kentucky University Date submitted to – February 27, 2006 To contact the author for permission to use this PowerPoint, please e-mail: Karen.Dilka@EKU.EDU To use this PowerPoint presentation in its entirety, please give credit to the author.

2 Heather Whitestone Miss America 1995

3 Background Information Born Feb. 24, 1973 in Dothlan, Alabama At 18 months contracted a type of influenza. Treated with 2 types of antibiotics After the combination of these, she was left completely deaf in her right ear, and had a 95% hearing loss in the left ear.

4 Education Learned lip reading and speech at Doreen Pollack Acoupedics Center in Denver. Attended public elementary school in Alabama. She went on to attended a 3yr. Program at Central Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis

5 Education Cont. Attended Birmingham Arts Academy to study ballet Graduated from public high school with a 3.6 GPA, without the use of a ASL interpreter Went on to attend Alabamas Jacksonville State university

6 On the Road to Miss America Entered pageants to help pay for her education Participated in the Miss Deaf Alabama Pageant Placed 1st Runner -Up in the Miss Alabama Pageant before winning

7 Becoming Miss America Performed ballet routine and received a standing ovation Won talent and swim suit competitions Her official platform was With a positive attitude, anything is possible

8 S*T*A*R*S SUCCESS THROUGH ACTION AND REALIZATION –1. Have a positive attitude –2. Believe in your dream –3. Face you obstacles –4. Work hard –5. Build a support team

9 Views of Communication Believes that ASL is constraining Prefers Signed Exact English Depends on her eyes and lip reading for communication Does not consider herself as part of the Deaf community

10 What Heather is doing now Serves as a executive board member on the Presidents Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities Involved with a public service campaign to identify early hearing loss Works with the Helen Keller eye research foundation

11 Fun Facts S*T*A*R*S program has been introduced in a Birmingham area school Heather married a former Congressional Aide, John McCallum She writes devotionals and delivers inspirational speeches Her mother used Heathers interest in Princess Di to inspire written and oral exercises

12 How to contact Heather Arrange speaking engagements through her agent: Washington Speakers Bureau 1663 Prince Street Alexandria, VA 22314 For autographed pictures write to: Heather Whitestone McCalllum P.O. Box 672801 Marietta, GA 30006

13 Resources e.html Yes, You Can, Heather! By Daphne Gray www. Beyond the Sound Barrier Time Magazine 10/3/94 Cut To The Chaste People Magazine 4/1/96

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